Showing posts with label spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirit. Show all posts

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Red Pill Blue Pill: Wake Up


POWERS            PRINCIPALITIES        (fallen angels)
                                   The Mark of the Beast is spiritual/internal NOT external
Right hand                                     Forehead                                  (human behavior)
Actions (body)                            Thoughts (mind)                        (for anti-christ or for God)
Blood of Yeshua Messiah           Pineal Gland (Holy Spirit)        (perverted by satan)
Angelic/hybrid blood is blue     human blood is red   
Demon/reptile copper based    iron carbon clay based
Red Pill is lucifer                   Blue Pill is satan/antichrist              (Purple=lord of the flies)               
(Both make minions/sheep of humans to the world/blind to truth and fateful or faithful to satan by default; you are either hot or cold; there is no lukewarm; by choosing to not follow the Son of God you automatically by default follow lucifer; not choosing is choosing against Yeshua. The lie is in both pills from satan to the world. The Bible says be “sober minded” (drug free means no pills); the world/satan says:
Take the RED pill and stay in satanland and see how far into hell and away from God you can go; Take the BLUE pill and choose not to believe in anything at all; but even choosing not to believe is a belief in-and-of itself. Therefore do not put your faith in freemasons, world leaders, governments, sciences, technologies or anything of this world. Instead Be Still and know that I AM GOD)

- JOHN 14:6

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Let's do some evaluation: on this site in many others, you will hear reference for healthy disposition to positive attitude and moral character. So, let's check in. How have you been? How has your attitude been? What are you doing with your life? Where are you at right now in your life? Do you know what direction you are headed? If you answered no or negatively to any of these questions, well then ask yourself, what are you waiting for? Are you kidding yourself? In other words, are you aspiring for unrealistic expectations of self and others? We also talk about this on this site; setting small goals with realistic expectations that lead to making larger more prominent decisions that will effect you for the long haul.

Principle and habits go hand in hand. Our habits will always overcome our will power. Why? Because that is how the human mind is designed, unfortunately. So we must make our habits fall in line with our will power so that our habits are productive and constructive. Good habits will fuel change in our hearts, giving strength to our will power. Real change comes through. By developing and strengthening good habits, you will have spiritual renewal. Be quick to offer your talents and skills to things to will uplift, break bad patterns and transform your mind, body and soul. This is the first part of Complete Resolution: Spiritual Renewal.

This is where we answer the question: why? What's the motivation for "doing good?" After all, it's a broken, flawed world full of death and hate and destruction. But what if just for a moment, it wasn't? What if we all, at an individual level, CHOSE one day to say, no more? I talk about on this site about the Ripple Effect. I change and be to myself and others and then those around me do the same and then those around them do the same and before you know it, you have whole communities, towns, cities, countries, nations, practicing "good" habits, lending their talents and abilities to the betterment of self and others. Some say when you understand the "why" and if the "why" is big enough, the "how" doesn't matter. I say, it's IN the how that makes all the difference and creates a permanent imprint on you and everyone you come in contact with.

The next part of making a complete internal/external resolution is Structural renewal. You are surrounded by people who see what you do and how you act and react to things in your life. You may have friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, colleagues, classmates, etc. that deal with you on a daily basis one on one. Then there are those who see what you do and don't even know you ie the strangers you pass in public everyday. This is your structure. You directly influence your structure by exuding a positive attitude and practicing clean, healthy habits. This is where you answer the questions "what" and "when".

That last part of complete internal/external resolution is Systematic renewal. This is the part that is hardest for most people because we are drenched and soaked in temptations from a 360 degree radius! But we MUST have a clean new system, it answers the hardest question: how? The answer is CHOICE. You must choose to change. You have to want to change. No one, no god, no faith, no belief or lack thereof, will make a choice for you. You have to choose that you want to change from the inside out. When you do, the system works in your benefit to bring the most abundance life has to offer you. Take the time to put the "system" in place and the structure will surround and strengthen the spirit.  

They all work together like clock work. For more information and discussion on this complex topic, feel free to email me at : DETHOMAS2012@GMAIL.COM or leave a comment below for others to share their thoughts and ideas. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Say No to Yes!

