Monday, February 13, 2023

Satan's counterfeit world: man's fall from God



The link in the image above has quite a bit more information and of course, there's plenty online. 
The study material below is my own research compiled into this one blog entry.  I encourage you to always do your own research, study your Bible and pray for discernment and wisdom.

I found that mostly everything in the world is a lie. Everything in movies, television, social media, politics, music, even sports: all FAKE! Jimmy-rigged, fixed!  

Since the fall of humankind we have been hornswoggled, bamboozled, led astray, flat out LIED to by the devil, his minions and his puppets in every corner of the world!

Everything GOD created has been altered, changed, switched, manipulated in satan's favor to go out and deceive the whole world. If he would lie about the creation of heaven and earth, animals and humans, what else did he lie about? The rabbit hole never ends. He lied about everything from the beginning to the end. No wonder Jesus said, "the TRUTH is not in him". This makes sense when you think: Jesus is the Truth. Jesus is NOT in the devil. Ergo, satan is the father of lies!

He is a direct adversary of the Lord. No question. The Bible is right; the world is wrong.

Here's my summary as a springboard hopefully that will get you fired up to do your own research and seek TRUTH!

LIE: earth is NOT moving aimlessly in "space"

TRUTH: it is stationary; fixed under a crystalline dome

Lie: Big Bang - if Lucifer is the center of the universe, he's declaring that his kingdom is forever expanding and growing infinitely; again copying GOD. 

Truth: heaven and earth will come and go, but my WORD will never fade....and then I saw  a new heaven and a new earth, fore the old one had passed away.

Image Link above for more details

satan's counterfeit and man's fall from God
day 1 became moon day or monday, named after the moon
day 2 became Tiu day or tuesday, named after diety, Tiu, the son of Woden
day 3 became Woden day or wednesday, named after diety, Woden himself 
day 4 became Thor's day or thurday, named after diety, Thor, god of thunder
day 5 became Frigga's day or friday, Frigga is Woden's wife
day 6 became Saturn's day or saturday, this is satan, many names and forms
day 7 became son's day or sunday, named after Lucifer latin for light bearer

-1 day is midnight to midnight: wrong! it's sun "away" to sun "return" 
-1 year is 365 days +/- leap years and sol injection months and daylight savings time; all fabricated. 

Gregorian Calendar is not biblical

Genesis 1:1-31
GOD'S original cycle: evening to morning is a "day" : 12 hours: 24 hours is a cycle
7 days in a week: 30 days in a month: 12 months in a year = 360 days a year

Lie: the new year starts January 1st
Truth: the new year used to start late March - early April on 1st Nisan

Lie: Christmas is Jesus' birthday (no, it's Tammuz celebration day)

TRUTH: Yeshua ben Joseph aka Yeshua of Nazareth aka Joshua from Bethlehem was born on or about Sept 11, 5 Before his Own Era: B.C. stands for Before Christ! So HIS BIRTH RESET TIME ITSELF AND RESET THE CLOCK

Seventh day: is modern day Saturday aka Saturn's day 
Lie: Sunday is the day of rest 
TRUTH: DAY 7 (modern day Friday evening to Saturday evening is the Sabbath!)

LIE: HOLLYWOOD, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA (nice place that makes family fun movies)
TRUTH: Holy Wand, City of fallen angels in the hot place of lime kiln (a den of pedophiles, demon worshippers, liars and thieves that use movies and TV to spell cast, groom, condition, subliminally plant predictive programming into the mind. 

The Bible says: your body is your houses the Holy Spirit that helps protect your soul from evil and darkness in this temporary material world addicted to flesh and material things that only money can buy.  We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against Principalities and Powers, those in the Heavenly Places...the devil lied about that too!

We are not 3rd rock revolving around him and his legion of leadership angels in the other planets. Those planets are prisons; holding the original 7 angels that were cast out with Lucifer at the time of rebellion and when Jesus returns, he will throw them all in the eternal lake of fire. 

