Monday, February 11, 2013

Say No to Yes!

Let's face it. Some of us are always in a hurry. Rushing to work, school or even to play. We rush to get a great deal or sale before the so-called savings are gone, we hurry to get to someone or something or do something before it's too late. All I have to say is, where's the fire? I understand as humans we are limited, constricted and quite simply, in a cold war with time. But there is something to be said about just taking it slowly, learning to work with time instead of against time. Let it work for us instead of us working against it. It may be as simple as saying, no, at times we would normally say yes. Let's take a closer look at how this interesting flip on the theory unfolds for our benefit. -DeMaster A. Thomas

The Cost and Craziness of Culture
The Vision for Life: Living with Peace
Making and Keeping Priorities
The Priority and Reward of Rest (Quiet Time)

"Yes and "No" mean something. When you say it, stand by it. It only has as much strength as you give it. Let what you say be simple and clear and it will leave little room for confusion. K.I.S.S.-Keep It Sweet and Simple and mean it. Anything more is doing too much and invites room for misunderstanding.

Say NO to the urgent and YES to important. There is truth to the saying, "the early bird gets the worm." Here's an experiment for you, take a day, maybe once a week, where you get up in the morning before sunrise, take a few moments to be quiet and just do some deep breathing and meditation. 

This is just a simple exercise to literally clear the mind of all the gunk and start fresh. This is the brain's way of saying "NO" to the noise of everyday hustle and bustle and "YES" to the peace and quiet of the soul. Once your mind is clear, your are more attentive, focused and you free your mind to say "NO" to things take your attention away from what's really important and "YES" to the mission that lies ahead. This can be done for just about anything; school, work and daily activities. 

Another popular saying is, life is but a stage and we are all but actors. This too is true. Especially when it comes to truly doing and being at your best. You see, Life doesn't sign autographs. Because to Life, you are the star! To be at your best, you have to say "NO" to the things that will bring you down and tear you apart and "YES" to the priorities that make the most of your time. You would be surprised if you take a moment to really do inventory on your life at how much you have around you that can kill, steal and destroy your momentum, motivation, excitement and enthusiasm. This is the hardest of them all, because we are human. Temptation is a human's worst enemy. It kills more lives than any known or unknown disease since the beginning of humankind. Saying "NO" to temptation will prevent unhealthy things in life from overtaking you and robbing you from living a full and abundant life. In your faith and your walk in Life, you will never be tempted beyond your ability or given too much of anything you can't handle. This is simply a matter of believing in yourself and knowing that no matter how much you "think" you can't. YOU CAN! So, say "NO" to temptation and "YES" to success and it will give the strength you need to endure and overcome.