Saturday, December 16, 2023

Love, Marriage and the Engine Light of God


(Genesis 2:24 - In marriage, there is a small loss of self to the man and woman…”and they shall become one flesh…” again in Matthew 19:5 it says, “and they shall become one flesh.”  In God’s eyes, His Church is a collective of individuals. You are one. Just is the same in marriage. God and the world will now see 2 individuals as a whole. A unit. A family. One bond. One household. Together. Where one is, so shall the other be also. At the side of each other for love, support and furtherment of God and each other. No one is “better” than the other. Remember: roles, responsibilities, play to your strengths, be there for each other in the areas of weaknesses; you are a team now; work together; work live play grow learn together; help each other; don’t put each other down and pull each other down.

This is your other half; the counterpart; and wild it is not biblical, some may refer to this great bond as the yin to your yang; the give to your take; the up to your down; the in to your out; it is called by many names but at the end of the day, biblically, in the Creator’s eyes, it is a union 2 into 1 that starts on the spiritual level; NOT the physical level as the secular wayward world would have you believe

Without a mental, spiritual connection to each other, the physical connection will soon grow weak and fall away because it is only the biproduct of the spiritual connection; it is NOT the actual engine that powers the motion. The spiritual connection is the engine. This moves the car. Without the engine, the car is just a big hunk of metal, rubber and glass; pretty to look at; but doesn’t go anywhere or do anything. You must have that clean clear spiritual connection with God First; then the bond between each other can blossom. 

Now you’re cooking! You’ve got fuel, that’s the Holy Spirit – you’ve got a clean strong engine with plenty of horsepower to get you on your way fast – that’s the spiritual mutual connection and bond 


– and you’ve got nice clean brand new tires, shiny paint job, top up or top down, your choice but either way, you’ve got the mental connection and you understand your purpose and where you’re going


now that GPS navigation is up on and running and ready to take you as far as your hearts and minds can dream to travel and go together 


and lastly, yes, you’ve got it all waxed, polished, no dents, no scratches, air freshener, radio on and ready to soak up the miles together, that’s your physical! Get that vehicle on the road baby and let’s enjoy the ride!

Marriage is more than just a material item like a ring or trinket of jewelry. It is more than just an idea on paper for tax breaks and insurance applications or loan applications. It is more than just an emergency contact for work or school and PTA meetings

It is your bond of promise to love, uphold, sharpen, correct, steer clear of danger; call on your spiritual Triple-A when you need to aka GOD and rejoice with Him when you don’t! God is more than just your spiritual On-Star, He is actually the pilot! 

GOD - You’re just holding the steering wheel! GOD is the cruise control, the service engine light, the low fuel or battery indicator…GOD tells you when you need to pull over and rest. Go in for service maintenance and tune ups…tells you when it’s time to get new tires or oil changes…you get the point. You are NOT alone. This is the road of life. And God’s got you covered. He is the greatest road-side service/insurance you could ever have. Yes, there’s going to be bumps in the road, swerves in the high curves and hazards in the low valleys we can’t see… there will be accidents along the way…you will see road kill, markings and signs of others that have gone by the wayside before you, but know this.

As long as you are still moving and the wheels are turning; it’s not over. Your journey is still going. And yes, while this may be about marriage and the trinity bond between God, man, woman – mind body spirit; yes, single people, (like me) this all applies to you, too. 1 Corinthians 7-9 reminds us we’re not on the road of life alone; all the same biblical principles apply to us as well. Oh Yes. So, remember…)

3 become 1

The bodies join as one church – one mind – one energy. Together, they are fulfilling. Enriching. Complimentary. It is NOT loss – it is gain. You + them = US. True, but remember, you times Him times your spouse = ONE. How? Look again. 1 x 1 x 1 = 1. See how that works? When you are single; you are one. When you’re together, you are one. The both of you with God? Still one. So, be good to yourselves, and each other. It is the way of love and love is the way of God. 1 Corinthians 13:13

-by DeMaster Thomas 12/16/23

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