Showing posts with label inspirational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspirational. Show all posts

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Message from God to You

This original version of the Father's Love Letter narration was first created in 2001. Special thanks to narrator Roy Lamont and Robert Critchley for producing the music. We now have two other extended versions (10 minutes) of this video available as well. (Click on the title for more information)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Table for One, Please

Table For One
A short story by: DeMaster A. Thomas

Welcome back to Solitude. "Table for one?" The hostess says. "As usual," I reply wittingly. I order the same thing everyday; tossed salad and scrambled eggs. I get my regular spot by the window...sit and stare into the traffic. The busy city streets blends nicely with the skyline in the distance. My mind wanders with each gaze and bite, with random thoughts of life and how bad this actually tastes.

I came up with a number of reasons of why my life was the way it was at this moment. Did I choose this path or did the path choose me? Were my actions in life proactive or reactive? What if God has something else planned for me and I just haven't found it? In the end, we learn and grow from each experience. The eggs settle as a touch of gas passes through my mind...

Scattered thoughts tell me that it is a combination of all of the above-and more. After all, I have family and friends that have overcome some pretty serious obstacles in their lives. And I am simply amazed at their ability to move forward with such strength and perseverance. It is calming and brings a smile to acknowledge their accomplishments.

Come to think of it, I've learned a lot from the people around me and yet here I sit...alone...still searching for whatever it was I was looking for. I know that it was not to be alone. Again. Or was it?

  Hey, here I am! It reads, "never married, no children". Laughing to myself, I'm thinking, yeah and no career either to chip away at the lonely hours of the day. Bachelor-hood has engulfed me. "Check please? Thanks," I say with half a smile. The waitress is attractive and expresses pity for me behind her eyes. Can't help but laugh a little every time the check, how cheap it is to live alone. Yep. Alone in a life that is simple yet unique. It was mine and no one could take that away from me. I have overcome my own share of trials and obstacles and lived to tell. Love, laughter and peace were daily ingredients in my recipe for life. And for that, I am thankful. 

Then, I realize-wait. I am still me. I am not defined by a job, social status, physical build or level of intelligence. I am a direct reflection of the soul within. Underneath a blanket of depression, there is a light of pure joy. And with that warm reminder I choose, at this moment, to throw that hurtful blanket away.

This is my bed of memories and I don't have to lay in self pity. I can make a fresh clean path, starting today. I just have to choose to. I sign the check and grab my coat to leave, smiling the whole way through. I decide at this very moment, it's okay to dream. It's okay to believe in myself and be truly happy with my accomplishments.

It's okay to be a bit awkward and misunderstood. It's okay to be - me. After all, who else can I be? No one else is as good at being me than I am. On that note, I head out the door of the deli and promise myself from this day on, I will do things differently...starting with ordering the house special of the day.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Poetry Corner

Prayers transcend space and time. 
In our prayers, we open the mind and explore the soul.
We go where the spirit takes us. 

Phone Call To God
by: DeMaster Thomas

Hello God, I called tonight to talk a while.
I need a friend once again who’ll listen to my trials.

You see, I can’t seem to make it through one day on my own.
I need your love to guide me so I’ll never feel alone.

I want to ask you please to keep my family safe and sound. 
Come in and fill their lives for whatever fate they’re bound.

Give me faith dear God to face each hour throughout the day.
And not to worry over things I can’t change anyway.

I thank you God for always taking my calls.
I thank you for giving me advice and catching me when I fall.

Your number, God, is the only one that answers every time.
I never get a busy signal and never had to pay a dime.

So thanks God again for easing my sorrow.
Good night, I love you, too. And I'll talk to you tomorrow :-)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Try It, You Might Like It!

Diversity and creativity comes in many forms. There is the culture we live in, the people closest to us and then there is the quiet voice within. Sometimes, that quiet voice is the best source of inspiration. Joyce Meyer coins it perfectly in her book, Enjoying Where Your Are On the Way To Where You Are Going.

