Kick the Calories

Okay, I know, not another diet trick that's going to leave my wallet empty and my waistline full! Well that's exactly what we're not going to endorse on Real Living. As a matter of fact, we are going to introduce you a new, innovative, quick and easy way to count the calories and kick the new you into top gear!

  •  Stay motivated and excited

    Rack up points for tracking healthy calories, logging your workouts, and completing challenges

    Share Support or Compete
  • Stay accountable

    Enter 7 to 30 day diet and fitness challenges with others, and "check-in" daily to tell us how you're doing

    This is just a taste of the great services now available SLIMKICKER.COM. 

    So what are you waiting for! Click on the link above and get started for FREE and start enjoying a healthier you!

    -DeMaster Thomas-