Wednesday, March 1, 2023

What Am I? Luke 23:44

All that is without mechanical operation is powered by raw energy. This energy in its present, finest form, can compress, push against, cushion and buffer all that exists in it and around it. This energy is as soft, gentle, unseen, invisible and undetectable as the air in the room.


This same source in more developed form, evolutionized, into other solids, liquids, gasses, etcetera. Shapes, forms and creates all of everything that you see around you…the multiverse, the planets, dark matter, stars, solar systems and things living and dead, seen and unseen, all living things of the earth and yes – even you.




This same source is what gives birth to humans and all that is inside a human. Mechanically, the body operates on its own. But is this “energy” that operates the mind and soul.


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