Showing posts with label inspirational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspirational. Show all posts

Friday, January 6, 2023

Do You Know? ( A College Experience )


DeMaster Thomas, 10/14/2002

Listening to my favorite Diana Ross tune put me into a really deep frame of mind.  Asking myself, do I know where I’m going?  Do I like the things life is showing me?  Where am I going with my future…do I know?  To be honest, I didn’t.  I knew that working one job for the rest of my life was completely out, unless I could work for myself and own a business.  And from that point on, it became my lifelong dream.

I was so intrigued by the venture capitalists.  They appeared to me movers, shakers, and big money-makers.  It appeared that they only worked as long as they needed to and they moved on to another venture.  But what would it take to get started?  Well, I did some research and found out some very interesting tidbits about venture capitalism.  According to ­Across the Board by Benno Schmidt, a firm’s mission statement should be   "We are here to invest in companies that we believe can succeed, companies with both management teams and purposes that we can wholeheartedly embrace, companies that it will be fun to work with as we build and companies of which we will be justly proud when we succeed."  So, I thought of ways to first, start a company, take the revenue and turn out an investment firm from it, that would do exactly that. 

Let the ideas begin!  I started out by drawing up a business plan that I felt would be successful.  It consisted of a parent company that would house brother and sister companies and in turn, create revenue to invest in other business and new innovations.  I created the layout of the property, the titles of each store within the property and set up a list of functions for each store to perform. 

I decided on which products would be sold where and how.  Now of course, great minds think alike.  I incorporated the ideas of my closest friends who shared my goal for making this business venture successful.  Together, we began to brainstorm many more branches of ideas. 

Then, we were faced with the final task.  Investment.  We had to find a way get money to make all these ideas come to life.  This is where my little song was not so inspirational.  It was as if there were ‘no open doors’ anywhere for those who have no money to get money to make money.  I was right back where I started with a dollar and a dream.  So, I decided to put the business plan on hold and find a way to generate the income that would be needed to give this plan life. 

Get That Money

                So, there we were.  Working to find a way to generate the money we would need to get our business venture off the ground.  We put together an independent record label that would generate income by selling the material produced by the artists.  The artists were of all kinds of music, including rock and house.  But it was mostly rap and rhythm and blues.  And of course, guess who was right there in the middle of it all, writing diligently and making songs…yes you guessed it…me.  I was doing something I had not done for two years.  I was making music and recording in the studio again.  This fit perfectly for what we were after.  You see, part of the business venture included a record company.  Another part of the venture included a clothing store that sold clothes, made and worn by the recording artists as well as other trendy fashions from other companies and designers.  There would also be a record store that sold all kinds of music and videos.  This was a ‘left hand feeds the right hand’ type of business.  Each one of the products that we created, fit in one of the stores in our shopping center.  This shopping center was more than just a flashy, trendy place for people to buy their latest and greatest favorites in music and clothes.  It was also home to a restaurant and a nightclub. 


Now, I’m sure that sounds like a lot, but hey, our mission was to get the money and make enough of it to rotate it over and over again.  After all, this was a career.  Not a job. 

This was something that was designed to maintain our lifestyle as well as the lifestyle of our children who would grow up to take over the family businesses. 


Well, two years passed and nothing had come of the ideas.  The music ventures never took off and I never really worked hard enough in researching to find an investor or list of investors that would take on such a venture.  So, my final goal of fulfilling my career interest as a venture capitalist, was far away from any length of vision I could ever imagine.  It was time to give up.  After all the work we put into our music, hoping it would sell and we would make enough money to start our businesses, we gave up.  The little voice in our heads saying, "get that money" was now saying, “stop wasting your time.”  So, I did. 