Until then, the devil uses every electronic device he can to lure you away from Christ.

Be sober and vigilant; protect your mind body and spirit! The Black Mirror aka the demon's scribe aka the cell phone tablet TV/Movie Screen; are all like Ouija boards! Allowing the dark side to dim your light!  

!Eyes are the window to the soul: protect them!


You were fearfully and wonderfully made: in the image of YOUR CREATOR. The Bible says, you were NEVER monkeys, you were NEVER primordial ooze, spliced or genetically modified in a lab; sliced and spit together in a petri dish. That is a lie! Why would an all knowing, all loving GOD sacrifice his only begotten Son for a science experiment! 

Make it make sense, I'll wait. You wouldn't and neither did He!

1 Corinthians 6:20 clearly shows no amount of "money" could replace "YOU". 

Not your clothes, your hair, your house or car...YOU!  You are the only thing that CANNOT be replaced.  

Satan lies and says, upload yourself into plastic, metal or digital and let him be your god temporarily until Jesus destroys him and his data center.

The Promise of the Resurrection

The Bible says that in heaven Christ “will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body” (Philippians 3:21). The Bible gives us a hint of what we will be like in its account of Jesus' transfiguration.

Mary, Did You Know

 LIE: the devil hast your best interest in mind
TRUTH: he HATES you! you were put before him in the eyes of God

-lucifer is a creation; not a creator; through the antichrist movement, satan changed the day of rest, God's holy day, from Saturday to Sunday, lucifer's day; so now people will worship lucifer on their day of rest instead of God their Creator. 

-a holy day is now a holiday; a day for vacation, time off work or school, to do festivals, personal activities of leisure or pleasure for yourself; not God. 

-lucifer is a creation; he not the only begotten Son of God; he is a cherub. the Son of God; the Word; was with God in the beginning. Lucifer was not created until day 4 in the order of creation. Kabbalists, Muslims, Pagans, Catholics, Atheists, creationists, evolutionists, and the like, all chose to deny Christ but the Bible said they day will come when every knee will bow; Philippians 2:10-11; Romans 14:11
Don't get me started on Satan aka Santa Clause aka Satan's Claws ; ALL TRASH

 Talk about the "NAUGHTY LIST" Jesus punishes in REVELATION 20: 1-11 and rests the demonic mind state of him and all who follows fallen angels and mortals for the following crimes:

For the following LIES and everything else you lied about before during and after: I, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, find you: dragon, serpent, satan, devil, beast and false prophet: GUILTY of the following crimes:


-the antichrist ordered humans to change the day of rest again from day 6 to day 7. they already changed it once in name to the day of satan or Saturday aka Saturn's day or the day of Saturn aka the hexagon cube beast system aka the matrix; now satan changed it again to Sunday, son's day, the day of lucifer. 

-first lucifer lied and said he was the way, then satan lied and said he was truth, then the antichrist lied said he was the life. None of them were the way to God the Creator. 

-lucifer, satan the devil, and the antichrist did everything they could to create as many religions, dogmatic theories and self beliefs as possible to steer people away from Jesus the Christ.  

-lucifer, satan and the antichrist created the problems of religions, dogmas and new ages and then tried to undo all the damage by replacing it with one religion, one government and one currency to give humans a false sense of peace love and joy that could replace their Father in Heaven. 

-the liars told the humans they are gods, like them. they don't need to turn to Christ; they have themselves to turn to. this is the new world order. we have artificial light, health, and wellsprings of living beyond the body; we can put your consciousness in an artificial body or machine and you can live on forever. 

-and surely, without God, the humans died.

-satan brought the antichrist back from the dead.

-the antichrist is mafia; unjust and corrupt. 

-the copy of the mind is synthetic; replacement of the body is plastic/metal and the spirit is gone. 

