Saturday, September 30, 2023

Life: the Dream Within


Life begins at conception (spiritually) that is the big ‘bang’. That moment the sperm/egg combine to bring forth new life is like-boom! A new human is created, born, lives, joins with another, that creates and lives and joins with others on and on it goes and just like their description of an ever-expanding universe is actually US! Not the “stars” in the sky – that are biblically placed, named, numbered and working on a 24/7 rotation affixed in a glass dome on a parallel figure 8 schedule with angels placed at the 4 corners to control the winds, water and air. But again, we already know the world lied so badly to the point it’s not even worth discussing again. Anyway, this big bang, expanding universe? That’s people. Again, somehow, everything revolves around us. The Bible and everything in it, including all of existence, seems to have one plot: humans. Not grass or trees, dogs or cats, birds or sky – not even angels. Humans. We are the center point of every story it seems. Across the board. Everything God/Jesus/Holy Spirit does it not for their health and personal amusement: it’s for us. Wow.


Even within the very makeup and fabric of the human body is a direct reflection of His handiwork; literally made in His image. (we’ve said this before) The mind/body/spirit is a “universe” it’s “one song” meant to work harmoniously together as one to exist, create, do, and that’s cycle was designed to continue infinitely.


      Man <   > Woman




1 + 1 = 1 x 1 = infinity


Humans, unlike angels, procreate on their own; angels are made by God by hand for specific orders/placement/action and their number is predetermined. And yes, I know, God is also able to limit the number of humans by divine design, but instead of Him making each and every one of us, individually or in groups, we, like most creation on earth, procreate. We have the God-like ability to bring life into the world and to take it away.  And while, yes, we are individuals, we are also a collective. The collective minds of all humans, create an infinite tapestry of possibilities, ideas and literally create the fabric of our imaginations.


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