Showing posts with label habits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label habits. Show all posts

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Let's do some evaluation: on this site in many others, you will hear reference for healthy disposition to positive attitude and moral character. So, let's check in. How have you been? How has your attitude been? What are you doing with your life? Where are you at right now in your life? Do you know what direction you are headed? If you answered no or negatively to any of these questions, well then ask yourself, what are you waiting for? Are you kidding yourself? In other words, are you aspiring for unrealistic expectations of self and others? We also talk about this on this site; setting small goals with realistic expectations that lead to making larger more prominent decisions that will effect you for the long haul.

Principle and habits go hand in hand. Our habits will always overcome our will power. Why? Because that is how the human mind is designed, unfortunately. So we must make our habits fall in line with our will power so that our habits are productive and constructive. Good habits will fuel change in our hearts, giving strength to our will power. Real change comes through. By developing and strengthening good habits, you will have spiritual renewal. Be quick to offer your talents and skills to things to will uplift, break bad patterns and transform your mind, body and soul. This is the first part of Complete Resolution: Spiritual Renewal.

This is where we answer the question: why? What's the motivation for "doing good?" After all, it's a broken, flawed world full of death and hate and destruction. But what if just for a moment, it wasn't? What if we all, at an individual level, CHOSE one day to say, no more? I talk about on this site about the Ripple Effect. I change and be to myself and others and then those around me do the same and then those around them do the same and before you know it, you have whole communities, towns, cities, countries, nations, practicing "good" habits, lending their talents and abilities to the betterment of self and others. Some say when you understand the "why" and if the "why" is big enough, the "how" doesn't matter. I say, it's IN the how that makes all the difference and creates a permanent imprint on you and everyone you come in contact with.

The next part of making a complete internal/external resolution is Structural renewal. You are surrounded by people who see what you do and how you act and react to things in your life. You may have friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, colleagues, classmates, etc. that deal with you on a daily basis one on one. Then there are those who see what you do and don't even know you ie the strangers you pass in public everyday. This is your structure. You directly influence your structure by exuding a positive attitude and practicing clean, healthy habits. This is where you answer the questions "what" and "when".

That last part of complete internal/external resolution is Systematic renewal. This is the part that is hardest for most people because we are drenched and soaked in temptations from a 360 degree radius! But we MUST have a clean new system, it answers the hardest question: how? The answer is CHOICE. You must choose to change. You have to want to change. No one, no god, no faith, no belief or lack thereof, will make a choice for you. You have to choose that you want to change from the inside out. When you do, the system works in your benefit to bring the most abundance life has to offer you. Take the time to put the "system" in place and the structure will surround and strengthen the spirit.  

They all work together like clock work. For more information and discussion on this complex topic, feel free to email me at : DETHOMAS2012@GMAIL.COM or leave a comment below for others to share their thoughts and ideas. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

"Making and Keeping Priorities"

You have heard it said in passing and in song, "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven." (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Well, like it or not, this is true for you and me. We go about our lives in a hurry. Quick to work, fast to play, some of the time, completely unorganized and frazzled, most of the time, feeling behind in our daily endeavors and wanting to blast off on a rocket ship into the future just get a sense of completion and accomplishment. 

What if I told you that for each day that comes, you have exactly enough time in that particular day to do what is actually intended for that day only? In other words, your priorities, if in line with the will and flow of the world around you, will fall properly in place and succeed to completion every day because the world would rise up to meet you in getting it done. 

Sounds too good to be true? Well, it's not. And most of it is our own fault. We tend to look at  each day as it is the last day we can ever get everything in our life span done! That's obviously faulty logic and if we simply step back and "re-prioritize" what is truly important and fulfilling to our purpose for that day and that day only, saving for the next day what is to come, we will find ourselves more accomplished, less fatigued, leaving and entering each day refreshed and ready for what is to come. 

Time and Purpose operate on four basic fundamentals:
-Life has given me all the time I need to fulfill my purpose in it.
-If the negative things in life don't make you bad, they will keep you busy.
-Vision for Life: The Pursuit of the Pace
-To finish well is to live an abundant life with margin from a secure identity.

So, first things first. SLOW DOWN. Life isn't going anywhere. And if it does, relax, your purpose in it was served and it's your time to go! Sounds harsh and cold, I know, but stay with me. Life has its schedule and you have yours. But ask yourself, "do you have the courage to choose what matters most?" What are you filling your days with? Are they rewarding and uplifting for the betterment of self and others or are they "time stealers" or "time vampires," robbing and sucking the life out of your day, leaving nothing behind but regret and despair? In other words, what are you doing all day? And if it is productive and motivating, are you doing too much? Are you allowing enough time for each task of the day to marinate, stew, go down easy, and be truly satisfying? Well, if you're not, here's a little irony for you, now is the time! 