Let's face it. Some of us are always in a hurry. Rushing to work, school or even to play. We rush to get a great deal or sale before the so-called savings are gone, we hurry to get to someone or something or do something before it's too late. All I have to say is, where's the fire? I understand as humans we are limited, constricted and quite simply, in a cold war with time. But there is something to be said about just taking it slowly, learning to work with time instead of against time. Let it work for us instead of us working against it. It may be as simple as saying, no, at times we would normally say yes. Let's take a closer look at how this interesting flip on the theory unfolds for our benefit. -DeMaster A. Thomas

The Cost and Craziness of Culture
The Vision for Life: Living with Peace
Making and Keeping Priorities
The Priority and Reward of Rest (Quiet Time)

"Yes and "No" mean something. When you say it, stand by it. It only has as much strength as you give it. Let what you say be simple and clear and it will leave little room for confusion. K.I.S.S.-Keep It Sweet and Simple and mean it. Anything more is doing too much and invites room for misunderstanding.

Say NO to the urgent and YES to important. There is truth to the saying, "the early bird gets the worm." Here's an experiment for you, take a day, maybe once a week, where you get up in the morning before sunrise, take a few moments to be quiet and just do some deep breathing and meditation. 

This is just a simple exercise to literally clear the mind of all the gunk and start fresh. This is the brain's way of saying "NO" to the noise of everyday hustle and bustle and "YES" to the peace and quiet of the soul. Once your mind is clear, your are more attentive, focused and you free your mind to say "NO" to things take your attention away from what's really important and "YES" to the mission that lies ahead. This can be done for just about anything; school, work and daily activities. 

Another popular saying is, life is but a stage and we are all but actors. This too is true. Especially when it comes to truly doing and being at your best. You see, Life doesn't sign autographs. Because to Life, you are the star! To be at your best, you have to say "NO" to the things that will bring you down and tear you apart and "YES" to the priorities that make the most of your time. You would be surprised if you take a moment to really do inventory on your life at how much you have around you that can kill, steal and destroy your momentum, motivation, excitement and enthusiasm. This is the hardest of them all, because we are human. Temptation is a human's worst enemy. It kills more lives than any known or unknown disease since the beginning of humankind. Saying "NO" to temptation will prevent unhealthy things in life from overtaking you and robbing you from living a full and abundant life. In your faith and your walk in Life, you will never be tempted beyond your ability or given too much of anything you can't handle. This is simply a matter of believing in yourself and knowing that no matter how much you "think" you can't. YOU CAN! So, say "NO" to temptation and "YES" to success and it will give the strength you need to endure and overcome.


Monday, November 5, 2012

"Hush Little Baby, Don't Say A Word..."

Ah the beautiful peace of ... sleep. CBS News reported April 2012 that 41 million American workers don't get enough sleep, CDC says. When was the last time you spent 24 hours doing-nothing! I mean a full day where you didn't produce anything?! What if I told you that not only is rest your God-given right as a human, it's a mandatory commandment? 

That's right. TO REST IS A COMMANDMENT. "Where," you might say..."I don't remember anything in the Bible that says, I have to stop running myself into the ground...I can go all day and all night and do whatever I is short, I'll play hard and sleep when I'm dead."

Well with that attitude, you most certainly will. Not that rest is a laughing matter. "There's about 41 million workers who aren't getting the recommended amount of sleep," study author Dr. Sara Luckhaupt, a medical officer in the division of surveillance, hazard evaluations and field studies at the CDC's National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in Washington, D.C, told HealthDay. "Not surprisingly, workers who work the night shift are more likely to not get enough sleep," she said, adding people who work more than one job or more than 40 hours a week are also likely to get too little sleep. 

Exodus 20: 8-11
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Hebrews 4:9 backs it up by saying, There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God. Okay, okay, not to be preachy, but it's nice to know that taking time off from everything is not considered being 'lazy'. It's actually exactly how you're supposed to spend your down time.