-death is inevitable and cannot be turned back

-Jesus Christ is in charge of hell; not satan the devil; and after physical death with out Christ, the soul is placed in torment and suffering; not paradise

-hell does not exist

-you'll never die, just keep coming back as something else aka the trans movement

-the earth is round and moving 1000 mph

-ghosts are your dead loved ones; your friends and family

-communicate with us; we are not demonic in nature

-we are free and powerful and want to help you in your life and we come from other planets and other galaxies far, far away; we're aliens; we want to be friends with humans

-we're are legion and we are many; from Andromeda to Pleades and countless others

-we came to earth on our own to help humankind; not to be gods but friends

-we can travel to universes and galaxies beyond the heavens because there's no limits  and it's all moving on a heliocentric system of rotations throughout space; the earth rotates around the sun; there's nothing holding the universe together except dark matter and it's always expanding. there's no limits. see the heliocentric model. 

-humans are a product of evolution and genetic manipulation created by fallen angels; they were created to be slaves, concubines and expand the empire of lucifer, satan and the antichrist. you are to serve as laborers and sex workers to the gods.
-you are on your own; no one will guide you or protect you

-don't question authority; speak when spoken to or not at all

-there's only space around your galaxy with more galaxies like yours. there is no heaven or hell; inside the global earth is a magnetic core of molten rock and iron and other sorts. no one lives or dies then goes into the earth or hell. it doesn't exist.
*1+1+1 = 3; birth, life, death=finite existence

-you were made up of universal elements out of primordial ooze and leftover animal DNA waste

-the moon is not its own light source; it reflects the sun

-the egg came first; not the chicken

-beastiality is good; mix humans with animals and the spirits will live on like the mermaid, faun, centaur, pixar, fairy, vampire, werewolf, etcetera

-nephilim are good; mix fallen angel demon DNA with humans and create giants, reptilians, echidna, harpy, gorgon, mandrake, minotaur, siren, sphinx, etcetera; the fallen angel is immortal so the creation is immortal; but it does not have a soul of its own because the spirit of the fallen angel is inside it and doesn't need another source

-there are multiple genders male, female and everything in between: transformers are good: alphabet soup of confusion; LGBTQIA - plus (?) which led to pedophilia, body dysmorphia, severe mental illness; spiritual destruction

-karma, reincarnation, transference, AI, all like these are OK. you wont die, and if you do, you get 72 virgins or you come back as an animal or flower or other object and you can do this as many times as it takes to get "it" right; there is no hell. there's no gulf between paradise and hell because there's no hell, satan is the ruler of hell; not Jesus; satan holds the keys to eternal punishment that doesn't exist; wait; it does but; wait. ok so this lie doesn't work no matter how it's sliced. too many contradictions. 

-you go into a state of deep sleep in the highest realm of self and your spirit is in a state of unconsciousness. you don't know where you are because its like a dream.

-your loved ones are smiling down on you from heaven and they're with you after they die. you can talk to your dead loved ones through channeling, mediums and other similar demon gate portals that allow and invite possession, spiritual destruction and death

-disembodied spirits are your dead loved ones who need help to pass over or move on. 

-near death experiences are spiritual enhancements that elevate the living to a higher plane of knowledge of self and the multiverse of good/evil.

Holding court in New Jerusalem is NOT like it is in modern day; there is no appeal; there is no objection; there is no loophole, no corruption, no crooked judge, no payoffs, no nothing. There's just you, Jesus, the Law, the angelic court as witnesses to the sentencing. There's not even a trial. 

Lucifer and a third of the angels that were cast out of heaven, right now, are serving a life sentence on death row; awaiting transport from disembodied floating and roaming orbs to chain bound for 1000 years then sentencing to eternity in the lake of fire.

This is the truth. Spoken by the Truth. From the source of the Truth. John 14.6. 

Please do NOT be deceived. 


Sodom - Gomorrah

As of the day of posting this: satan and his minions are currently headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. They are in ownership, order and control of The Antarctic Treaty; CERN; United Nations; European Union; World Economic Forum; New World Order; Constitution of the People's Republic of China; Constitution of Japan; African National Congress, Arab Spring/Arab World and the list goes on and on. Every corner of this broken-fallen world is corrupted, tainted and poisoned by satan.

