Friday, March 31, 2023

SINK (?)


While visions of sugar plums danced in the head, 
wondered would it matter if living or dead. 

Some fat, some skinny, some short, some tall; 
no matter the song – danced with them all.

Moments bitter, memories sweet; 
enchanted in illustrious delight to meet; 
sweeping willows from their head to their feet. 

Feared yesterday to come and say goodbye, 

not nary a heart did nil draw nigh.

-DeMaster Thomas (2011)

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Happiness and Joy

 Happiness leads to Joy and Joy leads to Happiness

What is the life I was meant to live? (Now, that’s a good question-one I think we all ponder at some point in life more often than not)

Was I somewhat on track at one point? Have I always been one or the other? Why ask. Who cares. Again. so much time spent analyzing instead of living. (And again, not entirely true. My photo albums are filled with several memories, experiences, vacations, friends, family, gatherings, events, people, places and things! Good grief, man, how much do you want from life? Everything? All the pleasures and not of the pain! All of the desires and none of the consequences. No, not a sinful life; a fulfilled life; mind body and spirit. But this is deeper than the world can give; I believe what I truly desire is on the other side of life; paradise with Jesus as the throne; be patient; it’s coming 😊 )

2 Corinthians 9:6-7 The Cheerful Giver

The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully[a] will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Serving the Lord with a full heart is joyous; in joy, there is happiness; contentment is NOT  a bad word. It is far too often confused and misplaced by complacent. Contentment is good. Complacent, well, not so much.


Knowing this does little to solve the riddle. Can one live as they are intended and realize peace; while also being a blessing to others? (Um, yes! We just answered that! repeatedly through this journal journey! True happiness is being in cheerfully and willingly in line with the Will of God; John 10:10! Come on man! Get it together! Life is what you make it, where ever you are; from the shores of small fishing villages to skyscrapers in bustling cities…it’s true:


No matter where you are: serve Him and you will reap the benefits of His Love

To Be Loved



(sad but true – but yes – we should love and be loved – refer to the Secret of Life plaque; too bad I wasn’t living it out and was in my own way – Did You Ever song yet again; but again if you can “choose” to be melancholy you can “choose” to smile and be pleasant; eventually, it softens you; hopefully enough to open up and let someone in again – life is halfway over-it’s just not worth it to hold on to the past; forgive; move on; live learn grow; enjoy


Deep down we all want to be loved, share love or experience love. However, sometimes our family history, our past relationships and our limited self-beliefs can make us feel like “I don’t deserve love”. Feeling deserving of love really comes down to our ability to see ourselves as worthy of being loved-Jessica Yaffa

I’ve dreamt a thousand live but only lived one. Imagined countless possibilities but lost focus of all. I was in denial. I played a game alright but really lost and were there really any winners? If I did the right thing, then why do I feel it was wrong? Why am I so lonely? What am I afraid of?

(Wow. Yeah, sounds like borderline Cherophobia – afraid of happiness)


but with the Bible, clean lifestyle, supporting loving family and friends, therapy, clean diet and exercise and gradual exposure to joyful events that provoke happiness in progression as tolerated, cherophobia can be overcome 😊 that’s good to know

Monday, March 27, 2023

Forgive Yourself: Yes you can


Five Tips For Getting Over Past Mistakes

1. Understanding Your Mistakes

Occasionally we go through life unhappily and not truly knowing why. Regret over a past mistake you committed could be causing you to feel this way.

Being regretful involves feeling bad about something you wish you had done differently. You may regret things you did do (regret of action), or regret things you didn’t do (regret of inaction).

It’s important to understand the source of your remorse and to acknowledge your rationale for doing, or not doing, whatever happened at the time.

2. Take Time To Grieve

Before you can accept that what’s done is done, you need to grieve the regrets that are presently holding you hostage.

If you feel you mistakenly missed out on an opportunity because of past decisions – such as not having children or not being closer with a family member, then take the time to grieve that loss.

If it’s not too late to alter the feeling of regret by taking some kind of action like reconciling with that family member, then take advantage of the opportunity now. Sometimes we have the opportunity to apologize if we regret how we handled a situation with another person. If there is something you can do now, do it!

Forgive, make amends, and convey your regret. We do not always have that chance, but we still need to express these upsetting emotions that could be limiting our present happiness.

