Showing posts with label live. Show all posts
Showing posts with label live. Show all posts

Saturday, September 30, 2023

JUST STOP IT! It’s silly talk


How I know I’m NOT ready to die. The list is a mile long but the obvious?! I’m still here! I haven’t sold all my belongings and given away everything I own…I didn’t quit my job…visit the last destination on the “bucket list” (pun intended); take the “TV” version of doing life’s most embarrassing risks without a care…I don’t put my life on the line for a stranger in some random heroic catastrophe. But wait. Then again, usually when people want to kill themselves, they don’t do any of these things. It’s usually ‘life as usual’ one day and then the next day “gone”.


The suicide victim usually leaves a trail of destruction in their wake. Bills, debt, possessions, jobs, loved ones, friends, family none-the-wiser until it’s too late.


I journaled this Oct 2022 and recording it into the collection nearly a year later 9/29/23 and it’s funny how the mood has shifted a bit. I’m glad I didn’t do something crass. Death is permanent. Back then, I said – who am I fooling. Coward. Too afraid to live; to effervescent to die.  Just stop. Talking about it. Let it go.


Young people do not have it better. No ones’ life is any more or less valuable than another. “White” people; rich people, females, anybody you “think” to yourself “must be nice” and all the other ridiculous flesh worship colloquialisms – comes from two places: lust and envy. Both are against the grain and lead straight to coveting. As far as I can remember, I always had a ‘grass is greener’ ‘eye candy’ problem. Ooh, this car, this suit, this apartment, this house, this girl, this job etc. I always had a problem thinking with that. I’ll be so glad to be truly healed from these internal afflictions. They literally ruined my life. So, yeah, remember, don’t covet.


Like I say, while you’re feeling like that about someone or something you see, someone else is doing the same to you! They see something or someone in your life that makes them feel the same way. I may be lonely and single but I have family and friends and a lot of people don’t have that. I have my health and other blessings not afforded to others and instead of being grateful, I’m feeling fear of missing out but…. I have to tell myself the “grass is NOT greener!” It’s just a different shade from where you’re standing.


Once you walk over to that side, you see, sure there’s a couple of nice things about it but again; there’s pros and cons to everything. Nothing in this life is perfect. No. nothing. Everything has a flaw. Everyone has many.  And just like that, I’m over it. This is stupid. What the hell am I doing. No more. Stinking thinking. Enough. I’m over it. This is boring.




(And then suddenly or maybe not so suddenly – a burst of “yay! Life is great!” could be worse! Enjoy it! Hope this lasts longer than a day. Longer. Longing. Longing to look for “love.” For the love of God not “lust.” Life. Live in laughter. Not loathing. Lost the negative. Get the gusto. Jovial. Joy. Joy of life. Being alive. Part of me can’t stop. If I do, I will feel it again. Maybe. Say NO to being lonely. DEATH to Loneliness – how ‘bout that. Die – lonely hearts – die! Spite by nose to save my…die! 2 sides… (I was clearly rambling here but it led to this little comparison)


LIGHT                    DARK

GOOD                         BAD

NEW                           OLD

FRESH                         REPETITIVE


QUIET                         LOUD

GIVE IN                       GIVE UP

FLOW                         STOP

SMOOTH                    ROUGH

UP                               DOWN

FLIGHT                        GROUNDED

WHY NOT                  WHY






            Dare to dream – push the limits – you are never too old if you really truly want something reach out for it and if the opportunity has passed you by; look into the alternatives that are the best fit for you at that moment; do not be afraid to seek a new passion; finding something new to be excited about can be rewarding; even if you don’t have one, the journey to find one can be exciting. Enjoy the journey, enjoy life!

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Holidays are NOT Holy Days


HUMAN thinking                                          GOD’S thinking

Is short term                                                  is long term

Is linear                                                           is spatial

Is finite                                                            is infinite

Is in the moment                                          is eternal

Is Short sighted                                             is endless

Is for self                                                        is for all


Satan’s highlights                                         Yeshuah Messiah

            }}                                                                      {{

Devil’s holy nights                                        Sabbath day of rest

            }}                                                                      {{

September 23rd                                            September 11th

            }}                                                                      {{

October 31 samhain/hallow’s eve              April 1st – biblical new year (see holy days vs holidays in part one

            //                                                                     \\

Kills – November 24 thanksgiving              Restores life eternal

            //                                                                     \\

Steals – December 25                                  Jesus is counterfeited by Tammuz/Apollyon/Apollo

            //                                                                     \\

Destroys-April 9/Easter/Ishtar                    Jesus rose on 3rd day and ascended into Heaven – Matthew 28:1-10

See 10:10 on a clock? Reference John 10:10 - 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.


Urge anyone who will listen do NOT honor worship or celebrate world pagan satanic demonic “holidays” especially Halloween/Christmas/Easter. It lowers the guards against the enemy 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

It was all a dream: (an excerpt from

 Dream journal entry: Nov 5, 2008. 5am. Since at least 1904, men and women of color have attempted to cross over into the colonized gentrified constitutional federal republic as President or Vice President. In my lifetime, I have only seen one technically succeed based on consensus. Barack Hussein Obama. 