I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it...(Revelation 3:8)

  Perhaps God has been speaking to you about some changes in your life and you want them, but you are afraid. I want to encourage you not to be afraid to step out. Even if you make a mistake, it won't be the end of the world. Don't spend all of your life looking back and wishing you had tried different things or done things differently.
 Wondering what could have been is a lonely feeling. I can promise you that you will not enjoy everything you try. But at least you will have the personal experience of knowing. You won't have to live your whole life hearing about what everyone else is doing and wondering what it would be like.
 You are not going to be able to do everything, but step out in God's timing into the things you feel He is leading you into. Go through the doors He is opening. You may even have to take a few steps in some direction and see if a door previously closed will open as you approach it.
 For example, God taught me a lesson once using the automatic doors that fly open as someone steps on the rubber pad. He said something along these lines, "Joyce, you can sit in your car at the grocery store all day long and that door will never open for you. You can watch other people go in and out all day and it won't get you in the store. But if you get out of your comfortable seat and head toward the door, as your approach, you will find it opening for you also."
 Maybe you have a little direction from God, but you don't see the full picture. God leads step by step. He may never show you step two until you take step one.
 God is progressive and I have found that my faith is also. I may have a little faith and so God shows me a little something to do. Then as I am faithful over the little thing, He shows me the next step and by then, my faith has grown to be able to handle it.
Maybe you need something simple like taking a different route to or from work.
You might think, "Well, what if I get lost?"
My response would be, "Well, what if you have a good time?"
Taking risks, calculated or not, can be very scary. Even if the current circumstances have run their course and in some ways may even be unhealthy or unproductive. But it is in that fear that we find faith and it is in that area of the unknown that we find trust. You may say well I don't trust the new place I am going or I may not fully trust the people there. But I ask you do you trust yourself? If you do, then you will have all the trust that you need. You know yourself best and you know you would not purposely put yourself in situations that are not safe.

So the next time you feel like you are faced with difficult options and you must make a critical choice, just remember there is something to be said about the road less traveled: sometimes it will lead you right where you need to be.

-DeMaster Thomas 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Age and Wisdom

So there are lots of sayings out there, age before beauty, beauty before wisdom, etc. Well every now and then a great combination comes along like cookies and milk so that we can all be reminded daily of the little things along the way that make all the difference. (DeMaster Thomas)

Written by Regina Brett, 90 years old, of the Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio .

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I've ever written.

My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.

16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive everyone everything.

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.

35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

42. The best is yet to come...

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44. Yield.

45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."

Thursday, November 11, 2010

You Can Be

You have the power to be anyone you want to be from the inside out. You can be a leader and never serve in office. You can be a parent and never have any children. You can be a savior and never walk on water. You can be a hero and never leap a tall building in a single bound, because you have the power. You have the power to be a trusting son or loving daughter. You have the power to be faithful lover and dependable friend. You have the power to be an ethical person of principle and you have the power to be a believer in core values. You have the opportunity to share this power, everyday you live. You have the power to rule a kingdom simply by being the role model in your own home. Rules are not meant to be broken. They are meant to be rules. There is no such thing as an exception to the rule; otherwise it would not have been a rule in the first place. You have the ability to change the world without ever leaving your community. Just by being you. So today, choose to make a difference for yourself and the ones you touch along the way. Choose to be the best you can be for yourself and the ones you love.

De'Master A. Thomas

Friday, October 8, 2010

Once an Adult-Twice a Child

Every life has reason. How that life came to be is nowhere near as important as how invaluable that life is once it is in the world. It is common to harp on how a child was conceived and far too common to live in regret believing that child's purpose is any less than another simply based on when, where or how the child came to be. Regardless, once you are here, guess what! You're here. Welcome.