Now, all I do is look back on it and think of the “shoulda” “coulda” “woulda’s”.  It is still a dream of mine though.  I like the idea of the dream of being a venture capitalist but I don’t think I’m going to pursue it as a career interest anymore.  I guess I’ll go back to the drawing board and find another way.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

One for Non-Smoking: A short story to inspire


                                                               One for non-smoking

Written by: DeMaster Thomas

9-12-01 4pm


So there I was, solitude.  One for non-smoking please I ask as usual.  And order the same thing everyday. Tossed salad and scrambled eggs.  I got my regular spot by the window and just sat and stared out into the traffic, city activity and skyline.  It caused my mind to wander as my stomach adjusted…I…  I pandered my life in relation to current events and realized many philosophies about myself and the life lived.  And mostly how bad this actually tastes.  But most of all, I realized my life was where it was for a number of reasons.  One could be that it was created by the choices I have made and the paths I have taken.  Another could be that things unexpectedly happen to me and I reacted to them, changing my life without planning or notice.  Then there is the notion that maybe God has something else planned for me that I just haven’t found yet. 


I know that in order to learn and grow, we must go through many experiences in life and by this time, the eggs had settled and a touch of gas passed through my mind and…I still drifted in scattered thought wondering if maybe it was a combination of all of the above and more.  I have seen family, friends and others overcome some pretty serious obstacles in their lives and I am sometimes, simply amazed at their abilities to move on with such strength and adversity.  How it calmed me to smile gently and think of the happiness their accomplishments brought us.  Actually, it’s kind of amazing to notice how much I’ve learned just by those around me.  But yet, there I sat, alone.  Still searching for whatever it was I was looking for.  I know it wasn’t to be alone-again. 


Here I am.  No children, no spouse, no lover and no big time career to eat away at the lonely hours that filled my days.  Bachelor hood had completely engulfed me.  The check came and I chuckled a little under my breath.  I notice one thing that’s cool about living alone, it’s cheaper to dine out when there’s only one order on the check.  But nonetheless, in my thoughts I found a resolution to rest my mind.  I began to realize that just like everyone else, my life was simple but unique.  It was mine and no one else’s and that made it special.  To the pretty memories of my past, for the record, I love you.  Thank you for helping me to be where I am today.  I realized that I had made it through my own obstacles and overcome my own trials and tribulations and most of all, I had my own fun-filled and loving stories to tell.  I ended my outing with a smile and a small ounce of peace in my heart. 


I realized that no matter what, I was still me.  Regardless of my job, my social status or my physical make up.  It was still my soul inside.  Underneath the blanket of depression was a bed of happiness.  I was actually proud of me.  After all, I made that bed of memories and continue to make new ones everyday.  Today I decided it was okay to dream.  It was okay to be myself and be proud of what I want and have and have done.  It’s okay to be abstract and misunderstood.  It was all part of me and who I am.  Thank God my life was still mine and no one else’s.  There will be love for me one day. 


I learned a long time ago to concentrate on the present and use the past as a guide for the future.  Amen to that.  And on that note, I happily paid the server and headed out the door promising never to return.  I promised myself from this day forward, I would do things different from now on.  Where would I start?  Well, the next time I sit down eat; I think I’ll have the special of the day.  J



Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Word From the Wise

The Path of Seeking God First

The Creator did not send his Son for the righteous, he came to seek and save the lost in the loss of pride, ego and material things - faith and trust abound if you did not have any faith before - you will when you are done.

Come as you are - broken and God makes you whole and new-cleans you up and gives you a new job, new tasks, new outlook. He's in the business of creating new things to make you full, deep and abundant.
5 values to base your path on
1. Love God - set Him first.
2. Love Others - serving others fulfills the love.
3. Invest/Invite - if another person is willing to come to church, bring them.
4. Read a verse daily - fuels the spirit and heals the mind.
5. Financial peace - 10/10/80 rule. Save 10%, give 10%, live off 80%. It works with surprise.

These tools will help you to grow stronger everyday. Where is the light and hope in a world full of more and more darkness? YOU. Jesus, through the Spirit that is in you, transforms "stinking thinking" into good thinking and leads you as a light through a dark world. Through Him, you are transformed.