Thomas Dellert, Italy

Thankfully, for us, Jesus said, Matthew 24:2 “Do you see all these things?” tell you the truth, they will be completely demolished. Not one stone will be left on top of another!”

GOD is not done: Jesus continues to punish the devil and all his followers in heaven and earth for the following: LIES / COUNTERFEIT charges continue:

-Horus is the Left Eye of God and RA is the Right Eye of God; together, they represent the left and right brain; they pit us against each other, Jew against Gentile; person against person, human against God; in order to have their illusions play out on the world stage, they know that the left side of the brain is responsible for controlling the right side of the body and vice versa. 

The right brain controls the left side of the body. Horus controls the gentiles and RA controls the Jews. 

They are NOT the eyes of God in Heaven. This is a lie. Blue vs Red is a lie. Democrats vs. Republicans is a lie. They separate us on any split of the brain they can; sex, color, creed, belief, idea: anything they can find. Meanwhile, working together for their common goal: control of mankind, make himself like the Most High here on earth: the devil is Baalzebub: the Lord of the Flies.  God put him in charge of feces.  Literally.  The king of dung. The ruler of carcass and waste.

-fake "woke" is knowing there's a physical war and completely ignoring or not knowing there's a spiritual war. Real "woke" is knowing the Word of God. 
-you don't need Elohim the Triune God, you only need yourself and your technology and you don't need the one true source for your energy; you can live and shine forever without it; but ask yourself; can a lamp turn on it's light without being plugged in? 

-"i know they're smiling down on me from heaven" 
the dead know nothing. no one from your past can see you during your life. 

-near death experiences are glimpses of heaven or hell
NO THEY ARE NOT! 1 Corinthians 2:9
the afterlife is like a turnstile at a train station - it only goes one way- you cant turn back
when you are spiritually dead- you're done until Jesus brings you back upon His return 
these so called glimpses of heaven or hell are hyper exaggerated versions of paradise or torments of our innermost desires and fears 

Where is it getting it's energy source from? Even if it runs on batteries, how can a flashlight continue to work when the batteries die? Or how can a solar powered device continue to operate if there's no sunlight? You see? It can't. You can't. You NEED  a constant source. 

Matthew 27:45-56
We see, in the Bible, even when Jesus portrayed the human experience of feeling like God has forgotten about us, we die.  Without GOD'S energy, we die. Without God: we die.
An ongoing never broken current of energy that never runs out so you never die. 

This is how his lies work. Satan tells you that you don't need God ; you can be your own source; but when is the last time a car, started up, went to the gas station, gassed up, fed itself and kept going? Even if it is an autonomous sentient vehicle, if it's out of power, IT'S OUT OF POWER! It can't "charge" itself to get enough power to go "charge" itself!

A human being, unconscious, blacked out, no movement, border lining clinical death, heart stopped; CANNOT get up, go across the room, grab a defibrillator, jumpstart their heart, restart their own blood flow and finish surgery on themselves! Period. Let it go. Satan lied. Grieve it; mourn it; learn from it; turn away from it; reject it and turn to Jesus Christ for the blood water and bread of life! These are NOT poetic metaphors!  New Jerusalem is real! New Earth is real! Our new glorified bodies are real! Do NOT miss out on the gift!

Even when we can do that when technology catches up, it's still artificial. It's not real. Even when they are able to move to recycled energy and no gas or electric is needed to stay powered 24/7 and yes, it's coming; it will still only be artificial; it's not the original; it's not organic; it's only the shell. 

Do not be fooled by the "knock off."  Embrace the original. Stay focused; keep your eye on the prize. Keep your eyes on God; stay focused on Christ, Jesus - Yeshua Messiah. Keep your hands and feet in the vehicle at all times. This is life and it's going to be a bumpy ride.

DeMaster Thomas-10/24/2022

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