Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Message from God to You

This original version of the Father's Love Letter narration was first created in 2001. Special thanks to narrator Roy Lamont and Robert Critchley for producing the music. We now have two other extended versions (10 minutes) of this video available as well. (Click on the title for more information)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

One in One

Forgiveness and Healing are one in one. You know you have forgiven yourself when  you are able to speak of your experiences aloud and to others without residual effects. Another great measure of success in forgiveness is the ability to share your experience with others and discover that you have helped them heal in some small way. When you forgive you: you heal a part of yourself that has been hurting. When you share with others, they learn how to do the same thing. You may help someone else with what they're going through simply by being able to say, 'I've been there' and 'I know how you feel.'

Honestly, when you hear someone say that, you really think they don't know how you feel, but when you come to understand their road to forgiveness and you see the benefits of their healing, you may find yourself able to really embrace and open up with that person.

Sharing life challenges with someone you trust can lead to a peaceful heart instead of an angry or hurtful heart. It can also lead you to finally understand why you are the way you are. For some, they have tried life one way and it did not work out so well. It short, it flopped.

But then there is the flip side, where you figure it is time to try life a different way with a fresh perspective and a new gratitude attitude and while you may not be completely happy with the things in life that lead you to this moment, you discover that you have more peace as a result of it.

Forgiveness leads to healing and healing leads to a road to achieving happiness; happiness with all that you have learned along the way. Of course you may say, that's not possible. There's really no such thing as "true happiness" or some might say, "how do you blend the two or is there even such a thing..." I answer you this: understand that regardless of the trials and tribulations in your life, if you are still alive and well then your journey in life continues. There is still much more for you to do to fulfill your purpose. Those ups and downs along your path shaped you and made you who are and who you will become. So - Keep Going!

How do you apply the present to the past? You don't. You learn from the past and apply it to the present. And by doing this, you secure yourself a healthier, happier place in your future.

-DeMaster Thomas

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Heart Is Three

It's funny to think a person can grow to be a hundred years old, but their heart will always be three. Why, you ask? Well, it's pretty simple. The core of the heart is made of pure love. Contrary to popular belief, the core of the heart is not evil at all. That would be our "human nature", a bi-product of our character, but not the true nature of your heart. Accept it or not, we are all a little spoiled and childish when it comes to some things. This includes work, relationships, friends, family and even total strangers. It's okay to admit it. We all have our moments of O.C.S., Only Child Syndrome.

Remember when you were around two or three and you were always the center of attention? You said, mine! Mine! Mine! A lot. Well, that was natural. It is a part of your being to want and desire to be loved and to attract to things that make you happy. It is also natural to want and desire and attract to people that make you happy. This is where relationships come into play. I like a boy, no one else can have him. Why? Because he's mine. You want the girl, but she doesn't want you. But since you can't have her, nobody can. Um...what?! Unfortunately, this is the broken, faulty logic we have all found ourselves stuck in a time or two.

We have been conditioned to believe that somehow when we get into a relationship, the other person is no longer a person, they mysteriously become our "property"-not someone, but something we can claim as our own. This is simply not true.  The fact of the matter is, that person was, is and still will be A PERSON! NOT PROPERTY before, during and after that relationship. This ideal that we must be possessive, controlling and relentlessly pressured to put a person under our wing so to speak, is frankly a defense mechanism built-in to protect the one we truly love the most in the relationship-ourselves! That's right. It's really us that we're protecting. You see, it's one thing to invest money, time and attention to a relationship, but once you apply your heart into it, that's a done deal. You are emotionally invested and that holds more weight than any other investment you have brought in. At that very moment, we go from our age to our shoe size.

We hard wire in silly pet names that shave down that key of love permanently broken off in the other person's heart, like 'sweetheart' 'baby' 'dear' 'sweetie' 'honey' 'boo' and things like that. Not realizing that unconsciously they are reducing the "adult inside" all the way down to the size of that "inner child." In other words, it gives the person saying all of that a position of nurturing protection and possession and gives the receiver a position of needing to be nurtured, protected or sheltered. While there are healthy levels of all of these things in a one on one relationship, too much of anything will kill you.

So. What do we do about it? Well, the answers are pretty easy, it's the application that makes or breaks you. You see, to open up, acknowledge, communicate, and remember that you are involved with another human being with feelings and thoughts and a life of their own outside of you, that's the hard part. But if you plan on making it last, you better wake up and realize that doing the most or not enough just may be the reason why your relationship is where it is in the first place. Being responsive to each other in a constructive manner means talking things out completely in their entirety. No matter how may ways you say it, you must continue to work on that bridge of dialogue or nothing else will be able to cross. Then apply what you have just learned from your partner in a loving and mature manner.

Do not expect your husband or boyfriend to be a knight in shining armor, a miracle worker or a savior. He is none of those things. He is still the man you fell in love with and you must remind yourself that the things that attracted you to him in the first place are still there, but you are learning more about him now and it is up to you to decide if you can live with them or not. Men, same goes for you. Women are not your playboy toy, your personal chef, your arm candy, your maid, your mother or your drinking buddy at the ball game. She is your wife or girlfriend and should be treated as such. She is not superwoman, although she would like to think she is and women your man is not God-no matter how much you think he can "fill that gaping emptiness" inside you - only God can fill that, so before you come to your man you better have your affairs in order because your own heart and mind may not be in the right place and your liable to say something off the wall and run that man right up out of there for no good reason at all.

Lastly, women, never give a man an ultimatum. I guarantee you 90% of the time, he will take it and you are not going to like it, because you're wondering how come the almighty vagina didn't win? Well that's because the woman standing in line right behind you has one too and she is more than happy to oblige. Men don't think you're off the hook either, because as quick as you are to turn on your woman is as quick as she is to find another man to give her what she is not getting at home. True love and affection, intimacy and positive attention from you is what she seeks most. That's right, women can be men, too.

So the next time you are ready to throw up your fists and start fighting to protect your heart, whether it is with action or with words, remember that your heart is just a baby needing love and protection and that's the reason why you feel the way you feel. You just want to be held, adored, cared for, and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the one you trust completely and hold so near and dear to you --- feels the same way. Remember that you are both adults and rational logic must come into play before you lash out. Be proactive instead of reactive and let that same love that brought you together in the first place, be your guide to a brighter future. Like they say in the old south, "you attract more bees with honey than you do with vinegar." 

Until next time, I am DeMaster Thomas and this - is Real Living.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Thank You, Lord
by: DeMaster Thomas

I asked God to take away my pain-
God said, No. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.

I asked God to make my body healthy-
God said, No. Your spirit is whole; your body is only temporary.

I asked God to give me patience-
God said, No. Patience is a lesson of tribulation.
It is not granted; it is learned.

I asked God to give me happiness-
God said, No. I give you blessings; happiness is up to you.

I asked God to make my life easy-
God said, No. You must grow on your own.
But I will prune you to make you fruitful.
I asked God to give me all things that I might enjoy life-
God said, No. I gave you life so that you may enjoy all things.

I asked God to help me love others as much as He loves me.
And finally-God said, Yes. No questions asked.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Secret of Life

AAK Co-1992

"The Secret of Life"

Take time to Think. It is the source of Power.

Take time to Play. It is the secret to perpetual Youth.

Take time to be Kind. It is the road to Happiness.

Take time to Work. It is the price of Success.

Take time to Pray. It is the greatest power on Earth.

Take time to Love and be Loved.

It is the Way of God.