Showing posts with label sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sex. Show all posts

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Finding or Reprogramming Sex and Love: it IS possible

Finding Love

A new map of the path to intimacy

How to Develop Sexual and Romantic Attraction to People Who Are Good for You

Cultivating healthy attractions: The love-skill we're never taught.
We can’t force our sexual attractions. Most of us have learned that the hard way.
Yet, there’s something profound that most of us have never been taught: Although sexual attractions can’t be controlled, they can be educated. This post will teach some ways to cultivate sexual and romantic attraction to people who are kind, respectful and available. Even if you’re relentlessly attracted to bad-boys or bad-girls, or to unavailable people, you can still develop this capacity!
These suggestions are not gimmicks, they are the lifelong skills of romance and intimacy—the very same skills you will use to keep passion alive in your next serious relationship. .
The Attraction Spectrum
Every time we enter a room of people, we make choices based upon our attractions: Whom do we notice? Whom do we pass over? Deb, a young stockbroker from Chicago, once told me, “You know, it’s almost magical. I can go to a party, and there’s always one person I’m most attracted to. If I date him, within a few weeks or a few months I discover he has the same emotional qualities as my previous partner. But when I first saw him from across the room, I had no idea at all that this would be true!”
Our attractions are forged in the deep space of our being, born of countless, often unknowable forces. When we encounter someone for the first time, our psyche and our heart begin an astonishingly complex scan, picking up obvious cues like physique and facial structure, but also noting myriad subtle cues such as body language, facial expression, the contour of the lips, the nuance of the voice, and the muscles around the eyes. We instantly process all this information without even knowing it. All we feel is desire or the lack of it. Scientists tell us that a silkworm can smell one other silkworm moth of the opposite sex from six and a half miles away. While our mating instinct may not be as developed as this species of moth, nature has bestowed an exquisite sensitivity upon our romantic radar, programmed to find just the right person to trigger whatever emotional circuitry we need to work through.
All of us are attracted to a certain type that stops us dead in our tracks: a physical type, an emotional type, and a personality type. Let’s say that there is a spectrum of attraction, from one to ten, and the people at the low end of the spectrum (like numbers one and two) aren’t physically or romantically attractive to us at all. But those on the “ten” end of the spectrum are icons: they’re compellingly attractive, they make us weak in the knees, and they trigger both our insecurities and our longing. Harville Hendrix, the founder of Imago Therapy, illuminates this phenomenon in a way which sheds light on our entire intimacy journey. He teaches that these people are so attractive to us in part because they embody not only the best, but also the the worst emotional characteristics of our parents!
Even though we may be adults, all of us have unresolved childhood hurts due to betrayal, anger, manipulation or abuse. Unconsciously, we seek healing through our partner. And we try to achieve this healing by bonding with someone who we sense might hurt us in similar ways to how we were hurt as children, in the hope that we can convince him or her to finally love and accept us.
Our conscious self is drawn to the positive qualities we yearn for, but our unconscious draws us to the qualities which remind us of how we were wounded the most.
This explains part of why we get so awkward and insecure around people we’re intensely attracted to.
It also explains why our greatest heartbreaks often occur with these most intense, fiery attractions. Some of us react to these past heartbreaks by only dating those on the low end of the spectrum. We are frightened of the intensity and the risk of painful loss when we deal with people on the high end of the attraction scale. We often feel safest with people who don’t do much for us on a physical or romantic level because it just feels more comfortable that way. But the downside is usually boredom, frustration and lack of passion.
Many others only date people on the high end of the spectrum, just going for the iconic types, because they believe that that’s where real love and passion lie. With someone who is a “high number” on your attraction spectrum, you can tell that you’re attracted in a fraction of a second. While this can be achingly exciting, it’s rarely comfortable or secure.
In my experience, people who only date in the high number section of the spectrum are much more likely to remain single.
By contrast, attraction to people who are more in the middle of the spectrum is rarely immediate. With our mid-range attractions, it usually takes more time to really get a sense of how interested we really are.