3. Express Your Feelings

Write your feelings out – if only just for yourself. Bring these swarming, remorseful feelings out of your head and onto paper. Write them in a journal, or write them on a piece of paper to destroy in a way that makes you feel more fulfilled – like burning it.

Furthermore, while you’re in the process of writing, remove the words, “If only…then” from your vocabulary. Understand that worrying about the past is a potent prescription for stress and health problems. Do not make the guilty feelings more powerful by your fixation with them. You deserve to be good to yourself and have others be good to you too.

4. Accept Your Past Mistakes

Some regrets can be devastating and are not to be minimized. But there is no “delete” button for past actions or inactions. And while it may be very difficult, try to find some element of good that has come from that situation.

Remember that line from Bob Ross we mentioned earlier? “There are no mistakes – only happy accidents.” We have no choice but to accept what has happened and to think of the current options we do have.

And, while you may not be able to get over the consequences of prior decisions, you can let go of obsessing over them.

5. Learn From Your Mistakes

Make changes in your behavior to avoid similar faulty situations and decisions that brought you guilt in the past. Do not lose the lesson from the supposed loss. Consider what you could do differently today and start moving that way. How can you be a better parent, a better friend, or a better spouse?

Stop “beating yourself up” emotionally because of yesterday’s decisions and instead assess what choices you do have! It is never too late for many life opportunities – to go back to school or to learn a new skill, to connect with others in meaningful relationships, or to change your negative self-perception or attitude.

Grow past the pain of mistakes.

Grow past the shame.

Be deliberate. Be active.

Be involved in things that will bring you gladness, not guilt, for today and for the future.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Yellow Brick Road


 Melancholy should not be a choice, but a temporary place to relieve emotional stress
Sometimes, we grieve ourselves; we grieve our life's decisions; look back and see regrets; hoping for a
chance to do over ; but as we know, life rarely if ever; gives do-overs.

Happiness is a place between too little and too much

it's getting there that's makes all the difference

In this life, we make choices and must be prepared to live with the outcome.

Letting go doesn’t mean giving up. It means moving on to the next chapter; stronger and wiser than you were when you began.

If you feel like you're getting close but not quite there yet, you will get there. 

sadness is a feeling meant to pass; not to live in. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Message to the Alphabet Community: public service announcment



There is are NO multiple genders. Masculine and feminine. Male and female, He made them. Genesis 1:27, 1 Corinthians 15:39.

Do not conform to the ways of this world (pronouns, identify as, etcetera – that is mockery, directly insulting to the original natural woman and female! A man pretending to be a woman IS pedophilia and IS direct worship of the Baphomet who was a hermaphrodite!  Sexual idolatry, perversion, abuse of your body, changing your gender, destroying your genitals in attempt to be anything but who and what you are, is all one big slap in the face of GOD! You were fearfully and wonderfully made. Yes, you may suffer from severe ever-increasing bouts of gender identity disorder, but that does NOT mean Jesus cannot save you from your disease! We are all broken and suffering in sin and you can also come out your sin of lust, perversion and confusion by first renewing your mind and then facing your demons head on and once you get saved, get clean and turn away from your sin and do not return to that life.

Homosexuality will be judged right along with murder, theft, lying and cheating and more. You do NOT have to kill, steal or destroy! This is a choice. you do NOT have to murder, take from others, lie on another person to bring yourself up and you do NOT have to violate the precious delicate spirit and body you were given in this one and only life, dressing up like the opposite sex and hating yourself. Projecting your insecurities, fears and frustrations on to others is utterly disgusting and hurtful to you and the ones subjected to your hurt and pain. A person who does not agree with murder is NOT phobic! They’re not AFRAID of murder, they simply do not CONDONE KILLING PEOPLE! Homosexuality is the same thing! Like it or not. just like suicide and abortion are still murder! no way around it. just stop doing it. period. 

If you need help dealing with your sins of lust, self-hate, low self-esteem and several other issues that cause the TRANS community to fall victim to the devil’s horrible destructive ways, get help from a local counsel and church that can get a Bible in your hands and teach you how to deal and cope with your addiction! Porn, Only Fans, social media, catfishing, dating apps, etc., all of it demonic! God gave us 10 simple rules, not guidelines or suggestions, rules! And no, they are NOT meant to be broken, they are there to save your life. literally. Find a non-denominational Bible based church in your area and get the help you need – get the counseling you need to do better, be better; we all carry our cross daily with something; alcohol, drugs, porn, stealing, lying, something…we all do. No one is perfect but Jesus. Let Him come in to your heart and save you from this horrible broken fallen world. 


