Saturday, March 4, 2023

What is Love?


So, what does God want from me? Love. Out of that, comes a roaring rushing river; full of service adoration worship and praise. Think about it. When you “love” someone; you “do” because you “want” to; not because you “have to”.


You care because it’s genuinely out of concern and respect. You lean in; not away. You want to protect them; hold them, kiss them, squeeze them and caress them. You want to educate them, scold them, keep them around forever. Because you “love” them. When you love someone truly, you are committed. You would do anything for them, even if it means putting yourself in danger or putting your own heart or your own life on the line.


You do this not out of desperation; you’re doing that out of love! That’s the same kind of burning desire God hopes that you would have for Him! This undying urge to be in His presence, spend time with Him, get to know Him; he’s not lonely, He’s far from alone!


That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about a personal intimate relationship. Not a slave - master punishment of abuse and indentured servitude. That’s not God’s love. Love because you have it in you to give; not because you’re going through the motions.


Just like a person can see that you don’t mean it; God can see that too! He knows when you’re faking it and when you really mean it. Love out of kindness; let your gestures be outward expressions of that love. Let your obedience be an outward extension of that love!


It is the greatest source of all! His Love returned to Him is the greatest return on investment He could ask for. There’s nothing like the solid bond that cannot be broken between God and his child who loves Him as He loves the child.


Genesis 2:7 ; that’s intimacy ( that’s personal ; meaningful )

Genesis 2: 21-21; that’s delicacy ( that’s patience; takes His time )

Genesis 1:28 ; that’s trust ( when you love somebody you trust them )

Genesis 3: 21 – 23; that’s care ( forgiveness ; we do this endlessly when we love someone )

John 3:16 ( that’s sacrifice – you put others before yourself when you’re “in” love )


And the list goes on and on. From Genesis to Revelation again. It’s the greatest love story ever told. A story about a Creator who made a creation in hopes that it would give and receive love; when it could not or was not able; more love was poured about in abundance to save the creation from danger and death; restore and heal the creation so that once again, they might have a chance to live and love again. if you truly understand, it should break your heart to tears. This. Is. Love.


1 Corinthians 13:4-8


Satan says to Jesus, “why don’t you just leave? They’re diseased hateful and abusive! They don’t love you! Leave them!” But Jesus does NOT give up. He continues to fight for out of LOVE. Don’t ever tell an abuse victim, why don’t you just leave. It’s not ignorance or pity for the abuser; in the case of humans vs God – it’s love! Every chapter of the Bible – love is the underline of the story. Love is the point. Love is choice.


One of my favorite movie quotes:

Agent Smith: “You can’t win its pointless to keep fighting! Why do you persist? (the devil) 

Neo: “because I CHOOSE to”.  (the savior)


See? Satan and Jesus. Every story every written on earth; every TV show, movie, poem, all of it! Is a repeat from the Bible! I guarantee if you really sat down and decoded everything program you ever watched, unpacked every movie you ever saw, somewhere in the plot, there’s the Bible.  Even adult film and horror is Biblical. It’s literally the days of Noah and Jesus all over again. There’s nothing new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1: 8-10). 


For me personally, wow, this kicked in and explains a lot of why from the time I wrote that journal entry in 2005 to now, I’m technically still stuck in the same place: Ecclesiastes 1 : 16 – 18.



I thought to myself, "Look, I have grown and increased in wisdom more than anyone who has ruled over Jerusalem before me; I have experienced much of wisdom and knowledge."


Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind.


For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see myself in this big time. Look how I grew over my friends in this but today, looks like they’re “happy” and I’m lonely and miserable. See? More “money” more problems – dang. Who’d a thought, more wisdom more problems. I thought, the more you know was a good thing; but ignorance really is bliss – once you see the ugly parts or something or someone – you can’t unsee it. its stuck there. You remember it like a thumbtack pressed in your finger. Sucks but true. Even if it’s the ugly in yourself. That’s the worst. Okay. Let’s move on.