People who are willing to date in the mid-range are more likely to find real and lasting love. It’s not a matter of selling out, because immediate attraction isn’t the best forecaster of future passion. Intense attractions blind us to the actual quality of our interaction with others, and to the actual characters of the people we date. Attractions can grow.
Many of us have had the experience of becoming more attracted to someone as we got to know him or her better.
Cultivating Attractions of Inspiration
So, what do we do when we meet someone who inspires us, and we feel some spark of attraction, but not enough to fall in love?
Sexual attraction is much more mutable than we’ve been taught. We all have types that turn us on immediately and intensely. But as I said, attractions can grow. It's doubtful that you’ll become attracted to someone who isn’t physically appealing to you. But if someone holds a spark of attraction for you, and has other qualities you love, your attraction can blossom. If you’re meeting someone for the first time, don’t make a snap decision based upon whether you’re instantly attracted on a physical level. If you’re not sure, just keep dating. In time, something lovely may happen: He or she may actually become more beautiful to you. And if not, you’ll know that it’s time to stop dating them.
If you’ve ever seen artists working on a portrait, you will notice that they often squint. Squinting helps them focus on the essence of their subject without getting distracted by its harsh outlines. We need to do the same in our dating life. It’s so easy to get lost in the hard assessment of people’s imperfections, but it serves us better to simply sense their spirit. That is what makes attractions grow.
As we start to care more deeply about someone, invisible tendrils begin to grow in our thinking, in our sexual imaginings and longings, in our growing sense of dependence on that person. Our psyche, our sexuality, and our hearts begin to create attachment to that person, to make him or her our own.
When we build muscle through exercise, our body creates new capillaries to feed that muscle. When we create new love, something similar happens. New neural pathways, emotional pathways, new rituals, sense memories and needs get created. An entire web of new connections is created, as our hearts allow this once-stranger to become our loved one. We become specialized in them in so many ways. That’s why breakups can hurt with real physical pain; these lovingly-built tendrils are being ripped out, and that experience is anguish.
In many attractions of inspiration, it can take time for our attraction to build. In such cases, it can be difficult to stay; to resist fleeing in search of something more clear-cut. As a result, many potentially wonderful relationships get cut off before ever being given a chance. The truth is that we can deepen our healthy attractions, and we can intensify the passion in those attractions.
 The more we focus on the things that trigger our desire, the more our passion can build.
If there’s a spark of attraction to someone special, and if you want to make that attraction grow, start by giving yourself space. No matter how wonderful the person, you’re not obligated to be more attracted to him or her than you are! Forcing your feelings will only block the natural flow of attraction. Instead, allow yourself to reflect on what attracts you to them; what turns you on and what you appreciate.
Think emotionally, but think physically too. What parts of their body attract you? What would you like to do with those parts? Take time to let your fantasies unfurl. You might simply want to hold hands at the movies. Or to kiss, or just gently touch lips for a long time. You might desire to touch and caress a part of your partner’s body, or have your partner do the same to you. You might imagine quick hot sex, long, lazy sex, or a really kinky fantasy. Honor whatever you’re imagining, and, as appropriate, see if you can ask for what you want—and no more. That’s how we can grow our passion.
I would also advise against having full sex for at least the first five or six dates. When we desire someone and then postpone the sex, surprising new pathways of attraction form. It’s a great way to grow passion. More important, having sex too early is like Miracle-Gro for our fear of intimacy. It makes us want to flee. So go slowly on the outside, but allow yourself free rein in your fantasy life!
And if your desire is more sensual than sexual, that’s fine too. A client of mine met a man who lives in Europe. She knew she liked him but she wasn’t attracted enough to want sex. She just wanted to cuddle. He invited her to visit but she wasn’t sure if she should make the trip. Speaking to her dating buddy, she said, “I don’t know if I should go all the way to Europe just to cuddle with someone.” Her wise friend replied, “Really? I can’t think of a better reason to go to Europe!” My client decided to take the trip, and over time they fell deeply in love. She was wise enough to take all the time she needed, and he was wise enough to let her.

