Showing posts with label film. Show all posts
Showing posts with label film. Show all posts

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Devil Makes Christian Films? YES!

We all know that the slightest description of the true Christ in the Holy Scripture does NOT match the modern day European image or many of the other cultural depictions that have displayed the Christ based on their nationality or area of origin. Is this entirely wrong? Not really. If you think about it, God is all things to all people and who one person sees the Creator may obviously differ from the way another person sees His Only Begotten Son. Even in the Second Coming, when All Truth is revealed and the true face of the Lord and Savior is shown to all people, there will still be individual interpretations of what he looks like or doesn't look like. Yes, even with the Son of God, it is in the eye of the beholder how we mentally digest and file away our image of Him.

But even with that aside, we have to beg the rest of the issues in Hollywood. What's up with movie after movie, film after film, TV show after TV show, getting the details wrong?!

Would it kill Hollywood to just: tell the story and leave the man-made garbage out? Obviously it would kill man's wallet; ultimately, what man cares about more than the Word of God being accurately portrayed on film. Please take the time to click on the link below to learn more about how the Devil makes Christian movies which, in the end, should lead people to Christ, but somehow manage to only leave them more confused, disappointed and quite possibly, less than convinced of the Bible's true power than before they saw said film or TV show. Please feel free to comment or reach out with questions or concerns about this topic. And as always, thanks for stopping by and spending a little time with us here at Real Living with DeMaster Thomas.