Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Welcome "Home" : life after death


Truth pursued

Psalm 25:5 – guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior and my hope is in you all day long.

My thoughts; book notes – I think I’m just getting used to the change. The transformation is huge. So big that I can do this this by leaning on my faith and belief in Christ and stay in prayer with the Holy Spirit. Keep your eyes on me He said, stay focused / keep my eye on the prize and I will get there – where ever “there” is. (yes, younger me, I still say this today but now I’m convinced there is Abraham’s bosom aka paradise aka ‘heaven’ or hollow earth below this one in sheol/hades separated from torments by the great gulf chasm. Then out of there off to New Jerusalem then from there to new earth. I believe it because I read it for myself. –

Step one:

The term “Abraham’s bosom” is found only once in the New Testament, in the story of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31), in which Jesus was teaching about the reality of heaven and hell. “Abraham’s bosom” in this story is also translated “Abraham’s side” (NIV, ESV), “next to Abraham” (CEV), “with Abraham” (NLT), and “the arms of Abraham” (NCV). These various translations speak to the enigmatic nature of the Greek word kolpos.

All these translations are attempting to convey the sense that Lazarus went to a place of rest, contentment, and peace, almost as though Abraham (a highly revered person in Jewish history) was the protector or patron. In a sad contrast, the rich man finds himself in torment with no one to help, assist, or console him.

Step Two:

1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17-After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.

Step Three:

Revelation 21: Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,”[a] for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’[b] or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”)

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Our spiritual life story in a nutshell: the short version


The Angelic/Earthly Summary of good to bad and to back to good

Revelation 12:7 recaps the story of life from the beginning to where we are now and where we’re going. Lucifer and the angels turned on God. Tried to stage a coup, it flopped. Archangel Michael and his angels defended them, went to war and won. Lucifer is now referred to as ‘the dragon’ – cast out of heaven with a third of the angels and fell to earth. Lucifer gets more nicknames; serpent/devil/satan. This “spiritual” war is now spread across the earth – enter humans to the stage. We get corrupted by the devil and his minions along with all the air water land and animals and creatures on the earth. Great. Thanks. Could have left us out of it. People ask, where did he come from? Ezekiel 28:11-16 confirmed/verified satan was made by God; kicked out of paradise to roam the earth serving a life sentence on death row and wanted to take us with him. Um. Nope! Nice try though. Suffer by yourself sir. We are created by God just like everything else in heaven and earth (Colossians 1:13-16) and we have ZERO interest in your crap!


But nonetheless, here we are. So now we know. Satan corrupted himself. God didn’t do that. He chose to be bad. The others did, also. Any human on earth with full sound mind body and spirit also has choice to be good or bad. Do you want to pretend you’re God and place yourself at the highest mountain and fake like you’re the Most High or do you want to humbly get by and keep your head low and avoid the punishments to come? As for me and mine, we may make a lot of mistakes in this one and only life but ultimately, at the end of the day, we choose to serve the Lord!

So, God gives us a way out. Hell, and permanent torment for all eternity was not designed for us; it was made for the fallen angels and satan. But if anyone chooses to go with them, God will hurtfully oblige. The only sin God can’t forgive is the one you don’t let Him. Do not reject or blaspheme the Holy Spirit, he’s your ride out of here! He’s your spiritual Uber or Lyft! Get in! He’s going to lead you Jesus Christ who is the only way back to God! (John 14:6).


It's all going to be super confusing, I know. How do you tell the lies from the truth? The Scriptures! (Matthew 4:5-6). Satan’s last days we consume and deceive everyone EXCEPT the elect. God’s chosen ones. You see, it says, “if possible” but it’s not. The devil CANNOT fool GOD and GOD does NOT deceive His chosen ones. Don’t believe the hype. Jesus destroys the devil/satan/the antichrist and all their followers. They all end up in eternal torment. Not God’s chosen children safe in the Kingdom of Jesus! Yay! We win because Jesus fought our war for us and it’s over! The end of the story for the enemy but our story is just beginning, we get all of eternity under new heaven and new earth with Jesus Christ! Amen. (Revelation 12)