If you'd like to sign up for Ken's free upcoming teleclass "Discovering your Core Gifts" or wish to receive information on his classes, events and writings, please click here.
© 2012 Ken Page,LCSW. All Rights Reserved

Friday, January 6, 2012

Supernatural: Spiritual Warfare

Supernatural: Spiritual Warfare

Since we were able to dream and imagination a world outside of ourselves, we have entertained the Supernatural.
...Just to name a few. But what are we really dealing with here? Is this knowledge or entertainment or a little of both? How much of what we see in movies is real and how much of it is ripped right out of the oldest story known to man? Well the truth is - both. Horror movies, mystery novels and even rock music all glorify the battle at hand: spiritual warfare. Indeed there is a battle for lost souls. Some are aware of this and do what they need to do to protect themselves. Others seek wisdom to learn of these spiritual pitfalls and make a diligent effort to avoid them. And then there are those who worship this way of life and make it a religion. Then there is the small percentage of the world that just doesn't care one way or the other and thinks all the preceding groups are just nuts. Well, no matter what you believe, the facts are the facts. We live in a "fallen" world away from universal peace and good will and our media allows us to expose every corner of our spirit - light and dark. 

You are never pretty enough, skinny enough, strong enough, smart enough, tall enough, short enough you will never be "perfect" why? Because there is an unseen force that is embedded into the modern mind that without buying their product or paying for their service, you will not achieve perfection.
And then there is the obvious...
and Sex...

 Without it even being said, we all know that there are more worldly desires out there in competition for our soul. Now, I left out addictions such as alcohol, tobacco, narcotics, and the abuses or extremes we press upon ourselves. Mainly because well it's self explanatory. Those things we impose upon ourselves only we can blame ourselves for. Those things that are pressed upon us by the world and its ways are things of an unseen force.
The Big Principle: How you "THINK" will determine - How you "LIVE".
The Battlefield of Spiritual Warfare is "OUR MIND".
2 Corinthians 4:4; 1 Peter 5:8-9

It is the thought process that drives, directs, shapes, molds, and creates your reality. It starts with you. Keep a "sober" mind and a "sober" path will be created before you.
The unseen force of evil is a living breathing being with the intent to kill, steal, and destroy. And the enemy of man seeks you out like a lion on the prowl in the wild. The enemy is an opportunist.
So let's just say I subscribe to this point of would I know if I am being "Spiritually Attacked"?
1. Failures lead to DESPAIR. When your will is weak, your guard is down and it is easier to be tempted to do something hurtful and harmful to yourself and others. (Zechariah 3:1-4)
2. Uncertainty leads to DOUBT. When you start to question yourself and second guess your best judgment, you know right, but do wrong, whatever your definition of right and wrong is, you go against the grain and break your own rules and/or the rules and principles you naturally uphold. Becoming indecisive gives "evil" and "opportunity" to sink in. (Genesis 3:1-5)
3. Ambitions become DISTRACTIONS. Guard your mind, body, and spirit. They are the core of you. When they are weak, you can become ill and illness can lead to death. Gain, sew and reap wisdom. (Genesis 3:6)
4. Anger becomes DIVISION. We have all at one point or another said or done something in anger that we regret. This is exactly what the "enemy" looks for to break you down and destroy your relationships and devour your life - breadcrumb by breadcrumb. Anger is hasty, but evil is ever-so-patient. And will wait for you to fall and then kick you when you are down. (Ephesians 4:26-27)
5. Desires become DECEPTION. It is perfectly natural to desire material things: food, clothing, shelter and other necessities of life. Too much of anything will destroy you from the inside out. (Matthew 4:1-11)
6. Anxiety becomes DREAD. Take time to pace yourself in life and in spiritual matters. Getting ahead of yourself will only force you to fall over your own feet and hit  the ground. Getting ahead of your teacher will only force you to miss something of grave importance that you needed to learn. You may regret jumping ahead when you realize that you missed the whole point, the whole message, the bigger picture. (Hebrews 2:14-15)