Now of course, not to mention the many known health reasons for rest, there are spiritual and emotional reasons to rest as well. It is a time to reflect, clear the mind, exhale, and in return, your focus, energy and stamina will be replenished. Not to mention you will feel emotionally stronger, spiritually sound and finally, your mind, body and spirit are all at peace at the same time.

History teaches us that Sunday became the day of rest because it was recognized as the day the Lord rested as well as the day that Jesus rose from the dead. Before then, it was actually Saturday! Okay so that's probably what you would consider useless knowledge you can use to annoy your friends. The point is, After work and play, there is rest.

Dr. Michael J. Breus, a sleep expert and clinical psychologist, told WebMD that if you fall asleep in less than 10 minutes, you're probably sleep deprived. Another sign that may ring familiar to some: "If you hit the snooze button more than twice you are probably sleep-deprived," Breus said.
What should the nation's sleepy workforce do to stop the trends?
Luckhaupt told WebMD that employers should take steps to make sure their workers are getting enough sleep, such as by tweaking night shift schedules or imposing limits on consecutive shifts. Employers should also have wellness initiatives that encourage workers to go to sleep at the same time every night and create a relaxing bedroom environment. That also means avoiding reading or television in bed and turning off that smartphone.

Revelations 1:10, Galatians 2:16 & 4:10, 2 Corinthians 3:6-17 and Psalm all support the fact that rest = blessing! That's right. If you give your body the rest it needs, it will reward you by being the tool you need to function in the world. Let's face it folks, it's the only body we're going to get on this lovely trip through life so let's do our best to take care it and in return, it will take care of us!

"Getting the right amount of sleep can boost a person's health. A study earlier this year found people who don't get sufficient sleep significantly raise their risks for diabetes and obesity. Love it or hate it, with an ever-increasing number of studies finding a direct connection between sleep deprivation and weight gain, it's difficult to deny the cause-and-effect relationship. People who get at least seven hours of sleep per night tend to have less body fat than people who don't. There are, of course, other factors involved in determining who becomes overweight and who doesn't, like food intake, exercise and genes. But sleep is a more integral of the process than most people realize. In a study involving 9,000 people between 1982 and 1984 (NHANES I), researchers found that people who averaged six hours of sleep per night were 27 percent more likely to be overweight than their seven-to-nine hour counterparts; and those averaging five hours of sleep per night were 73 percent more likely to be overweight.

So there you have it. The mind, body and soul can only benefit from good ol' fashioned R & R done the right way. And when you are well rested, you can wake up and bring in the new day recharged, refreshed and ready to take on what ever new challenges or tasks you have for the day. Sabbath  rest means to work hard and rest easy. Are you being a blessing for you? Are you using your one and only life to serve a higher purpose? If you answered yes, then you owe it to yourself and the those who depend on you to : RECOVER, RENEW, RESTORE AND REFUEL. If you need a little help finding the sweet spot in your hectic schedule to rest, be sure to take a look at "Making and Keeping Priorities" posted 10/28/12 on this site. If you want more reading for daily study, you can look at Mark 2:27, Matthew 11:28 & 12:10. Now go out there well rested and embrace your life! 

Until next time, I'm DeMaster Thomas and this - is Real Living. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Word From the Wise

The Path of Seeking God First

The Creator did not send his Son for the righteous, he came to seek and save the lost in the loss of pride, ego and material things - faith and trust abound if you did not have any faith before - you will when you are done.

Come as you are - broken and God makes you whole and new-cleans you up and gives you a new job, new tasks, new outlook. He's in the business of creating new things to make you full, deep and abundant.
5 values to base your path on
1. Love God - set Him first.
2. Love Others - serving others fulfills the love.
3. Invest/Invite - if another person is willing to come to church, bring them.
4. Read a verse daily - fuels the spirit and heals the mind.
5. Financial peace - 10/10/80 rule. Save 10%, give 10%, live off 80%. It works with surprise.

These tools will help you to grow stronger everyday. Where is the light and hope in a world full of more and more darkness? YOU. Jesus, through the Spirit that is in you, transforms "stinking thinking" into good thinking and leads you as a light through a dark world. Through Him, you are transformed.