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Thursday, February 9, 2023

God's Original Plan: Truth - I


DeMaster Thomas 12/13/2019

GOD'S ORIGINAL plan for angels and humans 


day 1 light and earth (moon and stationary void)

day 2 separate waters above and waters below (dome)

day 3 dry land and vegatation (mtns, plants, trees) 

day 4 sun moon solar system celestial beings (angels)

day 5 creatures of air and sea (birds, fish, etc)

day 6 land creatures and humans

day 7 rest by God the Creator of all

+1 day is sunset to sunset 

+1 year is 360 days

(see original Hebrew calendar for reference)

the new year starts April 1st. 

+the day of rest is day 7 or saturday on today's calendar
this is the day of God the Creator and shall be kept holy; this is the day humans shall rest and worship their creator. 

+a holy day is a day that is sacred, special, meaningful; to spend in prayer and goodwill for the Lord and Creator.

+Jesus is the Begotten Son of God; the Word. the Word was with God in the beginning. so Jesus has been with God since the beginning. He is the light of the world. 

+Jesus said keep the commandment of the sabbath, the sabbath is the day of God's rest aka Saturday, and keep it holy in other words, it is sacred. Hold onto it. 

+Jesus said he is the way, the truth, the life. one way to God; that's it. there are no others. 

+Jesus did away with religion, dogma and atheism. Atheists and antichristians are the biggest believers in the world because they fear God more than any other.

+christ said fallen angels and humans do not know true peace love and joy without the Father in Heaven.

+christ said humans can't live without God. the heavens and the earth will fade, but my word will never change. this is God's new world order that all sin/sinners be completely removed from all existence for all eternity. christ will put you in a new body that is without sin; and you will live forever. 

+and surely, without God, the humans died.

+God brought Jesus back from the dead. 

+Jesus Christ is whole; just and sovereign. 

+the renewing of mind body and spirit is organic/with God

+Jesus Christ has overcome death

+Jesus Christ keeps us out of hell after physical death to be with him in paradise

+hell is real

+you will die a 2nd death permanently 

+the earth is flat and not moving 

+there are disembodied spirits among you; fallen angels and demons; not humans; not friends and family

+do not communicate with the dead; they are demonic in nature 

+they are under control of powers and principalities in high places; they are fallen angels; they are not your friends

+these high places span from Pleades to Andromeda

+they were cast down to earth in punishment and separated from God; they want to become their Gods

+they cannot travel outside the dome covering the earth and the heavens; it is a stationary, enclosed system. The dome over earth is made like crystalline glass. The earth is still and shall not be moved. there are limits. the earth is the center; the sun, moon and the heavens move around the earth on a fixed figure 8 pattern. 

+humans were fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God; you were created to love, be loved and to expand the Kingdom of God. you are to serve and kings and queens of nations. 

+the Holy Spirit will guide you and protect you

+seek wisdom and you will find it

+there are waters above and waters below the flat earth;

under the layer you dwell on is a middle earth of paradise; an abyss and a place of torment and tortures.

*1x1x1 = 1; the trinity; mind,body,spirit=GOD infinite


+you were made from the clay of the earth and the spirit of God

+the moon and sun both have their own light source; the moon does not reflect the sun

+the chicken came first; not the egg

+NEVER mix human DNA with anything else but human;

it is an abomination and my spirit will not live in it

+NEVER mix celestial DNA with humans or any creature; 

it is an abomination and my spirit cannot live in it

+there are only 2 genders, male/female

+God is the energy and when you die he takes the energy back. you get 1 life. 1 physical death. get it right. now. remember your spirit to God. reconnect. 2nd death spirit is forever perished. there is no reincarnation. only resurrection and eternal life through Jesus.

+all God's people go to Hades/paradise is in here; the place of torment is Sheol/Gehenna. 

+Jesus holds the keys to death/hades; paradise in hades is where God's people go, escorted by 2 angels to a comforting pleasure garden in peaceful waiting for the 2nd coming. 

+you are conscious after death. you can feel and recognize your surroundings.

+the dead know nothing of what happens on earth among the living after they die.

+disembodied spirits among the living are fallen angels rejected from heaven and cut off from God.

+near death experience seeing heaven/hell; Jesus or satan is not death and is merely the manifestation of the mind and the experiences of trauma and surroundings mixed with memories and thoughts fueled by the imagination. 

True death is a one way street. There is no coming back unless it is commanded by Jesus Himself.
(John 11:43) Lazarus
(Matthew 17: 1-13) Moses and Elijah and more in the link