Saturday, September 30, 2023

Life: the Dream Within


Life begins at conception (spiritually) that is the big ‘bang’. That moment the sperm/egg combine to bring forth new life is like-boom! A new human is created, born, lives, joins with another, that creates and lives and joins with others on and on it goes and just like their description of an ever-expanding universe is actually US! Not the “stars” in the sky – that are biblically placed, named, numbered and working on a 24/7 rotation affixed in a glass dome on a parallel figure 8 schedule with angels placed at the 4 corners to control the winds, water and air. But again, we already know the world lied so badly to the point it’s not even worth discussing again. Anyway, this big bang, expanding universe? That’s people. Again, somehow, everything revolves around us. The Bible and everything in it, including all of existence, seems to have one plot: humans. Not grass or trees, dogs or cats, birds or sky – not even angels. Humans. We are the center point of every story it seems. Across the board. Everything God/Jesus/Holy Spirit does it not for their health and personal amusement: it’s for us. Wow.


Even within the very makeup and fabric of the human body is a direct reflection of His handiwork; literally made in His image. (we’ve said this before) The mind/body/spirit is a “universe” it’s “one song” meant to work harmoniously together as one to exist, create, do, and that’s cycle was designed to continue infinitely.


      Man <   > Woman




1 + 1 = 1 x 1 = infinity


Humans, unlike angels, procreate on their own; angels are made by God by hand for specific orders/placement/action and their number is predetermined. And yes, I know, God is also able to limit the number of humans by divine design, but instead of Him making each and every one of us, individually or in groups, we, like most creation on earth, procreate. We have the God-like ability to bring life into the world and to take it away.  And while, yes, we are individuals, we are also a collective. The collective minds of all humans, create an infinite tapestry of possibilities, ideas and literally create the fabric of our imaginations.


JUST STOP IT! It’s silly talk


How I know I’m NOT ready to die. The list is a mile long but the obvious?! I’m still here! I haven’t sold all my belongings and given away everything I own…I didn’t quit my job…visit the last destination on the “bucket list” (pun intended); take the “TV” version of doing life’s most embarrassing risks without a care…I don’t put my life on the line for a stranger in some random heroic catastrophe. But wait. Then again, usually when people want to kill themselves, they don’t do any of these things. It’s usually ‘life as usual’ one day and then the next day “gone”.


The suicide victim usually leaves a trail of destruction in their wake. Bills, debt, possessions, jobs, loved ones, friends, family none-the-wiser until it’s too late.


I journaled this Oct 2022 and recording it into the collection nearly a year later 9/29/23 and it’s funny how the mood has shifted a bit. I’m glad I didn’t do something crass. Death is permanent. Back then, I said – who am I fooling. Coward. Too afraid to live; to effervescent to die.  Just stop. Talking about it. Let it go.


Young people do not have it better. No ones’ life is any more or less valuable than another. “White” people; rich people, females, anybody you “think” to yourself “must be nice” and all the other ridiculous flesh worship colloquialisms – comes from two places: lust and envy. Both are against the grain and lead straight to coveting. As far as I can remember, I always had a ‘grass is greener’ ‘eye candy’ problem. Ooh, this car, this suit, this apartment, this house, this girl, this job etc. I always had a problem thinking with that. I’ll be so glad to be truly healed from these internal afflictions. They literally ruined my life. So, yeah, remember, don’t covet.


Like I say, while you’re feeling like that about someone or something you see, someone else is doing the same to you! They see something or someone in your life that makes them feel the same way. I may be lonely and single but I have family and friends and a lot of people don’t have that. I have my health and other blessings not afforded to others and instead of being grateful, I’m feeling fear of missing out but…. I have to tell myself the “grass is NOT greener!” It’s just a different shade from where you’re standing.


Once you walk over to that side, you see, sure there’s a couple of nice things about it but again; there’s pros and cons to everything. Nothing in this life is perfect. No. nothing. Everything has a flaw. Everyone has many.  And just like that, I’m over it. This is stupid. What the hell am I doing. No more. Stinking thinking. Enough. I’m over it. This is boring.