Sometimes, it's just US! We carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. Sometimes, it's just our own baggage pulling us down and holding us back. That's when you have to do what some people will not: 
James 1:14
Yes, believe it or not, we tempt ourselves and cause ourselves to fail. It's not bad enough we have the world trying to take us down and the unseen forces of evil trying to eat us out, but now we have to protect our eyes, ears, and hands from seeing, listening, and idling in unhealthy destructive actions and behaviors. (Phew! Sounds like a lot of work!
Well, the activity of Warfare is RESISTING and DRAWING NEAR.
Draw Nigh
Seek and Sew the Truth
Ask and Receive

James 4:7-8 ; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 ; Psalm 8:2
In conclusion, I leave you with this: 
Protect yourself and the ones you love by bringing them up in love, life, and wholesome fulfillment. When you think you know it all, ask yourself what is it I do not know and more knowledge will come to you.
- DeMaster Thomas-
Author of Dreamweaver: Diary of a Fallen
Ephesians 6:10-17

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Self-Sex: A "Touchy" Subject

If you or someone you know suffers from addiction: get help now: call 1-800-993-3869
It's been said, too much of anything can hurt or kill you. This is a fact we cannot ignore. We are only human. Many believe that addictions are not diseases at all. But for those who are ready to accept and acknowledge their own truths, addictions are diseases and yes: there is a cure.

In this section, we are going to focus on masturbation/pornography addiction. Globally, countless hours have been spent writing and researching about this sensitive subject by medical professionals, independent research groups and community interest organizations. And even though their motives may differ, they all reach the same conclusion: The abuse of alcohol, drugs, gambling, and food all take a backseat to the #1 addiction for women, men and children: SEX. Believe it or not, studies show that we are all, in some way or another, so heavily over-exposed to sex, that it has been ranked the #1 addiction. Obviously with no thanks to modern technology, right? Today, we have unlimited access to Internet pornography, sex-ting, and the overflow of sexuality spilling from pop culture through music, television and magazines.  Pornography has been compared by some experts to be the equivalent to cancer. It is a silent killer. You do not realize you are sick until you have lost your relationship or your job as a result of your illness.

And then there is masturbation. What's the connection? Well additional research tells us the #1 reason for watching porn is to masturbate and masturbation by itself is addictive. When the two are brought together, it is a recipe for mental, physical and emotional disaster. In this case, 1+1=zero.

But why? Sex is the most natural part of a man and woman expressing their love for each other. How could this possibly be unhealthy? Before we answer that, consider this. On average, most men and women think about sex several times throughout the day. This is a physiological response to outside stimulation as well as mental stimulation or as some call it - fantasizing. Think of your body as a machine that is programmed to do only what you tell it to do. If you tell your body, it is time to reproduce and procreate, it sends a signal to the brain that triggers chemical responses which result in pleasure and happiness. However, you are not a bunny. You are a thinking being with self-control and you know that you cannot just stop every 30 seconds to 10 minutes to have sex.  So what do we do with all of these thoughts and feelings that's been piling up all day?

The fact of the matter is the human body is undeniably, naturally designed for sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. Contrary to all cultural and popular beliefs, every creative and imaginative method we have come up with to get around this irrefutable fact has failed. As the slogan goes, "you can't beat the real thing."

A. The first choice is the best and most obvious. If you are currently in a healthy monogamous relationship, share and explore those sexual desires with your partner as an expression of passion and love.

B. If you are not able to be with your lover one-on-one for whatever reason, there are other compassionate ways to show just how much you physically desire them. Some examples include enticing poetry, alluring but tasteful pictures, seductive conversation by telephone, creative yet tasteful exhibition by web cam or phone cam, exotic art, crafts, paintings and/or erotic foods prepared by you for them and only them. There is no law religious or scientific that says you can't say "I want and desire you and only you: my love" a hundred-and-one different ways.

