Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Love, Marriage and the Engine Light of God


(Genesis 2:24 - In marriage, there is a small loss of self to the man and woman…”and they shall become one flesh…” again in Matthew 19:5 it says, “and they shall become one flesh.”  In God’s eyes, His Church is a collective of individuals. You are one. Just is the same in marriage. God and the world will now see 2 individuals as a whole. A unit. A family. One bond. One household. Together. Where one is, so shall the other be also. At the side of each other for love, support and furtherment of God and each other. No one is “better” than the other. Remember: roles, responsibilities, play to your strengths, be there for each other in the areas of weaknesses; you are a team now; work together; work live play grow learn together; help each other; don’t put each other down and pull each other down.

This is your other half; the counterpart; and wild it is not biblical, some may refer to this great bond as the yin to your yang; the give to your take; the up to your down; the in to your out; it is called by many names but at the end of the day, biblically, in the Creator’s eyes, it is a union 2 into 1 that starts on the spiritual level; NOT the physical level as the secular wayward world would have you believe

Without a mental, spiritual connection to each other, the physical connection will soon grow weak and fall away because it is only the biproduct of the spiritual connection; it is NOT the actual engine that powers the motion. The spiritual connection is the engine. This moves the car. Without the engine, the car is just a big hunk of metal, rubber and glass; pretty to look at; but doesn’t go anywhere or do anything. You must have that clean clear spiritual connection with God First; then the bond between each other can blossom. 

Now you’re cooking! You’ve got fuel, that’s the Holy Spirit – you’ve got a clean strong engine with plenty of horsepower to get you on your way fast – that’s the spiritual mutual connection and bond 


– and you’ve got nice clean brand new tires, shiny paint job, top up or top down, your choice but either way, you’ve got the mental connection and you understand your purpose and where you’re going


now that GPS navigation is up on and running and ready to take you as far as your hearts and minds can dream to travel and go together 


and lastly, yes, you’ve got it all waxed, polished, no dents, no scratches, air freshener, radio on and ready to soak up the miles together, that’s your physical! Get that vehicle on the road baby and let’s enjoy the ride!

Marriage is more than just a material item like a ring or trinket of jewelry. It is more than just an idea on paper for tax breaks and insurance applications or loan applications. It is more than just an emergency contact for work or school and PTA meetings

It is your bond of promise to love, uphold, sharpen, correct, steer clear of danger; call on your spiritual Triple-A when you need to aka GOD and rejoice with Him when you don’t! God is more than just your spiritual On-Star, He is actually the pilot! 

GOD - You’re just holding the steering wheel! GOD is the cruise control, the service engine light, the low fuel or battery indicator…GOD tells you when you need to pull over and rest. Go in for service maintenance and tune ups…tells you when it’s time to get new tires or oil changes…you get the point. You are NOT alone. This is the road of life. And God’s got you covered. He is the greatest road-side service/insurance you could ever have. Yes, there’s going to be bumps in the road, swerves in the high curves and hazards in the low valleys we can’t see… there will be accidents along the way…you will see road kill, markings and signs of others that have gone by the wayside before you, but know this.

As long as you are still moving and the wheels are turning; it’s not over. Your journey is still going. And yes, while this may be about marriage and the trinity bond between God, man, woman – mind body spirit; yes, single people, (like me) this all applies to you, too. 1 Corinthians 7-9 reminds us we’re not on the road of life alone; all the same biblical principles apply to us as well. Oh Yes. So, remember…)

3 become 1

The bodies join as one church – one mind – one energy. Together, they are fulfilling. Enriching. Complimentary. It is NOT loss – it is gain. You + them = US. True, but remember, you times Him times your spouse = ONE. How? Look again. 1 x 1 x 1 = 1. See how that works? When you are single; you are one. When you’re together, you are one. The both of you with God? Still one. So, be good to yourselves, and each other. It is the way of love and love is the way of God. 1 Corinthians 13:13

-by DeMaster Thomas 12/16/23

all illustrations and photos on this site and throughout are presented by Google general license permissions

Sunday, October 22, 2023

What does God look like?


My thoughts: book notes:

                Symbols – material things used to outwardly express who I am in Christ – completely unnecessary.  No crucifix or painting-it is far more valuable to share your time with someone in need than it is to give your life for someone else. God can breathe life back into your body, but never, can God rewind time. God cannot “undo”; only change or create that which is already done.