Tasks are categorized by four sections:
-Important and urgent
-Important but not urgent
-Not important but urgent
-Not important and not urgent

If you are familiar with Stephen Covey's, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, then you remember the graph above. But did you really take the meat from it or just apply it for work and home? Did you really apply it deeply to where it affects your mind and spirit? This is called, the Interactive Plan to live by what matters most. Once this is in tune, the other mechanical tasks ie work, school, shopping, errands, etc. will fall into place. 

The Interactive Plan
A. Faith - most of us have a faith base or some sort of foundation of principles that guide our moral compass. This comes first. Your focus must be clear and direct with your morality intact to act as your guide.
B. Family - People are eternal. Things are temporary. Husbands, love your wives, be ready to give yourself up for her and your family. Do not intentionally provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in discipline and constructive instruction.  Love equals time, not money!
C. Friends - relationships matter. Ask yourself, would you want to be your friend? It's one of the oldest golden rules in the book, love others as you would have them love you. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. What goes around, comes around. I think you get the point. 

Now that you have the blueprint, take some time to give yourself time for the more important priorities in your life and remember, there's always tomorrow. 

~DeMaster Thomas~ 


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bad is Good!

9 Bad Habits that Are Good for You

coffee, beer, stressed 

coffee, beer, stress

By Jessica Girdwain

Look at the Bright Side

When it comes to your health, some missteps are OK to make from time to time. In fact, many of these so-called mistakes, such as downing coffee and forgetting to take your vitamins, can actually help you improve your health, feel better faster and boost your mood. Learn the nine "bad" habits you should keep and how to make them work for you.

You drink a huge cup of coffee in the morning... and pour yourself a refill (or two)

A couple of cups of joe may perk you up in more ways than you think. Coffee gets a bad rap because of the caffeine, but it may actually help regulate your mood. A recent study published in Archives of Internal Medicine showed that women who drank two to three cups of coffee daily had a 15% lower risk of depression. Photo by iStock
"Caffeine helps activate the brain chemicals involved in mood, like dopamine and serotonin," says study author Alberto Ascherio, MD, a professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health. Coffee is also a rich source of antioxidants and other healthy compounds that may help protect against cancer, according to new research. One caveat: If you don't drink coffee, don't start (caffeine is a stimulant and can cause jitters or an upset stomach in some people). But if you're a java lover, consider this permission to pour yourself an extra cup.
Learn 7 surprising things about your morning cup of joe.

You allow the Debbie Downer in you to sneak out
Think you should force yourself to stay positive (no matter what) when difficult things happen? Think again: Research shows that the key to long-term happiness may actually be dropping the "Everything's fine!" act. A new study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that newlyweds who remained positive in the face of negative but controllable circumstances (problems at work, financial issues) experienced more symptoms of depression four years later than people who looked at situations in a less positive (and more accurate) light. Photo by iStock
"Being realistic drives people to take steps to improve their lives, which helps ease stress and sadness," says study author Erin O'Mara, PhD, an assistant professor at the University of Dayton in Ohio. Also, forcing yourself to stay positive often means you may be suppressing worries or other emotions, which can be unhealthy. Changing your outlook can be as simple as saying to yourself, "We're in debt. What's the first thing we can do to start digging out?" instead of denying the situation.
Discover 9 ways to think more positively.

You forget to take your vitamins
Although vitamins can fill in the gaps to make sure you get all the nutrients your body needs (a perfect diet all the time is next to impossible!), there's a downside to always popping a vitamin. It may make you reach for the bag of potato chips instead of an apple-and skip your workout to boot, reveals a new study published in Psychological Science. Photo by iStock
Researchers found that taking a multivitamin every day may make you feel like you have the leeway to blow off other healthy habits-like grabbing dinner at the drive-thru rather than eating right or channel surfing instead of taking a walk, notes Benjamin Caballero, MD, PhD, a professor of pediatrics, nutrition and international health at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
In general, your body best absorbs nutrients in their natural form, so rather than relying on vitamins, focus on eating a healthy diet packed with whole foods. If you do take vitamins, remind yourself that they don't replace a healthy diet and exercise or provide a buffer against unhealthy habits.
Find out which 5 nutrients you need the most-and how to get them.
You get angry-and show it! WHY IT'S NOT SO BAD
"Anger is actually a good emotion that's often misunderstood or irrationally used," says Mary Lamia, PhD, a clinical psychologist in Kentfield, CA. "It motivates you to take action and remedy situations that are wrong." The key is figuring out how to appropriately channel your anger rather than lash out. Dr. Lamia lays out the three easy steps: Photo by Thinkstock
1) Figure out exactly what triggered your anger. Was it the rude comment your coworker made during lunch?
2) Consider any other emotions that may be behind your anger. Do you feel embarrassed about the snide remark she made in front of other people? Are you really unhappy with your job but afraid of change, so you don't look elsewhere?
3) Plan a course of action to fix the situation. Have a conversation with your coworker to find out why she made that comment. Check job boards and see what other opportunities are out there.
A good rule: Always "sleep on it" or take some time before reacting. The physiological effects of a triggered emotion affect how you think, says Dr. Lamia. Giving yourself a few hours can help you clearly think through what's going on and the best action to take.
Boost your mood with these easy tips.
You drink beer WHY IT'S NOT SO BAD
Red wine gets all the attention when it comes to heart-health benefits, but a brew can be good for you, too. "Beer is rich in disease-fighting antioxidants," says Cassie Dimmick, MS, a registered dietitian in Springfield, MO. It also provides a dose of energy-revving iron (dark beers are a richer source than light lagers, says research) as well as dietary silicon, a mineral that helps promote bone formation, which may improve bone density and help protect against osteoporosis. In fact, research shows that some pale ales contain just as much or more silicon than oat bran, which is one of the best food sources of this mineral. Photo by iStock
Beer contains 120 to 150 calories per 12-oz serving, which can add up fast. So if you do drink beer, make sure you stick to one per day (or less) to get the healthy benefits without the added calories and pounds.
Get tasty ideas for cooking with beer.

You get stressed about the little stuff
Chronic stress is linked to conditions like heart disease, but short-term stress actually has a positive side, pushing you to get things done-and succeed at them. "Stress triggers the hormone cortisol, which helps energize us, revving up our systems to handle the day," says Judith Orloff, MD, author of Emotional Freedom. "It also motivates us to do better on the things we care about and problem-solve." Photo by iStock
So know that the brief stressed-out rush you get before a presentation at work will help you perform better, and when the car breaks down, a little stress will help you fix the situation quickly. Balance is key, though, so it's important to recharge your batteries every day so those once-in-awhile stressed moments don't turn into a constant thing, says Dr. Orloff. Her suggestions: Spend five minutes every day doing an activity or hobby you love, or if you prefer peace and quiet, sit in a dark room and breathe deeply.

You skip your workout two days in a row
You don't have to exercise hard every day to be healthy (and taking a break is actually better). "Three to four days a week is enough to keep you in shape," says Mike Boyle, owner of Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning gym in Boston. Here's why: Days off give muscles time to repair and strengthen, something that happens only with rest, he says. You may also get tired of-or start to dread-a strict routine.
It's a good idea to be active every day (whether that's walking with your friends at lunch or taking your dog out for a stroll around the block when you get home in the evening), but schedule tougher workouts for just a few days a week. At least two of those should be strength workouts with weights, which will deliver the biggest toning and fat-burning benefits, says Boyle.

You procrastinate by reading those forwarded jokes in your inbox
It may seem like a waste of time, but taking a break to do something that makes you laugh is worth it. A small study of 30 people from the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore found that when people watched a funny movie (There's Something About Mary), the lining of their blood vessels expanded up to 50% more than when they watched a stressful movie (Saving Private Ryan). Here's why a hearty chuckle is so good for you: "Laughter activates blood vessels to release the chemical nitric oxide, which causes them to enlarge and can help reduce blood pressure," says coauthor Michael Miller, MD. Photo by iStock
The harder you laugh, the bigger the benefits-deep belly laughs, not light chuckles, are more likely to trigger the healthy chemicals. And be sure to share that laugh with friends. Social laughter boosts levels of pain-relieving, feel-good endorphins, according to research from the University of Oxford. So watch a funny YouTube clip with your kids or call a friend and watch while on the phone together.

You take an over-the-counter sleep aid occasionally
Taking these pills to induce sleep every once in a while is OK. They can be especially useful if you have trouble sleeping due to nasal allergies or congestion, says Ronald Popper, MD, medical director of the Southern California Pulmonary and Sleep Disorders Medical Center. Why? Many OTC options (like Unisom SleepTabs) work because of a side effect of an antihistamine, a common active ingredient that also helps relieve allergies. But most sleep specialists don't recommend that you use them daily. All you're doing is taking advantage of the side effect (sleepiness) of antihistamines, which are intended for another use (reducing allergy symptoms). By contrast, a prescription sleep aid acts on the "sleep center" of your brain to induce sleep, says Dr. Popper. Photo by iStock
If stuffed-up nasal passages are what's keeping you up at night, OTC sleep aids may be a good solution. Talk to your doctor or a sleep expert before you start taking anything-antihistamines can cause other side effects because they affect the whole body and the longer you take them, the less likely they are to make you sleepy because your body builds up tolerance to their effect fast.
Get more sleep with these 10 natural remedies.

Original article appeared on

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