Thursday, September 2, 2010

What is Love?

Oscar the Grouch says, "everybody is always talking about love." Perhaps love is something more than what our commercialized, materialistic society would have us believe. Maybe there is more to the core of love than just chocolates and flowers. Since the beginning we have asked ourselves what is this force; this power; this energy; this living breathing entity the world calls love? Well to be brutally honest we as a being do not have the answer. So for a true, deep, irrefutable, incontestable answer, I went to The Source.
I asked Love itself, who are you...really?

Love said, "I am patient. I am kind. I am never jealous. I am not boastful and full of pride. I am never rude, selfish or easily provoked. I keep no record of wrongdoings. I do not delight in pain or sorrow. Instead, I smile and sing out in truth. I protect. I trust. I hope. I dream. I visualize. I overcome. I am light for all. I am life for all. I-Never-Fail."

What do you have to say about that, Oscar? So the next time you feel that warm, comforting feeling inside of you to do something sweet, gentle and kind for yourself or someone else, embrace it and smile and know that it is Love.

-De'Master A. Thomas

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