(Now this is not to take away from John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. – that’s Jesus talking to the disciple about how He’s laying down His life for them and us. This is more about the world and its superstitious pagan ways of tons of religious relic jewelry posters paintings crosses Jesus’ mother Mary saint this saint that etc. all junk. From tattoos to gaudy necklaces and rings and all that useless crap the entertainers wear. Just stupid and means nothing to God. It means the world to the person wearing it though and whatever twisted mixed up message they have to tell the world. In other words, if you’re living one way and flashing all this trash in another, it’s confusing and does not benefit God, it just feeds the enemy’s ploy to create divide from the Truth. We now know that symbols literally is all over the place in predictive programming MK ultra and literally everything we see in this manipulative world. Notice Jesus never wore any jewelry or crosses or anything! Because He Is the Truth! And if we’re representing Him; scripture is it! Actions behind scripture is it! Standing on Scripture is it!

Come Unto Me - Take 6

My thoughts; book notes continue –

                No crucifix or painting should ever capture the truth of the Word. There is no record in human history of the ‘face of God’ and no symbolism necessary to remember His Son because He exists through the life and actions of every living thing. (Preach! People say well what does He look like? This IS what GOD looks like! He looks like love He looks like kindness He looks like faith! He looks like all things good in the world! He looks like grace! He looks like passion! He looks a sinner’s place redeemed at the Holy table at the banquet of God the Son! He looks like a dwelling for the Holy Spirit, He looks like cleanliness, He looks like righteousness and He looks like the opposite of everything you and me pretend to be. HE LOOKS LIKE REALITY! We look like fools. Desperate in our sins wallowing and wading in the waters of disease poverty and hopelessness. This is NOT what God looks like. He looks like help! He looks like a lending hand out of trouble, He looks like a way out, He looks like fire when we’re cold and He looks like rain when our crops are dry. I wish I could describe him to you, but He’s indescribable, yeah!)

So if you’re looking for love, look no further than the swelling of the Spirit in your heart. 


Saturday, September 30, 2023

JUST STOP IT! It’s silly talk


How I know I’m NOT ready to die. The list is a mile long but the obvious?! I’m still here! I haven’t sold all my belongings and given away everything I own…I didn’t quit my job…visit the last destination on the “bucket list” (pun intended); take the “TV” version of doing life’s most embarrassing risks without a care…I don’t put my life on the line for a stranger in some random heroic catastrophe. But wait. Then again, usually when people want to kill themselves, they don’t do any of these things. It’s usually ‘life as usual’ one day and then the next day “gone”.


The suicide victim usually leaves a trail of destruction in their wake. Bills, debt, possessions, jobs, loved ones, friends, family none-the-wiser until it’s too late.


I journaled this Oct 2022 and recording it into the collection nearly a year later 9/29/23 and it’s funny how the mood has shifted a bit. I’m glad I didn’t do something crass. Death is permanent. Back then, I said – who am I fooling. Coward. Too afraid to live; to effervescent to die.  Just stop. Talking about it. Let it go.


Young people do not have it better. No ones’ life is any more or less valuable than another. “White” people; rich people, females, anybody you “think” to yourself “must be nice” and all the other ridiculous flesh worship colloquialisms – comes from two places: lust and envy. Both are against the grain and lead straight to coveting. As far as I can remember, I always had a ‘grass is greener’ ‘eye candy’ problem. Ooh, this car, this suit, this apartment, this house, this girl, this job etc. I always had a problem thinking with that. I’ll be so glad to be truly healed from these internal afflictions. They literally ruined my life. So, yeah, remember, don’t covet.


Like I say, while you’re feeling like that about someone or something you see, someone else is doing the same to you! They see something or someone in your life that makes them feel the same way. I may be lonely and single but I have family and friends and a lot of people don’t have that. I have my health and other blessings not afforded to others and instead of being grateful, I’m feeling fear of missing out but…. I have to tell myself the “grass is NOT greener!” It’s just a different shade from where you’re standing.


Once you walk over to that side, you see, sure there’s a couple of nice things about it but again; there’s pros and cons to everything. Nothing in this life is perfect. No. nothing. Everything has a flaw. Everyone has many.  And just like that, I’m over it. This is stupid. What the hell am I doing. No more. Stinking thinking. Enough. I’m over it. This is boring.