LAF and smile :)


When You're Smiling - Frank Sinatra

Jan: 2010 – The greatest ideas are born from chaos.

So, just how does Jesus do it? how doe He continue to care, after all that we have done to ourselves? Well, He looks right into the face of adversity and L.A.F.S. (laughs)

L. – loves

A. - accepts



We love because He loved us first. (1 John 4:19)

God is the first love – the last love – the only love. This is first commandment above all others.

(1 Corinthians 13:13)

So, when it seems like someone or something in life has got you down, remember to L.A.F. – LOVE, ACCEPT, FORGIVE. Then serve, when you serve, you smile, when you smile, you shine. 😊

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

New World Order is NOT new!


entry: July 2009

So, follow it back to the beginning. Every great manmade war; catastrophe and event, seems, from the root source, of one world order. Before man discovered unilateral totalitarianism, he discovered relationship with the original beings who wanted to have here, what they had in heaven; complete universal control. (Well, this is not necessarily true. Yes, demon worshippers exchange their love and devotion to satan for worldly possessions and power but the deities just want to have their heyday in the spotlight like they had in the Old Testament. But as for the “in heaven part” they NEVER ran anything in heaven. That was, is and always will be, God’s domain and area of control.)

3-sided pyramid with all-seeing eye in the center represents satan’s counterfeit simulated attempt to be God -all knowing, all seeing, all powerful; but we all know this is not going to work; a creation can’t replace a creator – epic fail on the devil’s part; no amount of blind human ignorance; technology or plastic and metal trash will ever replace God; it’s literally impossible – but it didn’t stop the minions from trying – F plus for effort.

This is my take and breakdown on the New World Order

1.       Left side – one world government (United Nations/World Health Organization/World Economic Forum/Neom/15-minute cities)

2.       Right side--one belief system (religion/co-exist/Abrahamic Family House in Saadiyat)

Bottom base—one language (replaces all forms of monies worldwide with the universal dollar/digital currency; no more exchange needed; it’s the same money everywhere in the world

Abrahamic Family House

15 minute cities



One King all seeing Supreme aka Lucifer = world leaders rise/fall in the execution of this plan, since the beginning of our time.

3 sides = Trinity = man-made=satan inspired


Brought the knowledge from heaven to earth. To be ultimately what is, irrefutably, the truth – to be god – if he can’t do it heaven, he will attempt it on earth. Luke 10:18. …saw lucifer fall like lightning from heaven…




One government? Heaven has the Trinity (Father Son Holy Spirit)

One King? Heaven has Christ

One language? All are understood and speak Tamil in Heaven

One currency? Heaven is socialistic so all have everything all the time


Dictator. Socialism. Eternal freedom/wealth, does this goal sound familiar? It should. All events, from the flood of Noah to 9/11 tower attacks, led us to this. (And ongoing…Russia/Ukraine war/Covid/train derailing/bank failures/inflation/more from 2009 to 2023 and counting…)  heaven. On. earth. Our way. The N.W.O. – new world order.

I, PET GOAT II, 2012

Destructions of new world order that I can recall. Egypt, Rome, Babel, Atlantis, Pangea, Russia, Europe, Africa, America. N.W.O. is Luciferian Order.

Serve to Lead: Lead to Serve


Remember these. Those of you who struggle in a relationship with children involved. Before you can be a parent to your child, you must first be a child to your parent. Men. Before you can be a father to your child, you must first be a child to your father. 

Matthew 20:28

what this means is we should be honoring our Father in Heaven by leaning in to His Word, learning the Bible, applying it in our daily lives and teaching our children up in the way that they should go so that they do not stray from it in their adulthood. God is our Heavenly Father, He is our "dad"; we need to be his sons and daughters in Christ and then teach our children the way of the world is GARBAGE! This world is Trash! Clean it up people, please. If you're able to read this and apply it, that means there's still time to save you and your children from some percent of hell and high water in life. Not everything in this life is going to be perfect, not everything in this life is going to go your way. In this life, there will be trouble, but: 


Sunday, March 12, 2023

Set Free Indeed


Oct: 2008 – the likenesses and similarities in Krishna, Muhammad and Buddha, finally, Jesus, are intentional. The spiritual impact was the same. The teachings, extremely similar, even “miracles.”