This dream came to me the night after Obama was declared winner as the next President of the United States. It should have been a good night to celebrate, but all I could think of was...this is a spiritual war, end of days are among us, best start believing in ghost stories, we're in one.

It was the last year of Barack's term and there was great war on the surface of the earth. All countries turned on each other and folded; just as planned; as the Illuminati, controlled by the Fallen ones; since the beginning, waged war on the world. I could hear the news radio broadcast Barack's speech loud and clear as I floated outside my body over the landscapes of rubbish and broken lands. Blown up buildings and thousands of deaths of innocent civilians everywhere.

I could hear the voices of people crying out, trying to figure out what happened. Some said, if we were not going to be destroyed by war, we would be destroyed by the ripple effect and aftermath of Nibiru falling to the earth.


Instantly, I was transported to the entrance of an underground bunker, filled with survivors. Their faces were dirty and some of their clothes were torn. Further down the tunnels, there were others, still covered in soot, ash and debris.  That same radio broadcast from earlier, continued to play in the background on a transistor radio nearby. Outside the tunnels, above ground, there he was.

Obama was there, speaking remotely with US Military on a wireless earpiece inside his left ear. He approached some of the others, appeared as if he was about to read from some notes on some crumbled up 8.5x11 paper, but then, folded it up and put it in his pocket. He tried to hold a slight smile, but was also getting dirty from walking through the damaged areas; his white shirt and brown slacks, taking up dust, dirt and smoke. No jacket. No tie. His sleeves were rolled up in normal leadership fashion and his walk was confident. For some, his presence gave them hope.

His demeanor kept folks calm, assuring them they would be okay and things were going to get better. 
A small group of people not far away, were huddled with their Bibles and one of them said, to the others, "you see? This is proof the seals are breaking. Christ will soon be among us, here, on earth."

Obama overheard them and secretly, he agreed. before he started his campaign to run for POTUS, he also had dreams. Visions, he called them. They continued sporadically throughout his entire two terms.

He always knew we wrestled not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers; those in the Heavenly spaces. (Ephesians 6:12).

He knew that all the was wrong in this world, started with the fall of humankind, just as the Bible said it did. He also believed that he held a profound place in modern history and was only a small part of the fulfillment of a greater prophecy, yet to come. A catalyst if you will. Obama had dreams or visions of being visited by Muhammad, Jesus and other prominent figures in religious history.  Being that this is only a dream itself, I do not know the inner workings of another person's mind. But I can say with almost absolute certainty.  Dreams do have the power to deliver strong messages that can change your direction in life.  These dreams changed his.  

Just as he turned to look my direction, there was another great flash of overwhelming light that engulfed everything in its path. In that instant. Hell consumed him. The dead perished. The living did not. The living vanished. The dead did not. 

And with another blink of an eye, I was removed from that location, from the inside of Obama's mind and placed back in a convex valley without borders or confines.  I floated toward the exit, feet never touching the ground beneath. 

This was a wake up call. For all of us. If we do not learn from our past, we are doomed to repeat it.  Politicians can't save you. Celebrities and athletes can't save you. They were all dead and gone. In the blink of an eye. 
The choice is yours. Hurt or help; your call.

In this dream, the threat was trifecta: human war, natural disaster and spiritual warfare. 

No, we do not know the day nor the hour of the return of the Son of Man. But this we do know. That right here, right now, in this very moment, we have the choice to be better, do better, make healthier decisions as a collective; as one humankind. 

(John 14:6)

If we stay ready, we don't have to get ready. And then we will be ready; when the Chariot comes.

(Matthew 28:20)

Repent before you sleep. Wake up in peace. And know that Jesus is the answer. Today and always.

-DeMaster Thomas

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Live A Life That Matters

Live A Life That Matters

Ready or not, someday it will all come to an end.  There will be no more sunrises, no minutes, hours or days.  All the things you collected whether treasures or baubles, will pass to someone else.  Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance.  It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.  Your grudges, resentments, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear.  So, too, your hopes, ambitions, plans, and to-do lists will expire.

The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.  It won’t matter where you came from, or on what side of the tracks you lived, at the end.  It won’t matter whether you were beautiful or brilliant, even your gender and skin color will be irrelevant. 

So what will matter?  How will the value of your days be measured?  What will matter is not what you bought, but what you built; not what you got, but what you gave.   What will matter is not your success, but your significance.  What will matter is not what you learned, but what you taught.  What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, or sacrifice that enriched, empowered or encouraged others to emulate your example.  What will matter is not your competence, but your character.  What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many people will feel a lasting loss, when you’re gone. 

What will matter is not your memories, but the memories that live in those who loved you.  What will matter is how long you will be remembered, by whom and for what.  Living a life that matters doesn’t happen by accident.  It’s not a matter of circumstances but of choice.   When you receive something so beautiful as this, you must not hesitate to share it with your friends.
                                                                                             Author Unknown