(And then suddenly or maybe not so suddenly – a burst of “yay! Life is great!” could be worse! Enjoy it! Hope this lasts longer than a day. Longer. Longing. Longing to look for “love.” For the love of God not “lust.” Life. Live in laughter. Not loathing. Lost the negative. Get the gusto. Jovial. Joy. Joy of life. Being alive. Part of me can’t stop. If I do, I will feel it again. Maybe. Say NO to being lonely. DEATH to Loneliness – how ‘bout that. Die – lonely hearts – die! Spite by nose to save my…die! 2 sides… (I was clearly rambling here but it led to this little comparison)


LIGHT                    DARK

GOOD                         BAD

NEW                           OLD

FRESH                         REPETITIVE


QUIET                         LOUD

GIVE IN                       GIVE UP

FLOW                         STOP

SMOOTH                    ROUGH

UP                               DOWN

FLIGHT                        GROUNDED

WHY NOT                  WHY






            Dare to dream – push the limits – you are never too old if you really truly want something reach out for it and if the opportunity has passed you by; look into the alternatives that are the best fit for you at that moment; do not be afraid to seek a new passion; finding something new to be excited about can be rewarding; even if you don’t have one, the journey to find one can be exciting. Enjoy the journey, enjoy life!

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

It ain't over yet!


I have been blessed with a healthy eventful life full of reading, writing, books, music, movies, museums, travel, culture, arts, entertainment, and most of all, getting to know and developing an intimate personal relationship with God and Christ Jesus with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It’s been great. Getting to know Him and getting to know the world and everything in it. It’s been enjoyable for the most part (lots of love, laughter, good times more than bad for sure and yet there are times when looking back on it all, it just makes me sad. It shouldn’t, though, right? A good life is a good life be thankful be joyous and be quiet. It could have been a lot different of course.


But still, I feel sad. It comes and goes all the time. Suicide, like sexual assault/rape…I definitely obviously don’t condone it, but I get it. I get “why” people do what they do. I don’t like it. I hate it like God does. But I get it. I get why people check out early. Maybe you live long enough to outlive all or most of friends and family or loved ones and you’re all that’s left or you devoted your life to fulfillment and betterment and it was plentiful and joyous and rewarding in God’s eyes as well as your own. Or you go back to feeling meh, if I left now would I ‘really’ be missing out on anything. It’s funny but if you have to think about it that much or that hard you don’t want to do it. You’re just going thru an emotional moment and this too shall pass. You literally dodged a bullet or whatever it was you were going to use and lived to embrace another day. And yes, there are those times where you might think, wait, I don’t “really” want to “die” that’s a little overdramatic for the “moment” that comes and goes. Permanent solution for a temporary sometimes bloated or inflated perceived problem.


And yeah, I get it; you don’t want to die and you don’t want to stay. The fence straddle can be quite uncomfortable surely. It’s a gray space. That line between too far gone and too close to the sun. I could understand if you wouldn’t be missed; but you will. I could even understand if you were not loved; but you are. It could even sort of understand if you were not important of didn’t matter to someone who depends on you in some way or another. But they do. And lastly, I could even try to swallow the hard pill if you were a hardened criminal who has turned his back on God and man and deserved to die for your crimes in sin! But you’re not.


You, see? Because you matter. Your life matters. And to have one foot in this life and one foot edging the door to “exit” this world, it’s clearly unhealthy and puts unnecessary pressure and stress on yourself that you don’t need. Most of all of these things mentioned. You “should” matter to “you” – you “should” love “you” – you would miss “you”! Trust and believe there is “something” in life you would miss if you were not here anymore. I don’t care if it was your favorite hobby, food or drink or place to go or person to visit – something or someone – you would miss. And believe or not – there is a moment of regret for most between that moment of initiating the execution upon yourself and that moment of no return; like a person who jumps or shoots themselves or whatever they tried – pills etcetera whatever and … ding ding wake up! Guess what?! You didn’t die! You survived the attempt or attempts. Whether it be by witness, medic, hospital, pastor, priest, family or friend; God saw it fit to STOP you.


Not yet. It is not your appointed time. The Bible is repeatedly clear on this.


I look back on my life and think, wow, that may have been me. Was I the one living spiritually emotionally feeling like I had one foot in and one foot out? My songs, poems, short stories, all had a touch or pinch of darkness that reflect a deep to be more than I am; larger than life persona; a man’s man; the guy that all the ladies want to be with and all the men want to be; a distinguished gentleman; accomplished. Interesting; intriguing. I had an undertone of ‘god’ complex; I often wished I were an angel with powers; like a superhero out of a metaphysical comic book. Oh wait. That was already taken. By Jesus in the Bible; even scarier; that’s real!


Let’s change that desire. Let’s desire to matter. To more than others and God but to ourselves. If you get stuck in the “gray” – find yourself rambling on a broken tape of stinkin’ thinkin’ telling yourself all the wrong things when they should be positive uplifting and encouraging. The mind can be renewed! Romans 12:2.