"Well that's all fine and dandy, but I'm single!" you say...well I didn't forget about the single people. Here is a myth buster for you - did you know that masturbation and pornography ranks higher among couples than it does with single people? I was surprised, myself. Here is another myth buster that the ladies will not like or admit to. Did you also know that masturbation among women ranks higher than men on average of 3 to 1? Well believe it. Sorry ladies, the secret is out. The female body has a special gift from nature. Repetitive and/or multiple orgasms are rare among males if at all in most cases, but proven to be very common among females. Women have longer reflex response times, quicker recovery periods between climaxes and tend to find greater sexual pleasure from more than one orgasm in one lovemaking session. The male, by design, on purpose, has a shorter reflex response time, longer recovery period between climaxes and tend to be quite pleased if they are able to have at least two orgasms within one lovemaking session. This is all simple biology and truly leans more on science than anything else. While every person is slightly different in personal preference and experience, this is just the way the human body is made.

Now. Enough with science class. What about the "release of my single sexual tension?" 

Marketing machines love the single person. After all, "sex" sells. It's ubiquitous.  But believe it or not, you have the upper hand. (No pun intended)

Here are some Healthy Alternatives to masturbation: 
(Couples, this goes for you as well!)
1. Clean/block all the porn from all your personal computers, electronic devices and living spaces. This will start your path to a clean mind which leads to a clean body and ultimately results in a clean heart.

2. Set up filters to block it and let someone else choose the password to unblock it. It's like giving someone else the key to your-now empty liquor cabinet.

3. Replace the time you masturbate with something "constructive". Examples include working out or exercising, hobbies, arts, crafts, call a friend or family member, read a book without pictures on any topic other than sex, write in a diary or journal. Now be mindful that you are not simply replacing one addictive behavior with another. It is very easy for addictive personalities to let go of one thing and latch on to another.

4. Think healthy : be healthy. Make the better you a reality by changing your focus and thinking clearly.  There is nothing morally or biologically wrong with you that you have sexual desires. It is totally healthy and natural. How you respond to your body makes the difference between a peaceful and respectful dignity and character and a pervert or a weak willed individual. The mind controls the body-not the other way around. You are in the driver's seat.

5. Be aware of your surroundings and avoid unnecessary and excessive exposure. This needs to be said even if you've heard it before: what you put into your mind and body is what you get out of it. If you fill it with garbage you will put out nothing but garbage. Plain and simple. Filling the body and mind with images and activities that kill, steal and destroy will only result in broken relationships, damaged mental capacity and in some cases, physical illness and sickness. Just like any other addiction, the body breaks down when abused.

6. Change your playground and you change your playmates. No, not those kind of playmates, stay focused. Take an inventory of the kind of people you associate with and take a closer look at who your friends are. Do they promote a strong healthy lifestyle? Do they accentuate who you are? Do they motivate and elevate you in a positive way? If you said no to two or more of these questions? Well "goodnight sweetheart, it's time to go." It may be time to trim the fat and cut those unhealthy, negative, destructive people out of your life.

7. Face the truth! Far too many of us are in denial. We use irrational justification to negatively reinforce our behaviors. Think about it. Do you find yourself saying one of these  phrases before you masturbate to pornography or just close your eyes and imagine?

 ..."I only masturbate to relieve stress after a hard day at work...I don't masturbate that much, maybe once or twice a week if that...what's the big deal-it's my body...I'm not hurting anyone, I'm one sees me doing it, so why should it matter what I do in the privacy of my own home...I want to learn my body and know everything about it before I'm with my sexual partner...when I masturbate, I'm not thinking of any one person, just feeling good and pleasing myself...I only think of my boyfriend or husband/girlfriend or wife...I never think about my best friend's wife or daughter when I masturbate...what I would do to my coworker if he/she gave me five minutes on the desk right now...I just can't wait anymore-it's been --- days/months/years and I deserve to be sexually happy..."

