Showing posts with label freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freedom. Show all posts

Saturday, October 28, 2023

We have free choice: NOT FREE WILL!


One of the greatest misnomers of our time is believing we have free will. The Bible is clear on this. YOU DO NOT HAVE FREE WILL - YOU HAVE THE FREEDOM TO CHOOSE once you have reached the age of sound mind and accountability and understanding, this makes more sense and will develop and grow over time. 

Think of it like this. What the BIBLE says about GOD'S WILL

…things would be different if I could turn back time.

(Ha! Says every time travel story ever told. Nope. This is the script. Once written, only God can erase it. Them’s the rules! Remember the 3 basic rules of His Will: can’t raise the dead, can’t rewind time, can’t force them choose. It must be made on their own.)

I think the best way to explain to people outside is satan cant do anything without

 God’s permission. We know this from the Bible. HIS WILL – our choice. 

Like bowling. God’s will is like bumper guards that block the gutters on each side of the lane. Choice is you get to pick a ball and roll it! You can roll left, right, center zig zag, whatever but no matter what – roll the ball! 

The game is already set in motion – the pins are already set – the rules of the game are already ‘scripted’ in the ‘scriptures’ aka life manual – you get to CHOOSE how you participate and perform during the game but HIS WILL predetermines all the other parameters and aspects involved.

Almost every social media past present and future explains this in some shape form fashion or other. 

But again, our people suffer for lack of knowledge and I’m afraid too many miss the message and it 

gets lost on the messenger, the delivery, the format, etc. some ‘choose’ not to roll the ball at all and 

take themselves out of the game completely. Others roll the ball but put forward little to no effort to even try. 

It is the hope of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah Jesus the Christ that would find a 

glimpse of faith and allow the Holy Spirit to be our coach and guide on how to roll 

the perfect strike! No, we may not hit all ten pins every time, but this is all part of 

the journey and excitement of the game of life. And God willing, if we don’t get it 

right the first roll, we get to try again 😊

Isaiah 40:28-31

Do you not know?
    Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
    the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
    and his understanding no one can fathom.
29 He gives strength to the weary

    and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,

    and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the Lord

    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Set Free Indeed


Oct: 2008 – the likenesses and similarities in Krishna, Muhammad and Buddha, finally, Jesus, are intentional. The spiritual impact was the same. The teachings, extremely similar, even “miracles.”


(I was wrong. Jesus is the Word of God; the rest of these demonites are all Luciferian, Alister Crowleys of their time; did nothing but lead people into hell. Just like Joseph Smith and the rest. All trash. All knock offs. Matthew 24:4 – 8 all day; this will continue until Jesus returns)


All (claim) to have virgin births, angelic hosts, disciples. Although thousands of years are between them, the message is the same. God is real. God is alive. God is among us. So, how does the Holy Bible trump their extraordinary existences?


(Again, it was all bull!@#$; these demonically influenced, demonically possessed, bisexual people, suffered horribly from severe delusional levels of narcissistic personality disorder. They were packed chuck full of lust, greed, hate, vanity and pride. We see the repeatedly through politicians, world leaders, religious cults, secular cults, science, etcetera. It’s rampant and overflowing in music, movies, television and all forms of social media everywhere. Jesus, on the other hand, was perfect. Never sinned. Not once. The fruits of his labor literally support that he is who he says he is and indeed, the Bible is Jesus because Jesus is the Word of God. People trapped in the world, can’t see this, hate to heart this, it hurts. It irritates their demons. Rattled their cage too much. Jesus is the only one who can piss off a whole room full of atheists, religious fanatics and science believers. Why? Because Truth Hurts but heals. Lies kill and destroy. Conclusion, God is right, man is wrong. Get over it. please, continue)


The Bible states, false prophets, before Jesus/after Jesus, will walk the earth, leading thousands astray. (  - God’s one like or view on your post or video on social media has more power than 8.5 billion likes or views – His view and like is the only one that matters)

 the journal says...

Here is the truth, according to the Creator – before my son entered the Earth, I entered the Earth through monumental figures through the entire world to plant the seed of the Holy Spirit and prepare each and every nation for my love and power and my purpose. In any Holy Figure of virgin birth, witnessed by a trinity and leaders formed to reach one, teach one, it was I.


(Eh hem! LIES!!! All of that is trash and simply, not true! But this is what people fall for in the world every day, because they refuse to accept the Bible as Truth and they’re too lazy and hateful to change! It is easier to swallow a buffet of trash than a spoonful of treasure.