(I was wrong. Jesus is the Word of God; the rest of these demonites are all Luciferian, Alister Crowleys of their time; did nothing but lead people into hell. Just like Joseph Smith and the rest. All trash. All knock offs. Matthew 24:4 – 8 all day; this will continue until Jesus returns)


All (claim) to have virgin births, angelic hosts, disciples. Although thousands of years are between them, the message is the same. God is real. God is alive. God is among us. So, how does the Holy Bible trump their extraordinary existences?


(Again, it was all bull!@#$; these demonically influenced, demonically possessed, bisexual people, suffered horribly from severe delusional levels of narcissistic personality disorder. They were packed chuck full of lust, greed, hate, vanity and pride. We see the repeatedly through politicians, world leaders, religious cults, secular cults, science, etcetera. It’s rampant and overflowing in music, movies, television and all forms of social media everywhere. Jesus, on the other hand, was perfect. Never sinned. Not once. The fruits of his labor literally support that he is who he says he is and indeed, the Bible is Jesus because Jesus is the Word of God. People trapped in the world, can’t see this, hate to heart this, it hurts. It irritates their demons. Rattled their cage too much. Jesus is the only one who can piss off a whole room full of atheists, religious fanatics and science believers. Why? Because Truth Hurts but heals. Lies kill and destroy. Conclusion, God is right, man is wrong. Get over it. please, continue)


The Bible states, false prophets, before Jesus/after Jesus, will walk the earth, leading thousands astray. (  - God’s one like or view on your post or video on social media has more power than 8.5 billion likes or views – His view and like is the only one that matters)

 the journal says...

Here is the truth, according to the Creator – before my son entered the Earth, I entered the Earth through monumental figures through the entire world to plant the seed of the Holy Spirit and prepare each and every nation for my love and power and my purpose. In any Holy Figure of virgin birth, witnessed by a trinity and leaders formed to reach one, teach one, it was I.


(Eh hem! LIES!!! All of that is trash and simply, not true! But this is what people fall for in the world every day, because they refuse to accept the Bible as Truth and they’re too lazy and hateful to change! It is easier to swallow a buffet of trash than a spoonful of treasure.


Again, Mark 10:25

This is why sloth is a sin. It’s easier to be lazy and do nothing than to learn grow and do something about it! ugh, I don’t have the patience to argue with nonbelievers or Jesus’ haters, I just don’t! Jesus never argued with anybody who didn’t want to believe in Him and follow Him! He didn’t! So, why do we? 

Why are people on social media, arguing with brick walls? You fair better talking to a patch of grass. Stop arguing with people who don’t care, don’t want to learn and don’t want to change! Stop! Stop doing it. God doesn’t do it, Jesus didn’t do it, the disciples tried and got checked, Luke 22:24-30, so we should not be doing it! It’s asinine. 21 verses from God say, save your breath! You want to really make an impact a fool? Pray over them

Ezekiel 11:19-20


Ezekiel 11:19-20 NIV

I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Then they will follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. They will be my people, and I will be their God.

Let’s see what the journal entry says about the rest of the LIES, LIES, LIES, that people scoop up like ice cream…good grief.


And so, I brought forth my Son, as the great sacrifice that I would no longer enter the Earth in human form again. it would not be necessary, as my Son has completed my legacy. I Am of all to every corner of the Earth, past, present and future. My Will has been done in accordance with my command.


And lastly, my Son will come again for a final time to your Earth to complete the final chapter of my master plan. For you and I to live in peace; free from sin and death, as I intended.

 OKAY, IF YOU HAVE NOT FIGURED IT OUT BY NOW, these are lies!! do NOT turn to religion, cults, science, the world, people down the street, your friend, your family member --- TURN TO THE TRUE WORD OF GOD AND LET JESUS CHRIST SAVE YOU FROM YOURSELF! 


Another site I like to use: GOT QUESTIONS MINISTRIES