You were fearfully and wonderfully made… Psalm 139:14

Brilliance. Color. Brilliance. Life. Brilliance. Light.

When the noise of life dampens the quiet of the spirit. Go back and read this again. It’s not over. Until it’s over. It ends when God says it ends. Until then, get to work! Get to living! Stop living to die and live to live! “Don’t give up…until you drink from the silver cup” – America/Lonely People. Just sayin’.


Say goodbye to yesterday and hello to tomorrow. Dare to dream? How about dare to live 😊 

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Prayer and how to use it! (Correctly)


PROACTIVE                     REACTIVE

Thought                                  action

Creator                                   creation

Idea                                        reality

Fact                                         opinion

Truth                                       lies

Clear                                       clouded

Vision                                     darkness

Sound                                     deaf

GOD                                        human

Identity > opinion > feeling

Gender > fact > has no emotion

Sexuality > natural > desire


They claim pride flags and steal the symbol of the Covenant with Noah as their demonic symbol of separation from God; like a broken upside down cross of false peace


The “pride” comes before the “fall” Proverbs 16:18 the tares of the antichrist reprobate mind body and spirit are just more of the same “old” world order protagonists.


Knowingly or unknowingly, they promote a broken-fallen satanic agenda to kill steal and destroy the natural moral fiber of God’s intensions. The Bible says “be not afraid”


His punishments against the wicked destroyers of this world will not succeed. HIS will be done does away with all evil sin and death and cleanses all degradation from the earth. The wicked is not us. Relax. The sun and rain may fall on the just and unjust but so does the judgment.  God is generous with his blessings and also generous with his punishments. Romans 2:6 the punishment fits the crime. What the antichrist is going to do with his minions does NOT separate us from God. The full willful choice to take the mark of the beast and worship the antichrist puts the nail in the coffin for anyone. Matthew 10:28 28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.


Side note:

How to worship in the spirit (express reverence and adoration for your love of God)

Music – songs that are Bible based or at least clean lyrics that are high vibrational and

uplifting and promote feelings of happiness and pleasantry  

TV – visuals images actions behavior that do the same as music-further the

Kingdom/glory and honor to God; clean positive uplifting motivational

encouraging; messages in the movies and shows should be something that’s

educational and entertaining; enchant – delight – inspire

Prayer – what you ask for and discuss should be in line with God’s will; not just asking for “stuff” for your own personal gain; again. God is NOT a demon/djinn/genie in a bottle! He is the Lord your God and provides like a spiritual Heavenly Father does! Not your personal butler to grant your every wish and give you riches and pleasures of the earth! It needs to be in the fashion of Jesus who taught us all how to pray (how to talk to God in Heaven)


Matthew 6:5 - teaches us how to communicate with our Heavenly Father

Romans 8:26 - the Holy Spirit intercedes and interprets our prayers to God

John 14:13-14 – whatever you ask in my name; this I will do, that the Father may be glorified by the Son.  If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.” This concept is repeated a few more times in John 15:16 and John 16:23-24.


The Lord’s Prayer acts as its own prayer and a template of how to pray. It is intimate. Personal. A conversation. Not a wish list. It is a confirmation/affirmation-not a “needy” request list.


Matthew 6


“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

“This, then, is how you should pray:

“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,

your will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from the evil one.[b]

14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

More ways to worship or show love/adoration

Your daily lifestyle when no one is looking and no one is around should be a direct reflection of your thoughts and actions when people are in your presence. If something is not appropriate for public consumption it may not be appropriate for private consumption. Your goals can include to be an active representative of God’s Kingdom. In other words, is there anything I’m doing now in this life on Earth that I would not do in the presence of God in Heaven? And if so, is it something I can remove from my life? Is it unhealthy? Is it necessary to my daily lifestyle or can I let it go or at least clean it up a bit?


It's coming to a point in life where you ask yourself, what the “hell” am I doing? No, really. Is what I’m doing something I would do in hell or something I would do in Heaven? In our case, biblically, New Jerusalem/New Earth…think about it.

So again, we want to be a positive reflection of a God-filled light to the world; not a negative reflection of a broken flesh riddled world.


Be forgiving of self and others; there is healing in forgiveness


Love and adoration in your heart strengthens self-control and promotes hope peace love and joy which all only come from God ; not the world or anything in it. No, not even people in and of the world can truly deliver unto your heart, these things. Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness