Financial Peace

"If it's good enough for singles, couples and family, it's good enough for the government!" (Nethaleo)

Well, he's correct. The power of 10 is abundant in some historical and religious circles and still proved relevant today. 10% SAVINGS, 10% TITHE, and the rest for whatever you need or want it for? That couldn't possibly work...could it? We took a look at some of the best laid plans for financial budget management and the winner is...Dave Ramsey's, "Financial Peace University." 

It is never too late to start taking better care of your financial health. No matter what your current level of income or debt, this plan has a proven track record and is guaranteed to bring you exactly what the title says, financial peace. No, it will NOT make you rich. No, it will NOT make you successful. And no, it will not make you beautiful. On the outside that is. It WILL make you rich in monetary education. It WILL make you successful in money management and fiscal planning for yourself and your family and it WILL make your bank account a lot easier to look at when that statement comes every month.

While there is so much material, we could not cover it all on the site, so I have provided a link at the bottom of the page for those who are interested in learning more and taking the responsible plunge into a healthier, plentiful financial future. Here are some highlights of what you will find in the University.

Save Hundreds on Insurance

"Your insurance ELP will save me $741 a year on insurance. I can't switch quick enough!"
- Greg in Indiana Learn more
Get Top Dollar on Your Home Sale

"Thank you! Your real estate ELP sold our home within 30 days at a price above appraisal!"
- Brand and Kathy in Idaho Learn more
Get More Money from Your Taxes

"Dave your tax ELP helped my wife and I get $2000 more in a tax refund! Thanks for guiding us to him." - Jon in New york Learn more
Teach your Kids About Money

"Our 9-year-old got Financial Peace Junior for Christmas. She saved to buy herself a Nintendo... and offered to do extra chores to earn the money faster." - Rhonda in Baton Rouge Learn more

And that's just the beginning. Now, this may sound like an info-mmercial, but I promise you, Real Living has no direct affiliation, agreement, contract, sponsorship or endorsement whatsoever from sharing this information on this blog. And keep in mind, you are free to choose any other financial planning strategy source out there. You can also choose to adopt no strategy at all and if you are like most, you will continue to spend more than you earn, wonder where all your money went when the bills are due and live paycheck to paycheck. But why do that if you don't have to?

Real Living encourages you to reach beyond your current financial situation and find the program that works for you and your family. Maybe you had emergencies, unexpected life changes or you are currently unemployed. Maybe you are on a fixed income from supplemental resources and feel most of the time that you "can't afford" to save. Well that's simply not true.

Just like the slogan says, hype truly is "how you perceive everything" around you and if you see yourself broke and financially defenseless, you will BE broke and defenseless. But if you see yourself executing a game plan to find work, even temporary or undesirable work, remember that is it simply a means to an end. There are greater days ahead. And for the single parents out there, hype will tell you that your kids have to be lavishly bathed in the finest of everything and that's not true! If they have what they need then they have what they want. Teach them to live within their means and the value of a dollar and it will take them a long way in the future. And for the average working person, you are the biggest target of all when it comes to hype. You are told you are the rock of the economy; the backbone of the marketplace; the light that shines in the depths of taxation and government-spending darkness.

While this may be true, do not be fooled into thinking that any poor person ever made themselves rich by giving everything they had away irresponsibly. Poor people don't create jobs, they are the reason for them. Broke people don't benefit themselves, they only benefit others who already have money. So break away from the reckless insanity that is "spend, spend, spend" and give yourself some much needed peace of mind and learn how to "save, tithe, invest." You WILL reap the benefits sooner than you think.
It's only fitting we talk real quick about this ugly "C" word, CREDIT! Hey, no swearing! Sorry, but I had to say it. Let's face it. How many of us really know what it is? Cover your ears because then there's the F-Bombs, FICA & FICO! Really? Well if that's the way the game is played, it's only fair we know the rules.

Let's look at the real definition of: credit. No it does NOT mean money I can spend and don't have to pay back. No, it does NOT mean, "it's my money and I'll spend it however I like. It means that someone else is loaning you money, trusting in you with the hope that you will pay them back. On time. With interest. In some cases. In most cases, you can pay the money back without interest same as cash.

Credit is not bad, when used for its intended purpose.  

Now, FICA & FICO. FICA stands for: Federal Insurance Contributions Act. Quite simply, it's taxes used for social security and government funded health care costs. Everyone who collects social security or Medicare may or may not contribute. FICO stands for: Fair, Isaacs and COmpany. Plainly put, they are a credit score company (among other services) that monitors your lending and spending behavior to determine how much of a risk you are if someone loans you money. These are good things when allocated and managed responsibly for their intended purposes. So now you know the skinny on the fat part of your check stub that seems to grow feet every payday.

A wise man once said, "If I can't buy it in cash, I can't afford it!" So goes the motto of most Consumer Credit Counseling Services. This is a good alternative to fee-based programs. Classes are provided that teach the average consumer how to start a realistic budget with a savings plan, including credit restoration. Services vary by area, so be sure to research what programs are available to you where you live.

No matter what your current situation, financial peace is possible. Make it a challenge to save where you would normally spend. For every dollar you spent last year on non-fixed expenses, set that as your savings goal. Another idea is look closely at your entertainment expenses, eating out, and "habits" spending, i.e. cigarettes or spirits. Take the amount spent on these items and set them as a savings goal. There are many "baby steps" to financial freedom, but only you can make the first one.

I am DeMaster Thomas and this -- is Real Living.

(click the link above)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The key root to tithing: each one of us put in to the whole and each one only use what they need and put back what they don't need so others will have it to use as they need. It's a world without excess and greed. Like the movie, "Book of Eli" says, we all in today's world have too much of something, too bad we're addicts to our own selves and can't sacrifice enough to help ourselves and each other be prosperous and plentiful.