(And then suddenly or maybe not so suddenly – a burst of “yay! Life is great!” could be worse! Enjoy it! Hope this lasts longer than a day. Longer. Longing. Longing to look for “love.” For the love of God not “lust.” Life. Live in laughter. Not loathing. Lost the negative. Get the gusto. Jovial. Joy. Joy of life. Being alive. Part of me can’t stop. If I do, I will feel it again. Maybe. Say NO to being lonely. DEATH to Loneliness – how ‘bout that. Die – lonely hearts – die! Spite by nose to save my…die! 2 sides… (I was clearly rambling here but it led to this little comparison)


LIGHT                    DARK

GOOD                         BAD

NEW                           OLD

FRESH                         REPETITIVE


QUIET                         LOUD

GIVE IN                       GIVE UP

FLOW                         STOP

SMOOTH                    ROUGH

UP                               DOWN

FLIGHT                        GROUNDED

WHY NOT                  WHY






            Dare to dream – push the limits – you are never too old if you really truly want something reach out for it and if the opportunity has passed you by; look into the alternatives that are the best fit for you at that moment; do not be afraid to seek a new passion; finding something new to be excited about can be rewarding; even if you don’t have one, the journey to find one can be exciting. Enjoy the journey, enjoy life!

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

It ain't over yet!


I have been blessed with a healthy eventful life full of reading, writing, books, music, movies, museums, travel, culture, arts, entertainment, and most of all, getting to know and developing an intimate personal relationship with God and Christ Jesus with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It’s been great. Getting to know Him and getting to know the world and everything in it. It’s been enjoyable for the most part (lots of love, laughter, good times more than bad for sure and yet there are times when looking back on it all, it just makes me sad. It shouldn’t, though, right? A good life is a good life be thankful be joyous and be quiet. It could have been a lot different of course.


But still, I feel sad. It comes and goes all the time. Suicide, like sexual assault/rape…I definitely obviously don’t condone it, but I get it. I get “why” people do what they do. I don’t like it. I hate it like God does. But I get it. I get why people check out early. Maybe you live long enough to outlive all or most of friends and family or loved ones and you’re all that’s left or you devoted your life to fulfillment and betterment and it was plentiful and joyous and rewarding in God’s eyes as well as your own. Or you go back to feeling meh, if I left now would I ‘really’ be missing out on anything. It’s funny but if you have to think about it that much or that hard you don’t want to do it. You’re just going thru an emotional moment and this too shall pass. You literally dodged a bullet or whatever it was you were going to use and lived to embrace another day. And yes, there are those times where you might think, wait, I don’t “really” want to “die” that’s a little overdramatic for the “moment” that comes and goes. Permanent solution for a temporary sometimes bloated or inflated perceived problem.


And yeah, I get it; you don’t want to die and you don’t want to stay. The fence straddle can be quite uncomfortable surely. It’s a gray space. That line between too far gone and too close to the sun. I could understand if you wouldn’t be missed; but you will. I could even understand if you were not loved; but you are. It could even sort of understand if you were not important of didn’t matter to someone who depends on you in some way or another. But they do. And lastly, I could even try to swallow the hard pill if you were a hardened criminal who has turned his back on God and man and deserved to die for your crimes in sin! But you’re not.


You, see? Because you matter. Your life matters. And to have one foot in this life and one foot edging the door to “exit” this world, it’s clearly unhealthy and puts unnecessary pressure and stress on yourself that you don’t need. Most of all of these things mentioned. You “should” matter to “you” – you “should” love “you” – you would miss “you”! Trust and believe there is “something” in life you would miss if you were not here anymore. I don’t care if it was your favorite hobby, food or drink or place to go or person to visit – something or someone – you would miss. And believe or not – there is a moment of regret for most between that moment of initiating the execution upon yourself and that moment of no return; like a person who jumps or shoots themselves or whatever they tried – pills etcetera whatever and … ding ding wake up! Guess what?! You didn’t die! You survived the attempt or attempts. Whether it be by witness, medic, hospital, pastor, priest, family or friend; God saw it fit to STOP you.


Not yet. It is not your appointed time. The Bible is repeatedly clear on this.