Now that you are part of the incredible tapestry of life, what are you going to do with it? The options are indeed limitless. While they may not appear that way at first, they are. As a child, you will learn, grow, and develop your mind, body and spirit from your internal and external environment. While you may not necessarily contribute financially to your household, you bring joy, laughter, challenges, learning opportunities, moments of enlightenment, times of self-reflection and most importantly, you bring a message. A message that unconditional love is not a concept, but a reality. You are, for most parents, the focus, the point, the reason they carry on each day. Life without you is soon seen as a hazy blur in the rear view mirror. You are the gift and the purpose for a loving parent. You are literally a slogan-"you bring good things to life." So it is only fair that you live your life as the blessing you are-to the fullest. As a child, now is the time to take in as much as you can. Ask as many questions as your heart desires, but be prepared to accept the answers, whether it is what you want to hear or not. Know that if you are reared in love, you will reap the benefits of a healthy upbringing and while you may not like all the things you see and experience now, it will come into good use at some point in your life. All things and experiences can be used as tools for adulthood.
-De'Master A. Thomas

Adults. Through your early years, you were told what to do and how to do it. Now is the time to put your skills and knowledge to work. You are an adult. It is only fair to ask that you act accordingly. When you were a child, you thought like a child, now that you are an adult, you will think like one. You will make rational decisions based on realistic facts with a hint of gut feeling to support your choices. You will not take advantage of others, but instead gain advantage by embracing opportunity for growth when you see it. You will find throughout these years that these are the most productive, most creative, most contributing years of your life. You will continue to ask lots of questions. You will continue to make mistakes and you will continue to learn from them. Career, family, professional and personal relationships will consume most of these years. So be sure that you are choosing wisely in all categories. If you don't like something-change it. Now is the time to explore, expand, and entertain those childhood dreams. As long as they are healthy and beneficial, go for it. This is the time to embrace responsibility, work hard, play hard and set yourself up for the future. At times it will seem like the struggles are not worth it, but struggles build character. Each experience shapes and molds you into the true man or woman you were designed to be. Find your unique gift, share it and be a blessing to yourself and others. If you do not know what your unique gift or ability is yet, be open to new ideas and avenues along your journey. You may not know your true calling, but your true calling knows you and knows just when and where to find you. If you have already set ground for a successful personal and professional life, reach one, teach one. "Maintain and elevate" and teach your children well. And while you may not like all the things you see and experience now, it will come into good use at some point in your life. All things and experiences can be used as tools for your senior years.
-De'Master A. Thomas

Say it loud, say it clear. You have survived the living years. There were lots of moments filled with laughter and others filled with tears. You have come so far and struggled for so long and carried heavy burdens along the way. But you can now look back and say it is was all worth it; you did it all for this special day. The day you can say your wisdom, your time and your love are the reasons you never strayed. You stayed focused when faced with adversity and made a way when the path was not straight. If you have not done all the things you want to do in this life-do them now before it's too late. You spared nothing when it came to raising your children and always saw them through. Good thing you did, because the ones you took care of, will one day take care of you. Be wise when planning for the final hour, you can finally sit back and smile. We leave this life as we came in it, once an adult and twice a child.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Letter From God

Dear child, I noticed you sitting here and wondered if I may sit with you. I heard your thoughts, but it was so loud that when I answered you, you could not hear Me. I saw your tears, but it was so clouded, you could not see Me. I saw you fall, but you were so angry in fear, that you could not feel Me. So I thought I would write you this letter, and when you had a moment, you would read it and remember how much I love you. 

When others called you ugly, I said you are beautiful. When others said you were mean, I said you are my friend. When others turn away from you, I call you my hero. When others have forgotten about you, I think about you everyday. 
I only want the best for you, if you want it for yourself. So when they tell you that you were a mistake, tell them I said you were made with purpose. I knew exactly what I was doing, when I brought you into this world. I will keep my promise I made to you, before the day you were born; to enjoy the laughter and smell the roses and help you endure the thorns. You see, you are truly, madly, deeply loved, so stay close, because it gets better. And if ever you need a reminder, know that I Am with you always, and go back and read this letter.