Again, Mark 10:25

This is why sloth is a sin. It’s easier to be lazy and do nothing than to learn grow and do something about it! ugh, I don’t have the patience to argue with nonbelievers or Jesus’ haters, I just don’t! Jesus never argued with anybody who didn’t want to believe in Him and follow Him! He didn’t! So, why do we? 

Why are people on social media, arguing with brick walls? You fair better talking to a patch of grass. Stop arguing with people who don’t care, don’t want to learn and don’t want to change! Stop! Stop doing it. God doesn’t do it, Jesus didn’t do it, the disciples tried and got checked, Luke 22:24-30, so we should not be doing it! It’s asinine. 21 verses from God say, save your breath! You want to really make an impact a fool? Pray over them

Ezekiel 11:19-20


Ezekiel 11:19-20 NIV

I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Then they will follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. They will be my people, and I will be their God.

Let’s see what the journal entry says about the rest of the LIES, LIES, LIES, that people scoop up like ice cream…good grief.


And so, I brought forth my Son, as the great sacrifice that I would no longer enter the Earth in human form again. it would not be necessary, as my Son has completed my legacy. I Am of all to every corner of the Earth, past, present and future. My Will has been done in accordance with my command.


And lastly, my Son will come again for a final time to your Earth to complete the final chapter of my master plan. For you and I to live in peace; free from sin and death, as I intended.

 OKAY, IF YOU HAVE NOT FIGURED IT OUT BY NOW, these are lies!! do NOT turn to religion, cults, science, the world, people down the street, your friend, your family member --- TURN TO THE TRUE WORD OF GOD AND LET JESUS CHRIST SAVE YOU FROM YOURSELF! 


Another site I like to use: GOT QUESTIONS MINISTRIES

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Higher Calling

Life is funny sometimes. Makes us wonder at the end of the day, what is the point? Does anything I do really matter? Believe it or not. YES. You have heard me say time and time again on this site, you DO matter. Your existence is not without merit and importance. You were called to be more than just a fan of life. You were called to be a part of the entire experience. Your purpose does have a higher calling.

Life asks of us to be FOLLOWERS.  Now before you say, what? That's lame! I'm not a follower. Think about it. We all know in order to lead you must follow. After all, every great world figure that made a positive, motivational influence on humanity started out as a student and then became a teacher. 

 Discipline is a helper to knowledge just as patience is a helper to virtuosity. Take an oak tree for example. Without any extraordinary influence, it knows that it is called to be large, provide food, shelter, shade, oxygen and will be expected to live out hundreds of years. The tree knows that it is called to GROW and FLOURISH. There is an oak tree at the core of all of us. Some of us will carry out our callings as providers, parents, laborers, medical professionals, supporters, caregivers, etc. Others will carry out their calling as officers, military or homemakers. No matter what, the one thing that connects all of us is our calling to fellowship. We are designed to reach one another, love each other and steer each other in the way that we should go. We were not created to hate, kill, steal and destroy each other. We are loving beings, created in the image of love and were called to carry out this love throughout our lifetime.

Now before you get discouraged and think this is just a bunch of "feel good" talk that never makes a difference, have you ever thought about what the world would look like or be like if we all "chose" to love instead of hate? Have you ever said, that's boring or that's no fun or how dull! Well, I feel for you, because it's that same "freedom" to hurt that allows us the "freedom" to help! You were called to be FREE. Free from stress, pain, overindulgence, hurtful things and destructive environments. You were called to be FREE of filth and degradation. You were given the FREEDOM to choose to love - not because you had to - but because you wanted to! You think that sounds dull, boring and no fun? Ask the unsung hero, the committed lover, the caring parent, the supportive friend, the passionate leader, the devoted husband, the faithful wife, is their life boring?! I gaurantee you and will be your life on it - it is far from it! 

What if I told you that you were NOT created to be bad! To do bad things to yourself and others! But instead you were created to love and be loved and live a happy, healthy and fulfilling life - would you believe me? Would you choose to believe me? 
I would certainly hope so, because, you were called to make a DIFFERENCE. I pray that we all find our higher calling and truly apply our skills, talents and blessings to the best benefit of self and others. It is my personal goal to be in line with the will and purpose of my Lord and Savior and my creator. By doing this, I know that I am giving my best to life and good works to those whom I love and who love me. I wish to make a difference by living in accordance with the will of God. What is your calling? How are you making a difference?

 "When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”
“Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”

Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”

The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Feed my sheep."
While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. 

These are just a few of many examples where ordinary people have made extraordinary choices to apply their talents to eternal change, ultimately making an eternal difference. At the end of the day, we only get one life-will you spend it doing what is wrong for the world or doing what is right for you and your God? You decide.