Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Why Am I? Jeremiah 29:11-13


I can do everything through Him who give me strength. Philippians 4:13


Based on this truth, humankind is one collective mind, broken down into 7 + billion separate self-operating parts. Together, advancement is inevitable. Humankind is designed to advance as one. No one person can advance without the rest. Not one. How far the development goes depends on the “species”. (We already established earlier, humans are not a species, they’re sentient persons! This is a misnomer.  See Genesis 1:26-28; 5:2)  


To interrupt this great work in progress is to throw a monkey-wrench in the wheel so-to-speak. Therefore, life, death and all in between must continue. The one with the power to stop it is you – collectively each human being is like a brain cell. The collective mind stays forever young and forever fully functional by the dean and birth of (more) cells. Keep thinking and you will get it. Keep doing and it will happen. Keep dreaming and it will continue to grow and evolve. Keep believing and all will continue to be revealed.

Since the collective mind is inner-operational, like cranks or wheels in a clock, the only form it can take is unseen energy.


The collective mind, in order to be validated or justified, must be experienced. This is why each human is intricately and purposely and specifically created to perform a certain function throughout their lifetime. No matter how long or short the lifespan, the purpose is served and collectively, advancement has been achieved.

: This also means there is no such thing as higher or lower levels of intelligence but different degrees of it in order to meet the collective purpose.


The Value of Life


Regardless of what so many in the world believe and choose to do, every soul is priceless in our Heavenly Father’s eyes. Here are 10 eternal truths about just how valuable, precious, and irreplaceable each child of God is:

1.      Genesis 1:26–28

2.      Exodus 20:13

3.      Psalm 127:3

4.      Psalm 139:13–15

5.      Jeremiah 1:5

6.      Matthew 18:1–6

7.      3 Nephi 17:21–24

8.      Doctrine and Covenants 18:10

9.      Doctrine and Covenants 132:19

10. Moses 1:39


Each life is truly a gift from God. We can honor His gift by cherishing our own lives as well as respecting and valuing the lives of others. We are precious in His sight, and by trusting Him and being diligent in our choices, we can share light and truth with the world around us.

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