Showing posts with label profit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label profit. Show all posts

Sunday, June 25, 2023



Pay attention to detail. But do not get caught up so much on the small things that you lose sight of the bigger picture. Have a healthy balance of focus. Remember the goal. Have sprit. Be a pioneer and manage your risk.

(Ok but it’s 2023 now and well what the hell was the goal? I wrote that journal entry in 2010, I don’t know what the goal was-maybe it will reveal itself later)

Let’s switch gears for a moment and look solely at business. It’s not often that I talk about the business of business. This is a good place to talk about capital. Capital in-and-of itself is a good thing. It’s what gives the leader ownership, wealth, financial establishment and commercial prosperity.

(There’s no such thing as “self-made” wealth. Everyone needs someone at some point in order to be successful. No one is an island unto oneself.)

Capital as a plus can threaten price levels, causing soft market or causing a drive down in pricing. Less capital, as a negative, causes prices to rise-otherwise known as a hard market. Examples of success in a soft market: Southwest Airlines, Wal-Mart, and many other “similar” low-cost big operations “low price” leaders.

Just like your personal life, a stabilized foundation rears growth and expansion which leads to lucrative rewards, healthy networks and positive relationships. You can use the six-sigma method at this point. Until then, create, modify and execute the master plan. Leave room for freedom of imagination and new ideas.

Buzz words in your daily biz vocab will include: ratios, bottom line, top line, T-charts, etcetera. For every dollar spent, the goal is obviously to make a profit and get back your dollars plus some. Example: $1.00 to $1.23. Profit.

In the end, the entire concept is still a hustle. Ultimately, all of us in the working world are hustlers in our own right. Like the song says, whether you’re using your mind or nine – you’re still a hustler – whether you’re in them books or you’re a crook, you’re still a hustler. (I can’t recall if it’s from Tupac or Snoop Dogg or some other West Coast rap song. But anyway.) Same game, just a different way to play it, that’s all. Remember, the basics of street knowledge. For every business – large and small, the most important element is you.

If you wanted to be successful in business you would continuously develop, promote and market your product. Why not do the same with you. You are the product.

(Kanye West/Jay – Z: Diamonds from Sierra Leone Remix…” I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man…)

Treat yourself with the same level of, if not more, time, dedication and care. Promote quality. Promote service. Invite constructive feedback and remember to always act with integrity. Blessed and greater is the one whose success is gained from fair practices in personal and professional ventures. Positive input produces positive output.

A liar, a cheat and a thief have only failure, destruction and pain to look forward to. Negatively manipulating the system to turn a dollar, only produces bad profit. So instead, seek to turn “good” profit. Make a commitment to being effective. Continue to grow by intuitive innovation. 

Remember, “bad” profit is short-term. “Good” profit is long-term. Make the best of it and it will last.