Forever Yours, 
Love God
(De'Master A. Thomas)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Lust vs. Love

And the winner is...
As if you had to ask.  Look.  Our society and progressive sexual revolution have led us astray.  We have only one body - one mind - and one "heart."  To believe that overindulgence in carnal pleasures is healthy is a complete scam to rope you into buying pointless products that do more damage than good.  And to lure you into doing irreparable damage to yourself physically, mentally and emotionally.  It starts in the home.  That's right. Sounds old fashioned, but proper care of the body and mind starts with the parent and child relationship.  What you learn as a child, you take with you into adulthood.  What you teach or fail to teach your children they will learn somewhere else and then it may be too late.  Never lie to a child.  About anything.  Including fully educating your child on the proper use of their bodies.  After all, it is "procreation" not "recreation" and while it may feel great for the moment, every time you lay down with someone you give a small part of yourself away that you will never get back.

So ask yourself.  It is worth it?  Is the price of lust worth the value of love?  Obviously there can be no wager on something that is priceless.  We all live with temptation.  We are all born with natural desires, wants, and needs to be desired in return.  Sex is a beautiful and fantastic expression of love between two people who are committed to each other on every level.  Did you catch that? Sex is an expression of Love.  When it is equally shared between two people who are committed to each other.  Ask yourself. What better way to show how I feel about someone than to give myself completely to them?  But there must be an all 4 points bond or it is only sex-not making love.  The outcomes are irreversible and so is the passion or pain depending on which role you play.  Learn what is natural and maturely seek to share your love with someone.  You will find that true love and happiness in a relationship requires no special effects to be magical and spectacular.  Take your time with love and be mindful of how you treat your body.  Indeed you will get out of it what you put into it so if it is a landfill you are planning then so shall it be trash that you put in it.  If it is warmth, compassion, ecstasy, and the embrace of your deepest connection with this person, then unleash the beast and go for it.

Indeed the body is amazing, attractive and exciting.  But the mind is strong, wise and careful.  Let your mind be the guide of your body-not the other way around.  If it is not appropriate for children, it is not appropriate for adults.  Adults, lead by example and know that those who follow are watching.  If you are careless and destructive with your sexuality and make hurtful decisions with negative outcomes, then there is a greater chance the child to follow will make the same choices.  So choose wisely in your quest to find a life partner.  If you are not ready for love then you are not ready for sex.  Plain and simple.  If you are not completely and totally ready to bring a life into this world in a two parent household that is stable and prepared to raise a child, then you are not ready for sex.  If you believe that lust is love - then you are definitely not ready for sex.  There is this great illusion we have fooled ourselves into believing; that it is okay because we can always use protection.  Again I say to you, if you have to invite any type of external devices into your bed with your life partner, including contraception, then you are not ready for making love.  Sex between two people with any type of foreign object is not love.  Because love knows no boundary and knows no border.  So if you think you are doing yourself a favor by strapping up or plugging up-think again.  You are purposely manipulating the design of intercourse to become strictly recreation and taking away its original purpose: to bring a life made out of love into this world.

And there you have it. K.O. knockout, first round. Love wins with one hit to the heart and lust loses with all its empty body blows to the senses.  Be wise in your step and let your mind be the guide for the body.

-DeMaster A. Thomas

Friday, September 24, 2010


Forgiveness. It is not a concept. It is a fact. Forgiveness is always a win-win solution. It does not matter what the reason was. Far too often you hear people say well that's unforgivable. Literally speaking, there is no such thing. Humans are conditional beings. We forgive, but we do not forget. This is also on purpose; by design. If you forget, you do not learn from the mistakes and remember to avoid them in the future. I have been known to say forgiveness is not for them - it's for you! I say this because of the incredible relief it brings to the heart and mind to finally "let it go" and of course, it lets the other person know that you are no longer holding that negativity over them.

Here is a little exercise in forgiving deeply. If you have a picture or are in the presence of the person you wish to forgive, say this aloud to them with sincerity. If it is yourself you need to forgive, say this aloud and put your name first. (Example: mom, dad, son, daughter, their name or your name here and keep going....) If the other person is not ready to listen, write them a letter or leave a message. Either way, the healing begins now. If the other person needs to say these same words to you-be prepared to listen and be forgiven!