I look back on my life and think, wow, that may have been me. Was I the one living spiritually emotionally feeling like I had one foot in and one foot out? My songs, poems, short stories, all had a touch or pinch of darkness that reflect a deep to be more than I am; larger than life persona; a man’s man; the guy that all the ladies want to be with and all the men want to be; a distinguished gentleman; accomplished. Interesting; intriguing. I had an undertone of ‘god’ complex; I often wished I were an angel with powers; like a superhero out of a metaphysical comic book. Oh wait. That was already taken. By Jesus in the Bible; even scarier; that’s real!


Let’s change that desire. Let’s desire to matter. To more than others and God but to ourselves. If you get stuck in the “gray” – find yourself rambling on a broken tape of stinkin’ thinkin’ telling yourself all the wrong things when they should be positive uplifting and encouraging. The mind can be renewed! Romans 12:2.

You were fearfully and wonderfully made… Psalm 139:14

Brilliance. Color. Brilliance. Life. Brilliance. Light.

When the noise of life dampens the quiet of the spirit. Go back and read this again. It’s not over. Until it’s over. It ends when God says it ends. Until then, get to work! Get to living! Stop living to die and live to live! “Don’t give up…until you drink from the silver cup” – America/Lonely People. Just sayin’.


Say goodbye to yesterday and hello to tomorrow. Dare to dream? How about dare to live 😊 

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Holidays are NOT Holy Days


HUMAN thinking                                          GOD’S thinking

Is short term                                                  is long term

Is linear                                                           is spatial

Is finite                                                            is infinite

Is in the moment                                          is eternal

Is Short sighted                                             is endless

Is for self                                                        is for all


Satan’s highlights                                         Yeshuah Messiah

            }}                                                                      {{

Devil’s holy nights                                        Sabbath day of rest

            }}                                                                      {{

September 23rd                                            September 11th

            }}                                                                      {{

October 31 samhain/hallow’s eve              April 1st – biblical new year (see holy days vs holidays in part one

            //                                                                     \\

Kills – November 24 thanksgiving              Restores life eternal

            //                                                                     \\

Steals – December 25                                  Jesus is counterfeited by Tammuz/Apollyon/Apollo

            //                                                                     \\

Destroys-April 9/Easter/Ishtar                    Jesus rose on 3rd day and ascended into Heaven – Matthew 28:1-10

See 10:10 on a clock? Reference John 10:10 - 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.


Urge anyone who will listen do NOT honor worship or celebrate world pagan satanic demonic “holidays” especially Halloween/Christmas/Easter. It lowers the guards against the enemy 

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Untouchable? YES!


*Demonic so-called “time travel” …decode

-they CANNOT time travel! No celestial or physical being can go “back” in time!

-they are restricted to the same linear time we are! They are limited to the same clock on the wall that we are! Now can they jump from body to body over the years, giving the appearance to exist beyond generations and give the illusion to live “outside” of time? sure! But that’s a magic trick. Only God exists outside of time!


-demons fallen angels unclean spirits orbs ghosts, whatever you want to call them, they CANNOT go beyond the present day and CANNOT go forward from where we are right now! Matthew 8:29 They began screaming at him, “Why are you interfering with us, Son of God? Have you come here to torture us before God’s appointed time?”


-they DO NOT have the ability to “undo” the past or “prevent” the future! All of the stories, movies, TV shows, etc, that talk about “time travel” is bullshit! All lies. The father of lies, Jesus said. John 8:44…

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.


They CANNOT undo their punishment or prevent their judgement! God’s actions are blocked and off limits. They can’t change anything at the end of the day! Again, heaven and earth will come and go but MY WORD will NEVER FADE. Matthew 24:35. God’s Word cannot be diluted changed or switched; it cannot be watered down, altered or fabricated in any way. It is perfect and absolute because it is “outside of our space and time” and is NOT within reach of any earthly being. Hard stop. Period.


It's the true and original – the real untouchable 😊 God is literally Above the Law and outside of it because He invented it! wow. He. Cannot. Lose. Why? Because He set it up that way. He set up existence in His favor to always win. Again. get on the right side of history and get on a winning team! Choose Christ. It’s the simple. It’s not complicated, it’s easy!