And the list goes on and on. Of course there are several rebuttals to these mental statements that doctors and pastors would love to say to you while you are relishing in the moment, but you are correct. You are alone. It is your body and the fact is: you masturbate because you can. It is your choice and it is up to you to decide what is healthy for you and what is not.

FACT: Medical/Scientific:
The human body DOES NOT NEED masturbation or pornography. Even today with all of our modern medicine and technological advancement in the study of the human brain and body; no scientist or medical professional has been able to find one credible, reputable accepted: biological, physiological or psychological need for masturbation or pornography. NONE. Instead, only reveals and confirms what it is, what it does, why its done and its adverse effects. No reproductive purpose has been discovered to date.

Men-your sperm is broken down as energy; fuel for the body to use and what is not used is disposed of naturally.
Women-your orgasm, scientifically speaking, has no reproductive function whatsoever: only pleasure, tension release and keeping the "lines" clean-at the appropriate time during intercourse. Trust that your body knows how to take care of itself and maintain a healthier you.
FACT: Culture/Society:
There is NO SUCH THING as ''blue balls'' "numb nuts" "dry pie" "bat caves" or any other countless number of verbally horrific ways to describe a person who has not had an orgasm. If you believe you have a legitimate health concern or other orgasmic disorder, please consult a physician, therapist or specialist and get the proper care you need. It is not uncommon for some medical and psychiatric professionals to suggest mutual masturbation for couples or self-stimulation exercises under proper therapeutic care. Treatment plans vary depending on the individual so be sure to tell your doctor if you believe you may have difficulty having an orgasm or if you are not able to orgasm during intercourse.

FACT: Moral/Personal:
Pornography and masturbation do not have limits. Much like any other addiction, there is no boundary to age, sex, creed or personal belief system. Masturbation normally starts in childhood and is continued and/or further explored through puberty and carried into adulthood. Pornography and sexually charged clothing, products, goods and services literally engulf most modern cultures. Your child may be learning the wrong things about sex and about their bodies if they are learning it from fashion, television, music, magazines, motion pictures, Internet and personal devices such as cell phones and web cameras. While it may be perfectly normal for a child to explore and learn how their bodies work and how certain things they do make them feel, it is ultimately the parent(s) or guardian(s) responsibility to properly and appropriately educate the child on sex, sexuality and masturbation. This includes teaching and explaining to them what the difference is between love and lust; physical desire/attraction vs. emotional/mental connection. And although many cultures/societies live by the motto 'it takes a village to raise a child' , it is not society's responsibility, it is not the public school system's responsibility, it is not the church priest or the Sunday school teacher's responsibility to raise and rear your children. It is your responsibility. Teach them well and understand that what you do to your own body will effect them in one way or another. Some say the best way to remember this rule of thumb is simply to say to yourself, if it's not healthy for my kids, it's not healthy for me.

You must be open, honest, and supportive of your partner's sexuality. True love and happiness in the bedroom is enriched when you take the time to learn the other person's body and sexual behaviors.  Do not be afraid to share and explore your deepest fantasies and bring them to life. The union between a man and woman is considered to be extra special just because of that fact alone. You can live out those daily desires with the second most important person in your life. Enjoy it.

Be involved. Stay involved. When you have reached maturity, moved out of the home or reached an age at which you must venture for yourself, know that you have so much ahead of you to learn and embrace along the way. You are stronger than your weakest moments in life and quite frankly, you are never alone. There are plenty of other single people out there who are looking for the same experiences in life that you are. So instead of losing hours of your life you will never get back to porn or masturbating-go "get the real thing!" No I did not say the kind you 'pay for' or your 'friend with benefits' either. The real thing is so much more and is far more fulfilling. Why 'run' to get one thing when you can 'walk' and get it all? Take your time. Love will find you in more ways than one.

In closing, remember that you have the tools, the insight, the wisdom, and the faith to make a healthy choices with your mind and body. This site is filled with many suggestions for personal and professional growth. For more information on this subject and other related interests go to:

Until next time, I am DeMaster Thomas and this-is Real Living.