"( insert name here ), today - I forgive you. 100 times for a 1000 things, I forgive you.  It was not your fault that (state issue(s) here) happened.  Even if it was, I still forgive you. To wish (__) was never born is to wish (__) was never loved and that is not truly how I feel.  I may have let outside influences determine what I think about (__). I can see the lies from the truth. I am ready to accept the truth. It is time for me to enjoy my life completely without the stress of being angry. So today (___), I forgive you. I forgive you for (list all the things you can think of here). I have to start taking better care of me. I will no longer bring these things up as a way to hurt you or to get back at you. In return, I ask that you forgive me for anything I may have done along the way and know that I will do all I can to learn and grow from this."

To be most effective, choose a quiet setting where all parties can listen and speak without interruption. It is crucial that the listener holds their response until the end. Do this and you will be fulfilled. To forgive is to love and to love is Divine.

-DeMaster A. Thomas

These Three Words

Friday, September 3, 2010

What's In A Dream?

Underneath all the daily dishes of obstacles, challenges, and speed bumps along the path of life, there is still that little spark in all of us that encourages us to dream. And if we can dream, we can visualize a reality where those obstacles bring us to higher ground, those challenges prepare us for the future, and those speed bumps slow us down enough to enjoy the small things along the way.

Dreams are the gateway to the soul. Do not be afraid to follow. Focus on the final outcome and literally see yourself where you want to be. This is how concept becomes reality. See it, believe it, become it. Ah, the power of dreams. Not to mention it is also a great way to explore the vast corners of the imagination and can be quite entertaining, emotional, and even spiritually uplifting at times. Keep a journal of you are able. Record the events and images you see in your dreams. After all, they may be trying to tell you something more lurks beneath the surface of all those so-called random images.

Could it be your aspirations are looking for a way out? It is never too late to start or finish something you put your mind to within reason of course. So keep a log or diary and move forward. Your diligence may uncover the blueprint you need for a new business plan or a help you find new direction in your relationship. It may be a heartfelt message you need to share with someone close to you. If you haven't already, get started today and unlock the treasure chest of your dreams. You'll be surprised what you find.

-De'Master A. Thomas

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What is Love?

Oscar the Grouch says, "everybody is always talking about love." Perhaps love is something more than what our commercialized, materialistic society would have us believe. Maybe there is more to the core of love than just chocolates and flowers. Since the beginning we have asked ourselves what is this force; this power; this energy; this living breathing entity the world calls love? Well to be brutally honest we as a being do not have the answer. So for a true, deep, irrefutable, incontestable answer, I went to The Source.
I asked Love itself, who are you...really?

Love said, "I am patient. I am kind. I am never jealous. I am not boastful and full of pride. I am never rude, selfish or easily provoked. I keep no record of wrongdoings. I do not delight in pain or sorrow. Instead, I smile and sing out in truth. I protect. I trust. I hope. I dream. I visualize. I overcome. I am light for all. I am life for all. I-Never-Fail."

What do you have to say about that, Oscar? So the next time you feel that warm, comforting feeling inside of you to do something sweet, gentle and kind for yourself or someone else, embrace it and smile and know that it is Love.

-De'Master A. Thomas

Concentrate on the Present

For those of us who like to believe that we are in a state of bliss just because there is a certain sense of sanity in our lives, stop and remember that all that glitters in the mind is not gold. For every good thought, there are at least two negative thoughts holding it back. How do we overcome this? Focus.  

Concentrate on the present and use the past as a guide for the future. Look at your past decisions and find out what stopped your true sense of drive and creativity from blossoming into a tangible, realistic, attainable goal. Then look at your present situation. What steps or changes do you need to make in order to implement this idea and bring it from concept to reality? And lastly, look ahead to the future. A failure to plan is a plan to fail. Fear not the words of financial budget - healthy boundaries - and the wonderful phrase we all like to use - I'm just looking - because staying focused and centered in your personal/professional life, will only make you stronger and ultimately give you the power you need to see your new creation through to success.

-De'Master A. Thomas