Saturday, May 18, 2013

There once was a wealthy man who asked a great wise man, "What good thing must I do to get eternal life?" The wise man replied, "obey the rules." The wealthy man answered a bit confused, "which one?" The wise man replied, "All of them. Then when you have done that, give up all your worldly riches and follow me." The wealthy man walked away sad, because he would not give up his wealth for eternal life.

You see, we live a world filled with good intentions, great material wealth and endless possibilities for physical pleasures. But we tend to get so caught up in what we "have" in the "here-and-now" that we forget about the future and where we may end up. Your actions today effect you and those you come in contact with as well as those who you do not. In other words, everything you do in this life-matters. 

Your choice of lifestyle directly effects others. It is all relative. We are all connected. No one person can do everything by him or herself. It takes more. This means focusing your strengths and abilities on your first priority-YOU. 

Let's break down the story a little further. I will try to keep it simple and not get preachy. 

 The wealthy man asked, "what GOOD THING must  I DO to get ETERNAL LIFE? That's deep! And only opens us up to ask more wow questions like...

A. Am I good ENOUGH?
B. Can I save MYSELF?
C. Where do I GO WHEN I DIE?
D. What do I still LACK?

The simplest way to summarize answers to these questions without getting too deep is: a person who had treasures in life may find it that much harder to "let go" because they won't see it as storing up their treasures in the afterlife. They may see it as just giving it all away and not getting much in return except an occasional pat on the back and a temporary sense of gratitude. But it's more than that. All that you have in this life is given to you temporarily-including your body. What is it exactly that you are holding onto?

It takes all of us, working together, sharing all the strengths and talents that we have, collectively, to make our one and only life abundant and more fulfilling for everyone. So the answer to question A is: A true and rewarding life is not about RELIGION, it is about RELATIONSHIP. It is not about MONEY, it is about ACTION. It is not about talking about how much you care, it is about sharing LOVE as much as you can, when you can. That is what makes you good enough.

When you implement all or part of Answer "A" you automatically jump start Answer "B". By building your relationships, taking positive action to share goodwill with others, you become more than just a FAN, you become a LEADER. It's one thing to sit in the stands and watch life happen. It's an entirely different experience and outcome when you jump in and actually take part in making life happen. 

In other words, you can't save yourself. It's going to take someone else coming along and choosing to help you in your time of need. You may have heard this said before, there are three kinds of people in this world, those who wonder what happened, those who watch what happened and those who make things happen. Which one are you?

Now for the tougher answer to "C." Where will you go? Well believe it or not, that is entirely up to you. For every person that lives, there is an opinion or a idea of what happens in the afterlife. Ancient civilizations to modern societies have agreed to disagree on every level of intellect that we simply just don't know what "really" happens when we die.

The three most commonly accepted answers are: 1. Nothingness (limbo) 2. Hell 3. Heaven. As for me, I choose Heaven. This leads to answer "D." We all lack something in our lives. For some, it is a person to love or be loved by. For others, it may be finding a spiritual center or a solid faith base that brings peace, wisdom and nourishment to your mind, body and soul. I personally believe that the one true Son of the Creator did really exist and He really did walk the earth, overcome death, was resurrected and now saves a place in Heaven for me and all those who choose to believe as I do. This is my perspective. Ultimately, you decide.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Investment Tips from Virgin Atlantic

Richard Branson's 5 rules of investment

As those of you who followed last week’s Pitch to Rich competition will know, Richard Branson isn’t afraid to invest in start-ups. In fact the Virgin Founder has made a string of investments in tech start-ups over the past couple years, but what does he look for when deciding where to place his funding?
In a recent blog Branson shed some light on his investment criteria, providing five rules which he adheres to when assessing an investment opportunity.
Check them out and let us know what you think, what do you think is important to look for in a start-up?
1. Does your company offer a smart, simple solution that improves customers' lives?
If I understand a startup's product or service on first glance, then customers will too - and if it solves a problem that needs fixing, there's a good chance that some will buy it.
That's why I invested in Square two years ago. It's a company that was started by the Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey when he was trying to help his friend, a glass-blower who wanted to sell his work but didn't have a credit card machine. Square's system allows entrepreneurs to accept credit card payments via smartphone. The company says it now handles about $12 billion in transactions annually, and in 2012, it announced a deal with Starbucks, so that customers can pay for their coffees and other items using the Square Wallet app.
2. Is your company's use of technology disruptive?
There are many companies that dress up their products by putting lights and screens on them, but don't exactly make a difference to anyone's everyday life. Such products may attract attention, but unless the technology adds easy functionality, the customers won't be back a second time.
Hailo, the yellow taxi cab app, is a great example of a disruptive technology, since it's so more efficient and responsive than our current options: trying to wave down a passing cab or placing a call to the cab company. We chose to invest in this company because it lets passengers hail free taxis on nearby blocks with their smartphones. It helps cabbies too, since they spend about 40 percent of their time driving around looking for passengers.

3. Does your company offer customers greater choice and better access?
However small a company, its founders should try to expand people's opportunities and choices.
The online coding tool Codecademy is giving anyone with an Internet connection the chance to learn basic programming skills for free. With its easy-to-use interface and lessons drawn from real-world examples, Codecademy is outshining the competition.
I decided to invest in Codecademy because many people need and will benefit from access to such skills, especially women who hesitate to enter such a male-dominated field -- one in which most students tend to be men as well. Already, over 35 percent of Codecademy's users are women.
4. Does your company's product or service encourage customers to share their work or experiences?
The development of Web-based applications has enabled collaboration on a scale that was unimaginable 30 years ago. In almost every industry, more sharing is helpful and useful: between friends and family members; between colleagues, and sometimes between customers.
The best way to encourage sharing is make it fun, which is why businesses like Pinterest have found such success. This beautiful platform is all about inspiration and discovery, providing people with a quick, easy, entertaining way to share photos. It has rapidly become a household name -- and inspired us to invest in their company.
5. Does your company care enough about people and the planet to use business as a force for good?
Every company can make a difference. New businesses can tackle local problems, growing businesses can tackle national problems, big businesses can tackle global problems. One example that stands out is Twitter, which activists have used to evade authoritarian leaders' controls on communication -- it has helped to topple governments. I use Twitter to generate awareness for causes that are meaningful to me and others, like ending the war on drugs, and this is why I've invested in this company.
Similarly, we've funded Tumblr, which is one of the most popular Web destinations in the United States, and it also gives people a digital platform where they can express themselves.
These are just a few of the promising startups that have helped me to learn more about the challenges and opportunities faced by tech companies today. Those that provide services that help entire communities may have built long-lasting businesses that will be influential for years to come.
By . Content Executive. Tweets at @JackPressedOn