Thursday, February 9, 2023

God's Original Plan: Truth - II

JOHN 14:6

F.B.I. - fidelity - bravery - integrity yes but, means so much more spiritually

F.B.I. - fearless - blessed - illuminated ; at least 40 verses speak of God's Love for us and our Trust in Him

F.B.I. or Fi or Phi ; Beta; Iesous (John 8:12) Jesus: The Original Light of the World

for me: FBI means the bountiful wisdom of Jesus or the infinite knowledge of God 

F - Fie or Phi means Wisdom

B - Beta means Bountiful of God of plenty 

I - Iesous means Jesus 

Man, woman, God the braid of strength against the enemies of this world aka the trinity aka triune god son spirit; mind body spirit-we are the only creature made in the image of our creator; no other animal plant celestial being in heaven or earth resembles the maker except the human; the fallen angels were celestial elemental energy beings without limit of gender physical internal or external genetic limitations such as being a boy girl dark shade light shade eye hair color height weight etc.; they used animals and other artificial synthetic creations to enter into physical form ie animals, mammals, technology, plastic, metal, wires, etc.; 

Anything that can be used as an interactive suit with living beings. history shows them using serpents, donkeys, lions, cats, dogs, insects, pigs, goats, birds, etc. to mix and interbreed with humans in an attempt to spread their own seed in multiply themselves across the earth vs the original game plan which was spread the seed and spirit of God across the earth so that His Kingdom His presence could be ever present and prominent here on earth just like it is in Heaven; this explains why fallen angels, demons, and all their offspring are corrupt, damaged, trans, cross bred blood drained blood mixed abominations literally created in filth. the mix of celestial with human and animal with human only creates grotesque deformed diseased foul broken abhorrent outcomes. 

Nothing good has come from cross breeding outside of like kinds in the history of existence except when genetically perfected at a nano-cellular level for its purpose and intent in the finished product and its place in the world. in other words, if God mixes or uses the DNA of a creature or kind to make something else, its pure, clean, without flaw. if man or fallen angels attempt to do the same thing and put ourselves into the creation, it's broken, flawed, and doomed to fail; every time; now I see why; because it's source is imperfect so the creation is imperfect. God is perfect so his creations are perfect. if you taint or poison that; you are mixing mud and dirt with clean fresh water. you're mixing trash with treasure. Pain with pleasure. Bad with good. you get the point...)


The Eyes of God are His Own. He is all seeing, all knowing. The left right paradigm is a lie. The fallen angels work together to deceive the whole world into believing they are against each other when they are actually working together behind the scenes to kill steal and destroy everything God built in mankind and the heavens and the earth. they want it for themselves. not for you. 

-through discernment your vision is clear; you see things not as they are illusioned, but as they are. be aware of calm waters, there are sharks in it. 

-real "woke" is recognizing and having discernment in the physical war AND the spiritual war

-we are in the days of Noah as Noah is the days of Genesis. Just as Ham sinned against his mother, defiling her to the point she could not have anymore children.  He dishonored his parents. Just as Cain dishonored his parents before Ham. 

-we are taken up 2 by 2 as unclean and made clean in the rib cage of Jesus Christ out of which runs blood and water that is made us clean just as the ark of Noah took in only 2 by 2 of clean animals to be released into the world. This time is the age of Genesis and Noah just as a clean blood line of Adam lead to Noah; the clean blood line of Noah lead to Jesus and Jesus clean blood line leads to the resurrection and ultimately the passing away and replacement of the heavens and the earth.



-our armor of God is scratched scraped dented and beaten and battered but it is not broken; just as the body of Christ on the cross was scratched scraped dented and beaten and battered but NONE of his bones were ever broken; putting on the armor of God is literally putting on Jesus Christ; the absence of Jesus is the presence of the Holy Spirit - His essences His aura His energy is with you 24/7 365; its always on; never closes and the signal is always crystal clear. 

-We carry on ; just as the days of old; Osiris, Ra and Isis is America Russia and England; Lucifer and Satan are Saudi Arabia and Rome; we continue to this day to fight the good fight against the powers and principalities the pervert and skew the laws of man in their favor to create a race and nations to believe only in them and to turn us away from the Most High Elohim the Triune God the One who wrote the Owners Manual to Life. 

Egypt and Rome, Sodom and Gomorrah take on shifting forms and squat where they lay; such is today's super power countries, from Japan to China, the Americas to Europe and all are under the guise of being enemies when in truth they are on the same team. it's like the football teams of the NFL; you play for Cleveland they play for Chicago but they are both on the NFL so the same guy pays their paycheck. they are both working for the same company, they're just on different floors in the office. 

This is where the United Nations comes in. do not be fooled that any one country or leader has your best interest in mind. they still participate coordinate or communicate with the UN in some capacity or another. they all cross communicate with each other to reach the common goal; COEXIST totalitarian tolerance of all things. 

My testimony is simple; I have broken every rule in the book. Twice. Then got to a point in my life, my body, my spirit, I can't do this anymore. It's hurting me. It's hurting others around me and worst of all; It's hurting God. So I chose to change. Let go of the world and give in to the Way. 

Rejecting the world means accepting the Word. The "L" makes all the difference because it stands for "Lies". The worLd is 90% mixed with with "10" % truth so it's palatable and acceptable to 90% of the people and only 10% of us truly have eyes to see and ears to hear HIS truth. 

Therefore we must be vigilant in our walk. Do not claim to be so called Christian if you live your life "in the world" you are living a lie and lying to yourself and God. You are to instead by constant like God; yesterday today and tomorrow; love the things that God loves and hate the things that God hates for what He hates is an abomination and sickness to the health and wellness of humankind. 

Jesus showed and taught us what to love and what to hate. Loving sin is NOT of God. It is like sunflower seeds to Him. He is shifting us around in His left hand, peeling our skins off, taking us into his mouth, sucking the salt off of us, the sin is chewed up and He is spitting you out of His mouth. 

If you are sinful, you are unhealthy; chewed up and spit out. You are bitter to the tongue. 

A clean spirit, clean mind and body is sweet to the tongue and is a cool breeze on a warm day; it is a soft blanket of truth in a cold world of lies. It is taken in and taken up to be sewn; to be reaped like a great harvest. 

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